Training D
Paused safety bar squat:
- 101kg 5x
-Box squat BW 50x
Sumo safety bar goodmorning:
- 35kg 22x...
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Gestart door Ellie, 04-09-2011, 09:46
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door Ellie
11-09-2011, 20:26
Gestart door GeneralIx, 06-02-2008, 17:12
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door GeneralIx
06-02-2008, 17:14
Gestart door Shannasse, 17-12-2006, 22:21
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door Shannasse
17-12-2006, 22:21
Gestart door Axor B., 22-08-2003, 10:22
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door Axor B.
22-08-2003, 10:22
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door JeremydsraggTrifola Farms CBD Gummies :- excessive kinds of epilepsy, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) and Dravet syndrome. Other trials are underway investigating the...
Kanaal: Algemeen
17 uur geleden -
Antwoord op Naruto's logdoor Naruto rulezzTraining C
Pin zercher squat:
- 120kg 1x
Safety bar back extension:
- 41kg 2x
Military press:
Kanaal: Trainingslogjes
3 dagen geleden -
Antwoord op Naruto's logdoor Naruto rulezzTraining B
SSB squat:
- 90kg 6x
One legged calf raise;
- BW + 51.25kg 12x, 10x
Paired met
Lu side raise:...-
Kanaal: Trainingslogjes
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door SofiaBoamCBD Gummies Tiger Woods From reducing tension and promoting rest to relieving ache and enhancing sleep, cbd has speedy received a popularity as a natural...
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