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  • #16


    TThis is an esterified form of the base steroid steroid testosterone, much like enanthate, cypionate and sustanon 250. It's a superlipophillic, oil-based injectable that slows the release of the steroid into the blood stream. But compared to enanthate and cypionate, propionate is a very short ester and is still released quite fast. As such more frequent injections are needed. Levels will peak after 24-36 hours and begin tapering from there on out, making the longest possible time-span between injections, at least or proper results, about 3 days. Most athletes will opt to inject 50-100 mg every day to every other day.

    It's not the most user-friendly steroid of them all. Frequent injections can be painful to begin with, to a point where users will begin scouting for different locations to stick the needle, in order to not aggravate the same spots all the time. To make matters worse, its not that pleasant to inject either. The injection-site can become irritated and swell, and sometimes give incredible itches or soreness when touched. All these factors combined, you can see that this is the best form of testosterone to start off on for most beginners. And still. As discussed with enanthate and cypionate, a long-acting ester requires some skill with ancillary drugs and familiarity with post-cycle protocol since simple discontinuation will not put a halt to all problems. In that aspect, for those who do not master ancillaries and post-cycle therapy, propionate is perhaps a better product to start off with. Levels of androgens and estrogens will drop within 2-4 days of discontinuation, effectively halting or reducing any occurring side-effects. Nonetheless, this is a testosterone with a high risk of side-effects (the characteristics of testosterone do not change despite the ester, which is just a carrier) so the use of Nolvadex/proviron/Arimidex and so forth is highly advised if you plan to see a cycle through.

    What is of note with propionate, is that users have successfully incorporated it into cutting cycles as well. Especially people who tend to lose a lot of mass normally during extreme diet phases find this useful. By injecting every two or three days and using only 50-75 mg each time, no notable water builds up (or at least none that can't be fixed with proviron, arimidex or winstrol) and no fat is deposited, thus allowing a user to stay relatively lean. So this type of testosterone can be used to keep gaining or retaining mass until 2-3 weeks out of contest time with relatively little difficulty. Although most will choose to add Proviron (50-100 mg/day) out of precaution. Its best use is of course still in bulking phases to pack on mass. Testosterone is not the king of the hill of all mass-builders for nothing.

    On the American black market propionate is not an extremely available item, its most popular in Europe, where its use is more wide-spread than that of the long-acting esters. Its nonetheless a desired item almost anywhere in the world because it's a very controllable form of what is no doubt the most powerful steroid ever. The cost is quite high too, easily running 2 to 3 times more for a weekly dose than enanthate, cypionate or sustanon 250.

    Stacking and Use:

    As a short-lived oil based injectable, most will want to opt for doses of 50-100 mg every day to every other day. Those of a lighter stature seeking to use it for cutting purposes may want to make that every 2nd or 3rd day, or add proviron as a precaution instead, 50-100 mg/day sufficing in most cases. The site of injection is best rotated each time, or problem can occur. The compound is irritative and the damage to the skin and underlying tissue can cause some cosmetic problems if it becomes repetitive. Subcutaneously , balls of fat or tissue can build up. In most cases these need to surgically removed. So rotating is wise.

    For bulking purposes one is best to stack testosterone with a base compound such as Deca-durabolin (nandrolone) or Equipoise (boldenone), and can addition Dianabol (methandrostenolone) or Anadrol (oxymetholone) for 5-6 weeks, at the beginning, to kickstart the gains a bit. Most will choose for a more user-friendly, longer-acting testosterone for bulking purposes however. For cutting, the best and primary addition is that of Proviron, which will reduce if not stop estrogen build-up, increase muscle hardness and strength and allow for a higher free testosterone level. But naturally other compounds lend themselves quite well too. Base compounds such as Equipoise or Primobolan (methenolone) making a good match for longer stacks, and towards contest time steroids such as Anavar (oxandrolone), finaplix (Trenbolone) or Winstrol (Stanazolol) make the best matches, as they too will help increase muscle hardness and decrease body-fat, while maintaining lean muscle mass. With testosterone, most any combination is possible. Because testosterone is always the stronger compound in a stack.

