Mijn kijk, uitleg van Peptiden

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  • Mijn kijk, uitleg van Peptiden

    Ik start even een eigen thread, kan wel in die van HD gaan rotzooien maar dan wordt het imo erg onoverzichtelijk, dus ik ga hier maar starten.

    GH systeem

    3 hormonen

    Maak een V met je vingers, je hebt nu de basis voor je van het GH release systeem, 1 vinger is Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) en de andere is het hormoon Somatostatin.

    De bodem van de V is waar de 2 hormonen samengaan, aan de bodem hebben we somatotrophs, Growth hormon releasing cells, deze cellen zijn het meeste van hun tijd bezig GH te creëren en op te slaan.
    Dus dit systeem heeft 3 hormonen, we hebben Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) welke vanaf je hersenen komen en de somatrophs activeren om GH los te laten dat het gemaakt heeft en opgeslagen heeft.
    Als we de cell non stop om GH zouden vragen dan eindigen we met een leeg GH depot, dus constante afgifte van GH, dit noemen we een GH bleed, je krijgt dus constant een klein beetje en geen grote golf GH.

    Wat zorgt voor de GH vrijlating?, Je hersenen geven Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) af, dus als GHRH constant vrij is om te doen wat het wilt hebben we een GH bleed.
    Maar een ander deel v/d hersenen maakt C dit noemen we ook wel de uit schakelaar, het zoekt contact met de GH cell en geeft het commando, niet afgeven.
    Als we wel Somatostatin hebben maar geen GHRH zullen we nooit een GH release krijgen, zo krijgen de cellen de kans om GH te maken en op te slaan.
    Als we nu de Somatostatin kunnen laten verdwijnen en de GHRH kunnen laten verschijnen, krijgen we een grote GH puls.
    Je ziet dus dat zowel de aan als de uit schakelaar een belangrijk deel zijn in het goed doseren en afgeven van het GH.

    Wat je dus niet wilt is constante afgifte van GH, je wilt juist die pulsen hebben om te groeien en ontwikkelen.

    Als we dus onder in de V beide hormonen hebben, wat gebeurd er dan?, helemaal niks omdat de uitschakelaar sterker is dan de aan schakelaar. De goede samenwerking tussen deze twee is dus erg belangrijk, de ene komt en de andere gaat, depot vol dan kan de release weer komen.

    Ghrelin(GHRPs) het vierde hormoon in de GH release systeem.

    Om het verhaal compleet te krijgen hebben we nog een vierde hormoon bezig, GH is het eindproduct, de aanmaak,opslag,release van alle hormonen samen resulteert in GH.
    Als je de V in je vingers vervangt door een Y(V van je vingers, streep eronder is je arm) heb je een mooi model voor het GH release systeem.
    Je arm komt uit in je maag en daar wordt het hormoon Grehelin gemaakt, Grehelin is het hongergevoel maaghormoon(hunger derived gut-hormone)
    Het kan de cell contacten waar de GH opgeslagen ligt, wanneer het dat doet verlaagt het het effect van de Somatostatin.
    Grehelin bevordert GH vrijgave, dmv het brein meer GHRH te laten vrijgeven, en door Somatostatin te laten afnemen.

    In feite zorgt Grehelin zelf al voor een afgifte van GH zelfs als Somatostatin nog aanwezig is, maar Grehelin maakt de omgeving veilig voor GHRH om zijn werk te doen, en laten nou net Grehelin en GHRH synergetisch werken op het GH afgifteproces.
    GHRH en GHRP helpen elkaar dus, ze maken elkaar sterker, als Grehelin 5 units vrijgeeft en GHRH 2 dan doen ze samen 15.
    Grehelin is nagemaakt in zijn functie, we noemen deze Growth Hormone Releasing Peptiden (GHRPs) deze zijn dus synthetisch en doen hetzelfde als Grehelin.

    Waar zit IGF-1 dit proces in de weg?
    Niet echt als je GHRH en GHRPs extern toedient, ga hier nog verder niet op in.

