Vond m wel grappig...en helaas herkende ik ook wel het 1 en ander 
1- You perform 8 different versions of cable crossover but your bench press strength hasn't increased since George Bush was President.
2- Arms have an entire workout dedicated to them but you split your leg workout with shoulders.
3- When someone asks what your current 1RM squat is you tell them what you can do on the leg press.
4- You train legs less frequently than a female's menstrual cycle.
5- When bench pressing, the only time the bar touches your chest is in the brief moment you use your rib cage as a trampoline.
6- All of your one rep max lifts resulted in your spotter getting a pump.
7- You perform so much chest work that your posture resembles that of a silverback gorilla.
8- You update your Facebook status when you are at the gym. If you are telling everyone how brutal your workout is whilst you are doing it, it isn't brutal.
9- If you miss a workout you automatically resume your training split on chest and bicep day. Missed legs on Tuesday? Not a problem, just do chest and biceps again on Wednesday. Legs can be trained next week.
10- Your favourite back exercise involves seeing how many plates you can cram onto the T-Bar row and then performing reps like you are having a seizure.

1- You perform 8 different versions of cable crossover but your bench press strength hasn't increased since George Bush was President.
2- Arms have an entire workout dedicated to them but you split your leg workout with shoulders.
3- When someone asks what your current 1RM squat is you tell them what you can do on the leg press.
4- You train legs less frequently than a female's menstrual cycle.
5- When bench pressing, the only time the bar touches your chest is in the brief moment you use your rib cage as a trampoline.
6- All of your one rep max lifts resulted in your spotter getting a pump.
7- You perform so much chest work that your posture resembles that of a silverback gorilla.
8- You update your Facebook status when you are at the gym. If you are telling everyone how brutal your workout is whilst you are doing it, it isn't brutal.
9- If you miss a workout you automatically resume your training split on chest and bicep day. Missed legs on Tuesday? Not a problem, just do chest and biceps again on Wednesday. Legs can be trained next week.
10- Your favourite back exercise involves seeing how many plates you can cram onto the T-Bar row and then performing reps like you are having a seizure.