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"The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something. You can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent."
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Actieve discussies
Antwoord op Naruto's logdoor Naruto rulezzTraining B
Safety bar squat:
- 90.5kg 8x
-Box squat BW 100x
One legged calf raise:
- BW + 51.25kg 15x, 11x...-
Kanaal: Trainingslogjes
13 uur geleden -
Antwoord op Naruto's logdoor Naruto rulezzTraining A
Safety bar squat:
- 112.5kg 1x
- Box squat BW 55x
Deficit wide grip SL DL:
- 111kg 7x
- 70kg...-
Kanaal: Trainingslogjes
2 dagen geleden -
door gregory77Let's brainstorm a discussion around pediatric nursing dissertation topics. The ever-evolving landscape of child healthcare presents numerous opportunities...
Kanaal: Algemeen
2 dagen geleden -
Antwoord op Naruto's logdoor Naruto rulezzTraining D
Paused safety bar squat:
- 101kg 5x
-Box squat BW 50x
Sumo safety bar goodmorning:
- 35kg 22x...-
Kanaal: Trainingslogjes
4 dagen geleden -
door JeremydsraggTrifola Farms CBD Gummies :- excessive kinds of epilepsy, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) and Dravet syndrome. Other trials are underway investigating the...
Kanaal: Algemeen
4 dagen geleden -
Antwoord op Naruto's logdoor Naruto rulezzTraining C
Pin zercher squat:
- 120kg 1x
Safety bar back extension:
- 41kg 2x
Military press:
Kanaal: Trainingslogjes
1 week geleden -
door joshwicks123Cenforce is a popular medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. As a widely recognized brand, it contains Sildenafil Citrate, the same...
Kanaal: Gezondheid en uiterlijk
2 weken geleden -
Antwoord op Naruto's logdoor Naruto rulezzTraining B
SSB squat:
- 90kg 6x
One legged calf raise;
- BW + 51.25kg 12x, 10x
Paired met
Lu side raise:...-
Kanaal: Trainingslogjes
1 week geleden -
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