    Wat zijn CJC-1295, CJC-1293,GRF(1-29),Sermorelin en modified GRF(1-29)

    Kort gezegd zijn het allemaal vormen van GHRH

    Wat zijn GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Ipamorelin en Hexarelin

    Kort gezegd zijn het allemaal GHRPs, Grehelin imitaties.

    Hoe kies ik, wat doe ik?

    Stap 1:
    Je weet nooit wanneer Somatostatin ze werk gaat doen, ben je aan het gokken als je GHRH injecteert, alleen als je precies op tijd prikt als de Somatostatin weg is dan heb je een degelijke GH afgifte, wil je toch safe zitten zou je 20x de normale dosis moeten prikken om van de Somatostatin te winnen. Of alleen GHRH is niet bijzonder nuttig.
    Stap 2:
    Kies een GHRP omdat dit GH afgifte kan verzorgen en de omgeving klaar maakt voor GHRH
    Stap 3:
    Kies een GHRH om toe te voegen aan de GHRP omdat ze synergetisch werken aan de GH puls.
    Stap 4:
    Kies een doseringsschema, 1x doe je voor bed, bij 2x voor bed, PWO doe je 3x ochtends,PWO, voor bed.
    Je kunt maximaal 6x per dag nemen, om de 3 uur.
    Neem je het slechts alleen voor slapen dan zal het je slaap verbeteren en een kleine anti aging effect hebben.
    Stap 5:
    Begin met 1 dosis per dag en voer het op, hier is geen echt schema voor.
    Stap 6:
    Bepaal de dosis, ideale dosis is 1mcg per kilo lichaamsgewicht, meeste nemen gewoon 100mcg, dat is makkelijk doseren en altijd in de buurt, tenzij je 50 kilo weegt maar dan kun je beter eerst gaan eten.
    De dosering is voor mannen en vrouwen gelijk, je kunt meer nemen maar al neem je dubbele hoeveelheid heb je geen dubbele werking, baten naar geld is dit dus zonde.

    Wat zijn al deze peps en welke moet ik nou nemen?

    Eerst een sidenote, er wordt hier naar GHRH. GH, en Grehelin gerefereerd als hormonen, het zijn hormonen die natuurlijk in je lichaam voorkomen en zijn simpelweg eiwitverbindingen, het is dus een hormoon en een peptide.

    Welke GHRH ?

    Het lichaam maakt GHRH van 44 aminos lang, 15 aminozuren zijn onbruikbaar dus we willen de eerste 29 hebben ook wel bekend als GRF(1-29), ja GHRH(1-29) zou logischer zijn maar iemand koos Growth hormone Releasing Factor de nummers verwijzen naar de amino’s.

    GRF(1-29) reageert als GHRH dus die houden we groen, GRF(1-29) is een FDA goedgekeurd drug namelijk Sermorelin
    Dus GHRH, GRF(1-29) en Sermorelin zijn praktisch hetzelfde, het probleem is dat ze makkelijk opgegeten worden door bloedenzymen, kwestie van minuten.
    Als je het direct in het juiste hersendeel zou kunnen injecteren doet het wel zijn werk, maar in je bloed is het met een paar minuten verdwenen.
    Er zijn analogen gemaakt aan de peptiden zodat ze een langer leven beschonken zijn, zo rond de 30 minuten.

    IGF-1 LR3 is een afgeleide van IGF-1
    CJC is de term die gegeven is aan het langer maken van het leven in je bloed
    Er is lang mee geknoeid om tot een juist middel te komen, zo heb je GRF(1-29), deze wordt in minuten gekilde in je bloed, toen kwam er CJC-1293, ook deze was geen lang leven beschonken, en uiteindelijk kwam er cjc-1295, dit is met een heel lang leven(DAC)

    Je wilt eigenlijk geen van deze CJC’s de eerste 2 niet ivm te kort leven en de laatste ivm te lang leven, dus wat je wel wilt is het laatst ontwikkelde modified GRF(1-29) dit is een 30 minuten durende GHRH.

