50 Pullups Programme

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  • 50 Pullups Programme

    50 Pullups Programme

    50 Pullups Programme is a training programme which will help you develop your strenght and physique.

    Most people can do less than 10 pullups and very few can do more than 15. With our programme you will be able to improve your results. Our training programme is designed to help you reach at least 30 pullups.
    30 or 50?

    The programme is written up to 50 pullups. It is a lot and it is extremely difficult do reach.

    We created such plan so that anyone can aim at perfection.

    To be honest though, when you reach 30 pullups, it will already be a really impressive achievement. You will have developed your strength and physique substantially. 30 pullups is absolutely enough to maintain healthy, developed muscles and you don't need to do more than that.

    However, if you want to aim higher, we have 50 pullups for you

    Before you start

    • familiarize yourself with rules of the programme,
    • learn how to warm up before the training,
    • learn how a correct pullup looks like.

    You can read about it all here, on our site.

    Good luck!


    Rules of 50 Pullups Programme

    The rules of 50 Pullups Programme are simple:

    1. Do the test. The result of the test will help you choose a training cycle suitable for your level of fitness.
    2. Choose a training cycle based on your test results. For example, if you've done 7 pullups, you start our programme from the 6-8 cycle. If you've done 12, you start from 12-15 cycle, and so on.
    3. Carry on with the training using the instructions from the given cycle. Remember to rest between training sessions for at least one day, and after 3 sessions for at least 2 days. Muscles don't like being overworked and if you exaggerate, your power will start to drop insead of rising. Some people will notice that longer rests between training days give them even better results. Remember also that if you're older, you need more time to regenerate.
    4. If during a cycle you weren't able to do all sets of pullups for a given day, don't worry. Rest for 2 or 3 days and then try again. Every time you do that, your strenght and fitness will rise and eventually you will complete the 'day" and move to the next.
    5. After finishing a cycle rest for at least 2 days before you do another test.
    6. After few days of rest do the test. Remember to warm up before the test and rest for at least 2 afterwards. The test will tell you which cycle to do next. It's not worth cheating during the test. It's better to repeat a cycle than start the next one if you aren't ready yet.
    7. After a 2 day break start your next training cycle.
    8. Follow the above instructions until you reach the last cycle (more than 40 pullups). When you reach the last cycle, you will be in a very good shape and you will be able to try to do 50 pullups. But remember – 30 is good enough to keep you fit and well built.
    9. After finishing the last training cycle take a break, relax for a couple of days and then do the test again. This time there's a big chance that you will reach 50 pullups. If not, don't worry. Do the last cycle again, and repeat again. With every repetition your strength and endurance will get higher and finally you will do it - you will do 50 pullups.


    The Test

    Pullup test is an inseparable part of the programme. The test ensures that you train in the cycle matching your fitness level.

    • You absolutely have to do the test before you start the programme, to see which cycle you should start with.

    • You will have to repeat the test after every training cycle to see if you cam move to the next cycle or repeat the current one or maybe jump a few cycles up.

    Before you start the test make sure that there aren't any medical reasons for you to not train. If you have any doubts consult your doctor.

    The test

    This test is really simple. You just do as many pullups as you can. It's just as easy.
    One thing you shout remember is to do the pullups correctly. Don't cheat yourself. The test will help you choose the apporpriate training cycle. If you choose incorrectly, the results won't be as good as they could.

    If you do the test correctly you will be absolutely exhausted. You will not able to do another pullup at all. But be careful – overworking your body may lead to an injury and can interrupt your training, do do not exaggerate either.

    Remember to rest before and after the test for at least 2 days. Don't do the test immediately after finishing a cycle and don't jump to another cycle straight after the test either. Too intensite trainig slows down the growth of muscles and in some situations can completely stop it. Remember to give your muscles rest after every session. Remember to warm up – stretching, swings, etc. will be really helpful.

    Test results

    During the test you count only these pullups during which you managed to raise your chin above the pullup bar. You also don't count the last pullup which you didn't do completely.
    This test will help you decide which cycle to choose.

    After each training cycle, the amount of pullups you can do will rise and you will change cycles to more and more advanced ones. You will achieve 30 or even 50 pullups in no time.

