De uitstervende man

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  • De uitstervende man

    Helaas een docu in het Engels, maar als je even tijd hebt moet je dit zien. Is een extra goede reden om toch maar goed je broccolli en selderij te eten!

    In deze docu laten ze zien wat chemicalien in onze samenleving aanrichten. Wordt duidelijk dat mannen minder 'mannelijk' zijn. Lage hoeveelheid spermacelletjes, idiote spermacelltjes, trage spermacelltejes. Noem het maar op. Ik vond het wel interessant om te zien, zeker omdat het voor de jongere mensen hier redelijk relevant is.

    The Disappearing Male | Watch Free Documentary Online

  • #2
    Altijd al gedacht dat het de mannen van vroeger niet meer zijn!!
    "Bodybuilding is a long term commitment and you won’t get the results you want over night. "


    • #3
      Originally posted by Beaudien View Post
      Altijd al gedacht dat het de mannen van vroeger niet meer zijn!!

      "We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret."


      • #4
        Dit heb ik al eens eerder gehoord inderdaad. Zou voor een groot deel kopen door de oestrogenen die vrouwen (die de pil slikken) weer uitplassen toch? (Heb de docu nog niet gekeken)
        'Half men, half animal, all dead!'


        • #5
          Originally posted by Milestone View Post
          Dit heb ik al eens eerder gehoord inderdaad. Zou voor een groot deel kopen door de oestrogenen die vrouwen (die de pil slikken) weer uitplassen toch? (Heb de docu nog niet gekeken)
          Ja dat zou onder andere een van de redenen zijn, heb ik ook gelezen.
          Current status: Bulkin' and gainin'

          "The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something. You can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent."


          • #6
            deze docu gaat meer over de man en niet over de vrouw
            dat zaadcellen van nu niet meer goed zijn enz
            Calisthenics / Street workout


            • #7
              topic op

              Testosterone: It's on the decline, let's save ours (serious)
              I've been in a few threads lately, primarily jail bait threads, where people are shocked to see how fast women are maturing these days in comparison to us males. It seems that every few years women go through puberty faster while men are going in the opposite direction and seemingly becoming emasculated. Why is this happening, you may ask? Estrogen.



              One Xenoestrogen of particular importance is Bisphenol A. Clicking on that link will lead you to a wealth of information on it's health effects but most important to us, the sexual, see below:

              A 2009 study on Chinese workers in BPA factories found that workers were four times more likely to report erectile dysfunction, reduced sexual desire and overall dissatisfaction with their sex life than workers with no heightened BPA exposure.[126] BPA workers were also seven times more likely to have ejaculation difficulties. They were also more likely to report reduced sexual function within one year of beginning employment at the factory, and the higher the exposure, the more likely they were to have sexual difficulties.[127]

              Oh, sh*t, right? Granted, if you work in a factory that makes BPA your exposure will obviously be at a much higher rate than someone with a "normal" job, the point I'm trying to make is that it does affect your sexual life and hormones. It would take far too much space to go into every minute detail on every toxic xenoestrogen and phytoestrogen and why we should avoid them the most we can so I'd rather talk about what we can do and instead link you to some interesting documentaries.

              The Disappearing Male
              An Emasculating Truth

              I haven't seen the second but I have seen the first, which is said to be a little more informative and deals with more of the nitty gritty factors. Now for the good stuff.

              OK, I'm worried, what can I do to protect myself and increase my Testosterone?

              According to Charles Poliquin, one of the best products us men can take to deal with foreign estrogen is DIM. Here is a snippet from a fat loss seminar he held on DIM and it's effects:

              As for estrogen, DIM is a strong anti-estrogen that specifically targets the bad estrogens caused by phyto-estrogens in our environment.

              (see full seminar text here).

              Other things worth mentioning are completely avoiding plastics whenever possible, unless they explicitly state BPA-free. Camelbak makes an excellent 32 oz water bottle that I use, you can find that here if you're interested. As bodybuilders chances are wherever we go we're packing a meal or two and that meal is typically in some type of plastic container; switch to glass.

              Invest some money in a good water filter, although a water filter will not filter out estrogen (there are none that I am aware of) there are other toxic compounds in the water that you do not want inside of your body.

              As far as diet goes, please please please, please, do not go low fat. Testosterone is heavily dependent on fat and cholesterol for production. Stock up on olive oil, coconut oil, butter (real butter), they're all good choices. Eat eggs with the yolk. Buy grass feed beef whenever possible.

              You've switched out your old containers, you're eating a good amount of fat in your diet and taking DIM to help keep your estrogen in check, great. What else can you do?

              Vitamin D3;

              I have been following the advice I have just written here to the best of my ability and life is much better for me now. I sleep like a rock, get hard whenever I want (believe it or not, if you stay on this forum long enough you'll see this is a concern for many) and I am busting through plateau's at the gym. This guide is not meant to be all inclusive and I hope with help from the community we can expand it further and perhaps help restore men to what we used to be.
              "We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret."


              • #8
                Vreemde gang van zaken ja. Maar goed, voor de mannen die gezond zijn is het alleen maar beter, voor je het weet hebben we weer harems, lijkt me ideaal


                Wat is je nick dan roelinho, op bb?


                • #9
                  As far as diet goes, please please please, please, do not go low fat. Testosterone is heavily dependent on fat and cholesterol for production. Stock up on olive oil, coconut oil, butter (real butter), they're all good choices.
                  vir is gonna agree this


                  • #10
                    Vergelijkbaar verhaal ooit van mijn scheikundeleraar gehoord. Studie in Londen gedaan, ging over het 'vervuilde' kraanwater daar, en de studie wees inderdaad uit dat de diameter van de testikels steeds iets kromp door de generaties heen. Hopelijk is dit in Amsterdam niet het geval :P
                    Laissez Faire


                    • #11
                      DBB heeft dezelfde discussie, flink wat wetenschappelijk materiaal ook:

                      Plastic Bottles Release Potentially Harmful Chemicals (Bisphenol A) After Contact With Hot Liquids - forum
                      'Half men, half animal, all dead!'


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Milestone View Post
                        Dit heb ik al eens eerder gehoord inderdaad. Zou voor een groot deel kopen door de oestrogenen die vrouwen (die de pil slikken) weer uitplassen toch? (Heb de docu nog niet gekeken)
                        zou idd zo zijn :s
                        Geschiedenis herhaalt zich, sehr stolz!


                        • #13
                          En daar komt ook de toenemende soya consumptie bij.
                          I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
                          - Dave Tate


                          • #14
                            Heb je weinig wetenschappelijke documentatie voor nodig, google maar es xeno oestrogenen. Ga je verbaast lezen hoeveel (onnodig) oestrogenen we binnen krijgen.
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