    Welke GHRP?
    GHRP-6 is slordiger en activeert een wijdere range of effect mbt de GH release, het geeft een intens hongergevoel, heeft mild effect op cortisol en prolactin, het is de eerste generatie GHRP.

    GHRP-2 is minder slordig en geeft een intensere GH afgifte, minder hongereffect, iets meer cortisol en prolactin, dit is de tweede generatie GHRP.

    Ipamorelin is helemaal niet slordig, het geeft niet zoveel GH vrij als GHRP-2 maar het geeft totaal geen hongergevoel en heeft amper effect op prolactin en cortisol, dit is de derde generatie peptiden.

    Qua effectiviteit, kosten, is de aanrader wat mij betreft GHRP-2.

    Aanmaken van beide producten.

    CJC komt in 2mg potjes, je doet hier 1ml bac water bij.
    Je hebt nu 2000mcg per ml, je hebt 100mcg nodig, als je dus 100iu op je 1ml spuit hebt is elke unit 2000/100=20mcg, met 5 units heb je dus 100mcg

    GHRP komt in 5mg potjes, ofwel 5000mcg, je doet hier 2ml bac water bij.
    Je hebt nu 2500mcg per ml, je hebt 100/150 mcg nodig, dus als heb je 100 iu op je 1ml spuit is elke unit 2500/100=25mcg, dus 4 tot 6 units/streepjes voor 100/150 mcg.

    Onbewerkt, dus als poeder kun je het maximaal 2 jaar in de vriezer bewaren, bewerkt dus aangemaakt of zoals het mooi heet gereconstrueerd is het 1 maand houdbaar in de koelkast.

    Voorbeeldje testrapport cjc
    [IMG]file:///C:\DOCUME~1\a840843\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip _image001.png[/IMG]

  • #2
    en effe deze reserveren voor vervolg, dat wordt igf denk ik maar kan best even duren.


    • #3
      engelse aanvulling, ik ga kan en wil niet alles vertalen of zelf inrepteren, sommige info is ook in het engels makkelijk te verwerken:

      Dosing Levels and protocols for Mod/GHRP usage (Level 1 to Level 7)
      People seem to be confused at times over all the different possible dosing schemes... can you go below saturation doses, can you go above saturation doses, what does more times a day mean, how can synthetic growth hormone be added, what do professionals do, how about healing... so here is a very rough guide:

      LEVEL 1 - Minimalist Anti-Aging

      If you have Modified GRF(1-29) and a GHRP (such as GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Ipamorelin) and it is like what is found in the studies (such as from Tom) then you may dose below saturation levels and receive a benefit. If you are anti-aging you may dose say 50mcg of each pre-bed and receive a benefit. The benefit will be better sleep, less waking during sleep and staying in the sleep cycle portion that is most restorative. This will aid normal recovery and promote well-being. I even have evidence that it has increased mineral bone density in a women with crippling bone degeneration.

      LEVEL 2 - Saturation Dose Pre-bed only

      A solid anti-aging approach would incorporate a saturation dose (either 100mcg of each or 1mcg per kg of body weight) of Modified GRF(1-29) and a GHRP (such as GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Ipamorelin). In addition a body sculptor will benefit primarily because just this one dose will entrain a better natural rhythm. In other words the natural rhythmic GH release will become more youthful, more pronounced. As a result there will be a better overall result for health, recovery and well being.

      LEVEL 3 - Saturation Dose Pre-bed & PWO

      Some minority of people have sleep interruption rather than better sleep from pre-bed dosing. Often a move from GHRP-6 or GHRP-2 to the smoother Ipamorelin will remedy this. If not moving the pre-bed dose to the morning often does.