    >>>50 Pullups | Ultimate pullups training<<<
    Last edited by inferno_0666; 05-06-2016, 21:04.
    I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
    - Dave Tate

  • #2
    Over de uitvoering:


    it’s important to cover the key differences between the chin-up, pull-up and neutral grip pull-up, as many people do not know the difference. The chin-up is performed with a supinated grip, which essentially means that your palms will be facing you. The pull-up is performed with the palms pronated, which means that they’ll be facing away from you. And the neutral grip, sometimes referred to as the parallel grip, is performed with the palms facing each other.


    The first thing I want to cover is chin-up form. Should you just get your chin over the bar, touch your clavicles, or touch the bar lower on your chest? Should you start from a dead hang or keep the shoulders and elbows flexed slightly? The truth of the matter is that each of these subtleties have different benefits and are all acceptable types of chin-up form in different groups of people.

    Personally, if my clients can tolerate chin-ups well, I prefer that they start from a dead hang (while maintaining tension) and touch their upper sternum to the bar. If you always utilize a full range of motion (ROM) when performing chin-ups, then when you set personal records (PR’s) you’ll know it’s due to true strength gains rather than just skimping on ROM.

    Grip Positioning

    We already covered the three primary grip positions when performing chin-ups/pull-ups.

    • The chin-up is performed using a supinated grip which places a greater emphasis on the biceps and moves the shoulders through a greater range of motion.

    • The pull-up is performed using a pronated grip and places a greater emphasis on the mid and upper back, as well as the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles.

    • The neutral grip pull-up is performed with palms facing each other which distributes weight more evenly amongst the joints and is easiest on the wrist, elbows, and shoulders. Therefore, the neutral grip is usually best for beat up lifters and is safest over the long run (which most youngsters don’t tend to consider until it’s too late).

    LEFT-Pronated (Pull-Up), MIDDLE-Supinated (Chin-Up), RIGHT-Neutral Grip Pull-Up

    Bottom Line: Choose a hand position the feels most comfortable and one which coincides with your goals

    Range of Motion

    The most important rule when it comes to pull-up technique (and all exercise technique) is to move through a pain-free range of motion. If this means your shoulder starts to bother you when you start and finish every rep from a complete dead hang position, then stay away from the portion of the range of motion that causes you pain. Along the same lines, if touching your clavicles to the bar consistently elicits pain, then don’t go up so high and just go to where the chin passes the bar. Some people find that tweaking their grip width or using rings allows them to achieve pain-free full ROM. Over time, as you gain comfort and confidence with the movement, you may find that the pain experience vanishes.

    Bottom Line: Move through a pain-free range of motion


    Keeping tension in the lats and surrounding musculature of the shoulder and scapulae is important for shoulder health and movement. At the bottom of the pull-up, you should still have tension in your armpit. The dead hang term causes trainees to believe that they should be completely relaxed in the bottom position of the movement, but please do not do this as this will place unnecessary and unwanted stress on the shoulder.

    Bottom Line: Keep tension in the lats and scapular muscles at the bottom of the movement

    Scapular Movement

    During the chin-up, the scapula SHOULD MOVE. The recent outburst of the cue to keep the shoulders down and back left some trainees down for the count. This cue can give the perception that during the chin-up, the trainee should keep their shoulders pinned down and back (the shoulder packed cue can also infer this pattern). This can be a recipe for disaster, especially for lifters who have had prior shoulder issues or are prone to injury. The video below portrays proper scapulohumeral rhythm. Granted, under heavy loading, the scapulae might not move as much, but the point is that you don’t want them completely pinned down.

    In a proper chin-up (or any overhead movement), the scapula upwardly rotate when the arms are raised overhead (the eccentric phase of the pull-up) and downwardly rotate during the concentric phase of the lift. Moreover, the scapula will depress slightly during the concentric phase and elevate slightly during the eccentric phase, which coincides with the scapular rotation. The lifter should allow the shoulder blades to glide over the ribs during the movement but understand to keep them stabilized and under control throughout. A helpful cue would be to think of the scapula as being sticky – moving freely but under control.

    Moreover, the scapula should not anteriorly tilt, so make sure the shoulders don’t round forward at the top of the movement and the chest stays tall (without excessively overarching the spine). It’s difficult to make general recommendations as lifters vary in anatomy, motor control, and interpretations of cues – it’s much easier when working with people one on one. Nevertheless, there should be a natural rhythm that progresses gradually throughout the ROM.

