Originally posted by futurekill
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Bodybuilding the golden age of muscle mr olympia 1982-1983 & battle for gold 1988
Originally posted by futurekill View Posttof om eens te zien.Ze waren toen ook wel enorm gebouwd maar niet echt overdreven.Misschien focusten ze zich vroeger ook minder op de benen?geen enkele heeft zo'n dikke benen als de bb'ers van nu
I’m assuming that everybody reading this knows or has heard of androgen receptors (AR). The AR is what testosterone and related molecules bind to and one of the effects is to stimulate protein synthesis. In men, there is a distinctive pattern of AR whereby there is a higher AR density in the upper body (especially the traps and shoulder girdle which is why steroid users tend to have their shoulders BLOW up when they take anabolics) decreasing as you move down the body. If you think about it, this makes sense, since the typical wide shouldered v-shape is sort of the ideal ‘male’ physique, and we evolved like this for a reason.
By the time you get to the calves, the AR density is very low. So even if you train the absolute hell out of them they simply don’t get the same training effect because testosterone can’t exert as much of an effect. Even the legs of most men don’t have the same androgen receptor density as the upper body; yes, I’ve just given you guys an excuse for chicken leg syndrome.
On this note, my friend and altogether too smart guy Bryan Haycock once hypothesized to me that he thought that modern bodybuilders had better legs and calves than guys of old due to their essentially year round anabolic use. By constantly bombarding even the low AR number of the legs and calves with constant dosing (not to mention that studies show that steroids actually upregulate the AR number), he felt that this contributes to better leg size (compare for example, the size of Lee Haney’s legs to that of Arnold in his prime, despite all that squatting with logs, Arnold had proportionally smaller legs compared to his upper body).
http://forum.bodynet.nl/oefeningen/5...ml#post1012198I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
- Dave Tate
Originally posted by futurekill View Posttof om eens te zien.Ze waren toen ook wel enorm gebouwd maar niet echt overdreven.Misschien focusten ze zich vroeger ook minder op de benen?geen enkele heeft zo'n dikke benen als de bb'ers van nuTom Platz had een paar flinke benen
"You are what you eat..."
That's strange I don't think I've eaten any sexy beasts today...
Originally posted by Waterpoloboy View PostToch lukt het de pro's van tegenwoordig om dikkere benen te kweken dat toen.. Ben benieuwd hoe ze dat dan doen..I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
- Dave Tate
Dat is een interessante film. Wat me onduidelijk is is waarom die drie films gecombineerd zijn. Ze hadden die drie ook afzonderlijk kunnen oploaden. Het is grappig om te zien wat er in die dertig jaar veranderd is. Ook is het leuk om Berry de Mey Nederlands te horen spreken, en vervolgens schakelt 'ie over op Engels. Kennelijk was de interviewer een Nederlander, ook al was het een Engelstalige documentaire.Vergeet niet je lachspieren te trainen.
Originally posted by inferno_0666 View PostDat staat omschreven hierboven. Het gaat over waarom de profs van tegenwoordig gemiddeld gespierdere benen hebben dan toen.
"On this note, my friend and altogether too smart guy Bryan Haycock once hypothesized to me that he thought that modern bodybuilders had better legs and calves than guys of old due to their essentially year round anabolic use. By constantly bombarding even the low AR number of the legs and calves with constant dosing (not to mention that studies show that steroids actually upregulate the AR number), he felt that this contributes to better leg size (compare for example, the size of Lee Haney’s legs to that of Arnold in his prime, despite all that squatting with logs, Arnold had proportionally smaller legs compared to his upper body)."
Het komt dus eigenlijk gewoon, omdat de atleten van nu langer "on" zijn dan de toenmalige bodybuilders, waardoor hun benen groter kunnen worden..? Correct me if I'm wrong."Straight outta gym"
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