      A post workout (PWO) dose serves protein metabolism well. The GH pulse serves to increase net whole body and muscle protein synthesis and may serve to increase the PWO activation of factors such as MGF. A twice daily dosing of Modified GRF(1-29) and a GHRP (such as GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Ipamorelin) at saturation dose (either 100mcg of each or 1mcg per kg of body weight) serves the body sculptor well in the areas of recovery, some contribution to anabolism, injury healing, well being and as a serious anti-ager with body shaping goals serves those interests as well.

      LEVEL 4 - Saturation Dose Pre-bed & PWO & Morning

      The morning dose can serve multiple purposes. In fatloss mode it can serve to engage the release of fatty acids which can be used for energy in a subsequent fasted cardio session. This serves everyone's purpose. Now the concept of getting in three dosings a day better serves anabolism and anti-catabolism. Retainment of amino acids surely is an anti-catabolic event but the act of having fat cells release fats is also an anti-catabolic event. The GH released from saturation doses of Modified GRF(1-29) and a GHRP (such as GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Ipamorelin) keeps an energy substrate in circulation which may be used as energy... it is anti-catabolic (in the sense of protective of muscle).

      Local growth factors will rise as well and at three times per day dosing systemic IGF-1 will rise as well but well within the boundaries of physiology. There should be no enhanced health danger, no abnormal organ and structural growth. The environment that three times per day puts one in is conducive to body sculpting. The addition of other factors may be added to enhance anabolism or fatloss... these factors can add to GH's contribution to shape change.

      AT this level if you micro-dose (5 or so small doses over a small area at each of the days three dosings) near the site of injury you have enhanced healing power. This may come in part from the GHRPs non-growth hormone effects as they may be able to bind to receptors in local tissue and bring local effects surprisingly similar to IGF-1.

      LEVEL 5 - Higher than Saturation doses

      This is a rather subjective area. Everyone will receive an immediate and noticeable benefit from dosing say twice saturation dose. However there will be variation in the type of feedback that this brings. For some dosing this high brings back negative feedback which diminishes future pulses... a desensitization. The reason a LOT of foolish people swear by higher dosing is the inferior quality of their peptides and the fact that the net amount of a peptide is as low as a third of the total net weight. Therefore it isn't surprising that people choose to dose 300mg of a peptide. In reality a clinical grade peptide such as Tom's would produce the same effect at saturation dose.

      I can only nod my head affirmatively to someone's proposed use of doses well above saturation IF they are not using Tom's peptides and need to attempt to get up to the level of efficaciousness we read about in the Journals.

      Now if you have a potent peptide that is clinical grade from Tom then you can creep up the dose to 150mcg and even 200mcg with diminishing returns. I would suggest you do this no more than once a day and better sporadically primarily around cardio fatloss toggles (a toggle means a going back and forth between two objectives. A toggle for fatloss means that most of your protocol is devoted to fatloss and soon perhaps hours, maybe a day(s) you will swing back toward anabolism). I believe the better approach especially if the goal is anabolism would be to add a forth dosing described below rather then exceed saturation doses.

      LEVEL 6 - Four or more Saturation Doses

      When you dose three saturation doses (either 100mcg of each or 1mcg per kg of body weight) of Modified GRF(1-29) and a GHRP (such as GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Ipamorelin) or less you pretty much can do this indefinately without needing to worry about wastage or negative feedback. ...if you ramp up to three times dosing side effects are usually minimal. As you move above that protocol things change... they change in several ways...

      If you were fasting all day (or maintaining a caloric deficit and keeping insulin quiet) dosing four times spaced 3 to 3.5 hours apart will serve your fatloss goals well, provided you have enough activity to use up the liberated fat.

      If anabolism is the goal, then you are moving into an area where systemic IGF-1 will begin to elevate; moving into high physiological , low pharmacological levels. Pulsation will remain. The local effects will be enhanced. Serious injuries may heal quicker. Against this background you will have better protein metabolism, enhanced local growth factors, more lipogenesis and you are now into an area where you have an enhanced level of glucose disposal.