    LEFT- shows improper scapula positioning (lifter has pinned shoulders down and back which restricts movement.
    RIGHT- shows a more safe and healthy scapula which is upwardly rotated

    Bottom Line: Find a healthy balance of movement and stabilization in the scapula


    Swinging the Legs

    There are several ways in which a lifter may cheat while performing a chin-up. For the sake of this article, any sort of swinging of the legs or heaving of the torso will be considered cheating, as this article is intended to maximize the strict chin-up and not the kipping variation. Some slight leg swing is acceptable, but keep this under close control. Swinging the legs during the initial ascent offers a mechanical advantage to the lifter. This is commonly seen during around the time where fatigue starts to set in and lifters begin to struggle.

    Swinging to perform the chin-up…Not up in here!

    Bottom Line: Keep your form as strict as possible in training

    Overarching the Low Back

    Another common mistake when performing the chin-up is allowing excessive arching of the lower back. While arching can improve recruitment of the lats in some cases, it can be a contributor to lower back discomfort. My general recommendation would be to steer clear of this. You don’t need to form a perfect plank while chinning, but keep an eye on lumbar hyperextension and excessive anterior pelvic tilt, especially at the bottom of the movement.

    LEFT- Mistake of overarching
    RIGHT-Safer more effective spinal position with core braced

    Bottom Line: Keep the midsection braced and maintain the natural curve in your spine


    This first thing to do when designing a chin-up program is to establish your goals. You want to know exactly what it is you are training for, which will enable you base your training on specificity while strengthening your weaknesses. After all, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.


    Last edited by inferno_0666; 05-06-2016, 18:40.
    I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
    - Dave Tate


    • #3
      Thx! Heb jij het al geprobeerd? Zoja, hoe beviel het?
      Ik doe een gok


      • #4
        Ik ga binnenkort eens mee beginnen, wel de 30 variant dan denk ik. Ben nog niet sterk genoeg voor die 50 ben ik bang.
        Kan niet = wil niet


        • #5
          Originally posted by Pren View Post
          Thx! Heb jij het al geprobeerd? Zoja, hoe beviel het?
          Ik heb net week 2 achter de rug en ik ben in deze fase erin gestapt:

          6-8 Pullups | 50 Pullups

          Dus er is nog een lange weg te gaan.

          Originally posted by 1964 View Post
          Ik ga binnenkort eens mee beginnen, wel de 30 variant dan denk ik. Ben nog niet sterk genoeg voor die 50 ben ik bang.
          Het programma is zodanig opgezet je ermee begint op je huidig niveau. Je voert eerst een test uit om te achterhalen hoeveel pull ups je kunt doen en van daaruit werk je naar een hoger aantal reps.
          I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
          - Dave Tate


          • #6
            Doe je dit naast je reguliere training of als een onderdeel er van?
            Kan niet = wil niet


            • #7
              Originally posted by 1964 View Post
              Doe je dit naast je reguliere training of als een onderdeel er van?
              Gewoon als onderdeel ervan, het zijn maar 5 sets. Pull ups deed ik toch al en dit past prima een een 3 daags fullbody schema. De enige verandering is dat pull ups en rows zijn omgewisseld; pull ups worden nu het eerst gedaan en daarna rows.
              I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
              - Dave Tate


              • #8
                Ja dat ga ik ook doen denk ik, en dan ook nog een keer op legday ofzo.
                Kan niet = wil niet


                • #9
                  Originally posted by inferno_0666 View Post
                  Gewoon als onderdeel ervan, het zijn maar 5 sets. Pull ups deed ik toch al en dit past prima een een 3 daags fullbody schema. De enige verandering is dat pull ups en rows zijn omgewisseld; pull ups worden nu het eerst gedaan en daarna rows.
                  Ik doe precies hetzelfde. Hopen op een mooi resultaat.


                  • #10
                    Ik heb wel een aantal pull up programma's gevolgd. Maar dit ziet eruit als een mooie nieuwe uitdaging. Even kijken hoe ik het in ga passen Bedankt voor het delen.
                    Skeggǫld, Skálmǫld, Skildir ro Klofnir.


                    • #11
                      Ik ben zeer benieuwd naar jullie bevindingen.
                      I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
                      - Dave Tate


                      • #12
                        Lijkt me goed in mijn 3 daagse full body schema te passen. Zit al maanden (jaren?) vast op hetzelfde aantal reps met pull-ups dus lijkt me dit een leuke uitdaging. Benieuwd naar het resultaat .


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