    In terms of ancillaries, the use of anti-estrogens is advised. For cutting puposes one will want to run Proviron alongside the testosterone for the length of the stack, which will rarely make the use of other anti-estrogens a necessity. If no Proviron or arimidex is used, you may want to keep some Nolvadex handy. Should problems arise starting on 20-40 mg of Nolvadex until a while after problems subside should be sufficient for all intents and purposes. Testosterone, being a heavily aromatizing compound, is also quite suppressive of natural testosterone (most so, safe for nandrolone) so a post-cycle therapy with Nolva/Clomid and HCG is necessary. Usually one will start HCG the last week or two weeks of a stack and run it about 4 weeks. HCG shots of 1500-3000 IU given every 5th or 6th day. That means during the end of a cycle, one shot of HCG is given per two shots of testosterone. A user should also opt to wait on using clomid or Nolvadex until the androgen is cleared. For longer esters that was 1.5 to 2 weeks, obviously that time-frame should be reduced to 1 week or even half a week for propionate. One will then start on either 40-50 mg of Nolvadex or 150 mg of Clomid per day for a period of two weeks, and then follow it up with 20-25 mg of Nolvadex or 100 mg of Clomid per day for another two weeks. Post-cycle therapy will facilitate the return of natural testosterone and make it more likely for the user to retain most of the mass he gained while on the cycle.
    "Only the weak attempts to accomplish what he knows he can already achieve."

    "Failure will not overcome me so long as my will to succeed is stronger."

    "Success must be felt within before it can be seen on the outside."

    "You have to do what others won't to achieve what others dont."


    • #17
      Boldenon Undecylenaat
      25 mg/ml

      Methandrioldiporopionaat (sic)
      30 mg/ml
      METHANDRIOL - Back to Steroid Profiles >>

      Methandriol was a popular steroid in the U.S. during the early 1980's and was used until a few years ago when it was taken off the market. It was a water-dissolved injectable compound which was available only in a strength of 50 mg/ml. Powerlifters and competing bodybuilders appreciated the strong androgenic effect and the extremely low half-life time. Since Methandriol was dissolved in water, daily injections were necessary. It had the advantage of not causing water retention and this, combined with the distinct androgenic component, allowed powerlifters a large strength gain without increasing the body weight, thus helping them obtain good muscle hardness and density. Since Methandriol was quickly effective after the injection some powerlifters used it as a "booster" before a work-out or a competition to increase their aggressiveness. This steroid was usually taken only briefly, normally for 2-4 weeks, in a daily dose of 50 mg. Since the water-dissolved Methandriol was difficult to detect in doping tests, hammerthrowers, shotputters, javelin throwers, and sprinters were among its users - Women took it only rarely due to the possible masculinizing symptoms. Today the wa-ter-dissolved, injectable Menthandriol can be found neither as an original compound nor as a fake.

      Totaal 55 mg
      "Only the weak attempts to accomplish what he knows he can already achieve."

      "Failure will not overcome me so long as my will to succeed is stronger."

      "Success must be felt within before it can be seen on the outside."

      "You have to do what others won't to achieve what others dont."


      • #18
        Originally posted by [b
        Citaat[/b] (dirkster @ Mrt. 23 2004,20:45)]
        Bionabol 5 mg
        Metandienon; 5 mg/tab
        Metandienon; 5 mg/tab

        Anabol tablets
        Metandienon; 5 mg/tab
        Metandienon; 5 mg/tab

        Methandienon (Meca)
        Metandienon; 5 mg/tab

        Metandienon; 5 mg/tab
        Metandienon; 5 mg/tab
        Attached Files


        • #19
          die clomid neem ik dus niet te laat ,ik heb ooit wel een eenns kuur van 18 weken gehaad,en ik voelde bij week 8a10 dat mij lichaam gek ging doen ,en toen heb ik pas besloten in de week 20 a 22 clomid te pakken en dat is me niet goed bevalen ,ik denk dat ik iets te laat was ,dus ik dacht neem hem niet te laat ,ik kan nog eventuel nog een weekje clomid nemen,maar ik neem hem niet weer zo laat dan voel ik me niet zo lekker,en die hcg is nog niet zon gek idee,en die virormone is een water basis middel ,die is snel werkent ,dat is effe in het begin met methanabol lekker combinatie dan voel je meten die power ,je krijgt lekker pomp,en dan ga je over na omnadren dat is op olie bassis,hij is lang werkend,lekker massa op bouwen en lekker sterk ,dus dan kan ik nog meer er uit halen kwa gewicht,en van drive word ik meestal lekker droog ik bedoel me zelf ,iemand anders zou zeggen dat het niet zo is maar ik vind bij mij wel zo is,


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