      Side effects will increase subjectively. Many people can handle 4 or 5 times per day dosing. Many can not. Most will find it easily bearable. Four times per day is easily a scheme for the serious hobbiest and most certainly an area for those that truly know thier body's and what they can get out of the scheme. It has worked extremely well for many high level bodybuilders and yes plenty of low level ones as well and who else... pro-athletes and non-pros. Why throw in the words high and pro? Because they catch people's attention as ...because I have that information, and because this stuff is not a hobbiest's only endeavor anymore.

      LEVEL 7 - Variable Saturation Doses + Growth Hormone

      Depending on how you use it this doesn't have to be such a high level. You could saturation dose (either 100mcg of each or 1mcg per kg of body weight) of Modified GRF(1-29) and a GHRP (such as GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Ipamorelin) pre-bed and PWO but add 2.5iu of GH 5 to 10 minutes after the PWO dose and that would be your protocol. That is a solid one... the body sees one big PWO pulse... there is enhanced protein synthesis an increase in local factors and the pulse gets back down within 3.5 hours so there is no negative feedback. This approach is a bodybuilder approach and needs no change up because desensitization is not likely.

      The dosing patterns that involve the four or more saturation doses plus exogenous synthetic GH are the ones that are very high level. When you get to six time per day dosing spaced out every 3 to 3.5 hours you are creating elevations. A small portion of genetically unique people handle this differently then most. They do not get the intracellular signalling desensitization. In fact they are actually able to dose between natural pulses as well. For everyone else you are going to be chronically elevating IGF-1. Is this desirable? Well it is unhealthy but can serve a purpose if the level is not held for too long. This level coupled with insulin is likely to result in gut growth.

      However keeping the dosing within a range that your genetics allow may mean that some can go 5 times a day with some of those times having GH add ons.

      The best way to approach all of this is to mix the pattern...


      • #4
        What is growth hormone?

        Synthetic Growth Hormone
        is an artificially created hormone "identical" to the major naturally produced (endogenous) isoform. It is often referred to by its molecular mass which is 22kDa (kilodaltons) and is made up of a sequence of 191 amino acids (primary structure) with a very specific folding pattern that comprise a three-dimensional structure (tertiary structure). This tertiary structure is subject to potential shape change through a process known as thermal denaturation. While many labs are capable of generating growth hormone (GH) with the proper primary structure not all will be capable of creating a tertiary structure identical to the major naturally occurring growth hormone. The tertiary structure can determine the strength with which the growth hormone molecule binds to a receptor which will in turn affect the "strength" of the intracellular signaling which mediates the events leading to protein transcription, metabolism, IGF-1 creation, etc. It is this inconsistency that accounts in part for the differences in effectiveness of various non-pharmaceutically produced synthetic growth hormone.

        Naturally produced Growth Hormone is produced in the anterior pituitary and to a far lesser extent in peripheral tissue. It is made up of a blend of isoforms the majority of which is the 22kDa (191 amino acid) variety with which most are familiar. In addition an isoform that is missing the 15 amino acids that interact with the prolactin receptor is also produced. This form is known as 20kDa and although it binds differently to the growth hormone receptor it has been shown to be equally potent to 22kDa. It appears that 20kDa has lower diabetogenic activity then 22kDa. The pituitary releases a blend of these two isoforms with 20kDa averaging perhaps 10% of the total although this percentage increases post-exercise. Currently there is no synthetic produced for external administration for this isoform.

        Growth hormone (GH) in the body is released in pulsatile fashion. It has been demonstrated that this pattern promotes growth. The pituitary is capable of rather quickly synthesizing very large amounts of growth hormone which it stores large amounts in both a finished and unfinished form. Adults rarely experience GH pulses (i.e. releases of pituitary stores) that completely deplete these stores. As we age we do not lose the ability to create and store large amounts of growth hormone. Rather we experience a diminished capacity to "instruct" their release. The volume of GH that is released can not be properly equated to the exogenous administration of synthetic GH for the reason that a set of behavioral characteristics accompany natural GH that differ from those of synthetic GH. Among those characteristics are concentrated pulsatile release which upon binding in mass to growth hormone receptors on the surface of cells initiate signaling cascades which mediate growth events by translocating signaling proteins to the nucleus of the cell where protein transcription and metabolic events occur.

