Smolov jr.

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  • Smolov jr.

    Smolov jr.

    Smolov jr. is a three week program that comes from the Russian squat routine known as Smolov. A big difference is it’s 1/5 as long and not nearly as taxing on your body. Another difference is Smolov jr. can be used on other lifts besides the squat, and is actually quite commonly used on the bench press. The majority of users report that they add 20-35 pounds to their squat or deadlift, and 15-25 pounds to their bench press(some even claim numbers up to 40 pounds). Then there are the lifters that say it did absolutely nothing for them, but for the majority it usually works and increases your 1RM(one rep max) if done properly. The routine is as follows:

    Week 1

    Monday 6 6 70%
    Wednesday 7 5 75%
    Friday 8 4 80%
    Saturday 10 3 85%

    Week 2

    Note:(When you add the 10-20 pounds onto your percentage, it’s just the same weight you used last week plus 10-20 pounds.)

    Monday 6 6 70%+10-20lbs
    Wednesday 7 5 75%+10-20lbs
    Friday 8 4 80%+10-20lbs
    Saturday 10 3 85%+10-20lbs

    Week 3

    Note:(Do not add 15-25 pounds onto your lift in addition to the 10-20 from week 2. Instead add on extra weight to get a total of 15-25 pounds.)

    Monday 6 6 70%+15-25lbs
    Wednesday 7 5 75%+15-25lbs
    Friday 8 4 80%+15-25lbs
    Saturday 10 3 85%+15-25lbs

    To get your percentages you need to plugin your one rep max. For example lets say you can bench 200 pounds for one rep, then your week one would look as follows:

    Monday 6 6 140
    Wednesday 7 5 150
    Friday 8 4 160
    Saturday 10 3 170

    you can use a calculator to figure out your percentages if you click here.

    The way it works is it adapts your CNS to handling heavier weight, your warm-up weight will feel like an empty bar. You will also perfect your form practicing the lift four times a week also known as “greasing the groove” in lifts like bench press. By not going to failure you are allowing your muscles to not be fatigued and continue to overreach. It really is a controlled form of overtraining and takes advantage of supercompensation.

    When you add weight each week be careful not to add to much. The rule of thumb is to add more on lifts like squat and deadlift and less on lifts like the bench press. If you fail a set it usually means you added to much weight and should most likely drop back down at least five pounds. If the weight feels to easy then feel free to add a little more as long as you know you can handle it. When you complete the program be sure to rest and deload before you max out. You can max out a few days after completing the program, but the recommendation is at least one week, however listen to your body and if you need more than take more. It’s not unheard of to take two weeks off after running a program like this especially if you’re not that advanced or have poor recovery ability.

    You should not use this routine while trying to cut weight because you will most likely not gain anything, or even worse you may fatigue yourself to the point where your lifts actually decrease. You should increase your caloric intake(eat more) when working with programs like this to ensure recovery and reduce the chance of fatigue and overtraining. Staying hydrated is also a key part of any program and is vital to both strength and recovery, so be sure to drink as much water as you can for the best results. If you liked this program you could try out Lee Hayward’s Blast Your Bench Program, which has proven to be an effective routine to up your bench in only a few weeks.

    Below you can see two lifters who both added 20+ pounds onto their lifts using Smolov jr.

    I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
    - Dave Tate

  • #2
    Heel interessant Inferno! Vroeg me al een poosje af hoe de opbouw van sets/reps eruit zag met smolov jr.
    Ben Rice heeft het gebruikt voor zn Squat en ging er aardig lekker op.
    People often quit right before they're about to have the big breakthrough.


    • #3
      Een paar forumleden hebben Smolov Jr. gedaan voor bankdrukken en gingen er aardig op vooruit. Het is niet iets wat bij mij past aangezien ik 3 dagen per week beschikbaar heb om te trainen en tevens denk ik dat mijn schouders dat niet gaan trekken.

      Maar voor degenen die wel de mogelijkheden hebben is het zeker een optie.
      I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
      - Dave Tate


      • #4
        Ik heb het voor de lol gedaan voor het bankdrukken samen met Joachim. Volgens mij hebben we allebei toen ons 1rm verhoogd met 7.5/10kg

        Door het vele stretchen en soft tissue werk dat ik deed omdat ik Smolov volgde was ik aan het eind van de cyclus flexibeler en had ik meer mobiliteit in mijn schouders.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jurvg View Post
          Ik heb het voor de lol gedaan voor het bankdrukken samen met Joachim. Volgens mij hebben we allebei toen ons 1rm verhoogd met 7.5/10kg
          Ja, dat weet ik. Joachim is een van de forumleden die ik bedoelde.
          I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
          - Dave Tate


          • #6
            Hoe zit het met je andere lifts als je dit programma volgt? Kan je er bijvoorbeeld 2 x bij deadliften en 2x bij squaten ofzo?
            Ernstig noh!


            • #7
              Originally posted by bvds View Post
              Hoe zit het met je andere lifts als je dit programma volgt? Kan je er bijvoorbeeld 2 x bij deadliften en 2x bij squaten ofzo?
              Goede vraag, daar heb ik me niet in verdiept. Kijk eens in de logs van oki, joachimrens en Burnedice. Die hebben Smolov Jr. gedaan.

              Ik las trouwens net dat je zo'n cyclus wel kunt doen als je 3x per week traint. Het duurt dan 4 weken i.p.v. 3.
              I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
              - Dave Tate


              • #8
                Assistance Work

                As the bench press is not quite as physically demanding as the squat and the program is relatively short, you can get away with doing a little more accessory work. However, since this program is less than a month long, putting squats and deadlifts on maintenance mode is no bad thing.
                Chin ups, pull ups, ab work and rowing exercises are the best choices. Weaknesses in the muscles involved in the bench will become painfully apparent during the four weeks so you’re better off doing as little as possible after benching besides some rowing work for balance.

                Heb dit gevonden. Zal nog wel even door zoeken en anders ga ik het gewoon eens proberen. Mijn squat en deadlift zijn nou ook niet zo sterk dat er weinig rek op zit.
                Ernstig noh!


                • #9
                  Ben er vandaag mee begonnen voor SQ, aangezien ik niet op woensdag kan heb ik die verplaats naar de dinsdag.
                  sq 150- dl 2x180- be paused 110 - pp - 92.5


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