        These very important signaling pathways desensitize to Growth Hormone's initiating effects and need to experience an absence of Growth Hormone in order to reset and be ready to act again. The presence of GH released in pulsatile fashion is graphed as a wave with the low or no growth hormone period graphed as a trough. Therefore attempting to find a natural GH to synthetic GH equivalency is not very productive because in the end what is probably import is:
        - the quantity & quality of intracellular signaling events; and
        - the degree to which GH stimulates autocrine/paracrine (locally produced/locally used) muscle IGF-1 & post-exercise its splice variant MGF.

        Brief overview of natural GH release

        The initiation of growth hormone release in the pituitary is dependent on a trilogy of hormones:
        Somatostatin which is the inhibitory hormone and responsible in large part for the creation of pulsation;

        Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) which is the stimulatory hormone responsible for initiating GH release; and

        Ghrelin which is a modulating hormone and in essence optimizes the balance between the "on" hormone & the "off" hormone. Before Ghrelin was discovered the synthetic growth hormone releasing peptides (GHRPs) were created and are superior to Ghrelin in that they do not share Ghrelin's lipogenic behavior. These GHRPs are GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Hexarelin and later Ipamorelin all of which behave in similar fashion.

        In the aging adult these Ghrelin-mimetics or the GHRPs restore a more youthful ability to release GH from the pituitary as they turn down somatostatin's negative influence which becomes stronger as we age and turn up growth hormone releasing hormone's influence which becomes weaker as we age.

        The exogenous administration of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) creates a pulse of GH release which will be small if administered during a natural GH trough and higher if administered during a rising natural GH wave.

        Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Ipamorelin) are capable of creating a larger pulse of GH on their own then GHRH and they do this with much more consistency and predictability without regard to whether a natural wave or trough of GH is currently taking place.

        Synergy of GHRH + GHRP

        It is well documented and established that the concurrent administration of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and a Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide (GHRP-6, GHRP-2 or Ipamorelin) results in synergistic release of GH from pituitary stores. In other words if GHRH contributes a GH amount quantified as the number 2 and GHRPs contributed a GH amount quantified as the number 4 the total GH release is not additive (i.e. 2 + 4 = 6). Rather the whole is greater than the sum of the parts such that 2 + 4 = 10.

        While the GHRPs (GHRP-6, GHRP-2 and Ipamorelin) come in only one half-life form and are capable of generating a GH pulse that lasts a couple of hours re-administration of a GHRPis required to effect additional pulses.

        Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) however is currently available in several forms which vary only by their half-lives. Naturally occurring GHRH is either a 40 or 44 amino acid peptide with the bioactive portion residing in the first 29 amino acids. This shortened peptide identical in behavior and half-life to that of GHRH is called Growth Hormone Releasing Factor and is abbreviated as GRF(1-29).

        GRF(1-29) is produced and sold as a drug called Sermorelin. It has a short-half life measured in minutes. If you prefer analogies think of this as a Testosterone Suspension (i.e. unestered).

        To increase the stability and half-life of GRF(1-29) four amino acid changes where made to its structure. These changes increase the half-life beyond 30 minutes which is more than sufficient to exert a sustained effect which will maximize a GH pulse. This form is often called tetrasubstituted GRF(1-29) (or modified) and unfortunately & confusingly mislabeled as CJC-1295. If you prefer analogies think of this as a Testosterone Propionate (i.e. short-estered).

        Note that some may also refer to this as CJC-1295 without the DAC (Drug Affinity Complex).

        Frequent dosing of either the aforementioned modified GRF(1-29) or regular GRF(1-29) is required and as previously indicated works synergistically with a GHRP.

        In an attempt to create a more convenient long-lasting GHRH, a compound known as CJC-1295 was created. This compound is identical to the aforementioned modified GRF(1-29) with the addition of the amino acid Lysine which links to a non-peptide molecule known as a "Drug Affinity Complex (DAC)". This complex allows GRF(1-29) to bind to albumin post-injection in plasma and extends its half-life to that of days. If you prefer analogies think of this as a Testosterone Cypionate (i.e. long-estered). Unfortunately CJC-1295 results in growth hormone bleed. This means that although pulsation remains base levels end up chronically elevated.

        You do not want to use CJC-1295. You want to use Modified GRF(1-29).
        Why? (Partial Explanation)
        "Cell-to-cell communication is also likely to reflect the density and proximity of adjacent cells as GH responsiveness (but not sensitivity) to GHRH is enhanced at higher densities and basal GH release is greatest at low densities."

        "Cell-to-cell contact may therefore affect the cellular integrity of somatotrophs because GH synthesis or secretory granule storage may be better maintained in high density cell concentration then in low-density concentrations." - Growth Hormone, Stephen Harvey

        What happens is cells in the pituitary communicate. They self organize and create a firing network for coordinated growth hormone release. This communication creates a high density of GH releasing cells. They are in close proximity through their communicatory network. The cells have specific spatial relationships that may be modulated by peripheral endocrines. These include sex steroids, thyroid hormones, glucorticoids and even the pancreatic and gut hormones. Their spatial relationship is also effected by physiological state such as nutrient status, age and pregnancy.

        As a quick example, corticotroph, thyrotrophs and folliculostellate cells are in close proximity to somatotrophs and communicate with them through gap junctions (almost like just reaching out and touching signaling). They have the potential to effect and be effected by their neighbors.

        What happens when you have GHRH always around is you force these somatotrophs to release GH because they are sensitive to the GHRH binding to them and effecting release. By constantly occupying you are preventing them from coordinating with surrounding cell populations. You force these cells to act as low density subpopulations. Basal GH release is greatest when you can disperse the spatial relationship between somatotrophs and that is what an always on GHRH will do.

        CJC-1295 as an always on GHRH will force upon somatotrophs loner behavior with a single constant chore. This reduces GH responsiveness as this only occurs when somatotrophs can communicate, self organize and maintain social relationships with the surrounding community. These types of social somatotrophs are better able to make and store GH then the loner cells.

        So CJC-1295 seems to disperse somatotrophs and enslave them getting less from them then if it had just let them congregate in towns and cities.

        Aging has an effect on the vitality of city centers as well and as we age these somatotroph population centers become less vigorous. By using a more physiological GHRH such as modified GRF(1-29) together with a modulator GHRP-2 we revitalize that inner city and allow our cells to be more social and thus more productive. If instead we choose to use CJC-1295 we not only fail to remedy the problem associated with age , but we may end up exacerbating it.

        I conjecture that it also makes them better neighbors to corticotroph, thyrotrophs and folliculostellate cells as well.


        • #5
          Flinke bonk tekst. Even iets achterlaten zodat ik hem op een later tijdstip eens op mijn gemak na kan lezen.
          The Sky Ain't The Limit

          "Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragement, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak."


          • #6
            Super stuk tekst vooral het engelse peptide stuk net al aandachtog gelezen. Ik had zelf ook al redelijk wat onderzoek gedaan en flink wat stukken gelezen maar je vat het aardig samen zo. Super bedankt. Staan ook veel nieuwe dingen tussen.
            "The only thing worse than failing is not trying."


            • #7
              Originally posted by Cidious View Post
              Super stuk tekst vooral het engelse peptide stuk net al aandachtog gelezen. Ik had zelf ook al redelijk wat onderzoek gedaan en flink wat stukken gelezen maar je vat het aardig samen zo. Super bedankt. Staan ook veel nieuwe dingen tussen.

              kan je niet slapen


              • #8
                Netjes quibus..mooi verwoord!


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