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  • #16
    kokosolie/vet bestaat voor een groot deel uit Medium chain trygliceriden (MCT).
    voor meer info over MCT vetzuren: Medium-chain triglycerides - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Kokosolie/vet is dus gewoon een prima vetbron. eet smakelijk.
    More knowledge will just increase your potential. For this potential to be manifested, the knowledge must be applied!


    • #17
      Ik haal mijn vetten maar uit 2 bronnen, brood en pinda(kaas).. Is dat dan te weinig?
      Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something.
      People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you, you can't do it.
      BP: 1x120 kg SQ:1x190 kg DL: 1x200 kg


      • #18
        Originally posted by Rickbeen View Post
        Ik haal mijn vetten maar uit 2 bronnen, brood en pinda(kaas).. Is dat dan te weinig?
        Tuurlijk, variatie is belangrijk dat geldt niet alleen voor vetten maar ook voor eiwitten en koolydraten.
        “If you really want to do something, you will find a way; if you don't, you will find a excuse.”


        • #19
          Originally posted by okidoki71 View Post
          Bij ons in Almere heeft c1000 het in zijn assortiment, 500 gram voor 2,49 euro.


          Ah, exact deze haal ik bij de toko in een nabijgelegen stadje. Maar daar kost 'tie 3,50.
          Ik heb nu een grote voorraademmer gekocht daar van het merk Omega&More.
          "Bodybuilding is a long term commitment and you won’t get the results you want over night. "


          • #20
            Originally posted by maar7en8 View Post
            Tuurlijk, variatie is belangrijk dat geldt niet alleen voor vetten maar ook voor eiwitten en koolydraten.
            Varieer je elke dag? Kan het niet dat je gewoon 3 maand het zelfde eet en dan alles weer uit andere bronnen haalt?
            Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something.
            People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you, you can't do it.
            BP: 1x120 kg SQ:1x190 kg DL: 1x200 kg


            • #21
              Let's start with dietary fat, the fat that's found in your food. Dietary fat is technically a triglyceride, which is a molecule of glycerol (a sugar) bound to three fatty acids. All fatty acids are not the same, though. They can differ in length from short to medium to long chain, depending
              on how many carbons are present. They also differ in the number of double bonds which are present. Saturated fats (found mainly in animal foods) have no double bonds, monounsaturated fats (olive oil) have a single double bond, and polyunsaturated fats (fish oils, flax oil) have multiple double bonds. Chemical differences in fat can affect metabolism and physiology. Unlike proteins and carbohydrates, dietary fats aren't water soluble, they have to be
              digested in the stomach with the help of bile acids released from the pancreas. After a good bit of processing (the details of which are unimportant here), most dietary fats are packaged as chylomicrons which enter the lymphatic system. In contrast, carbohydrates and protein go to the liver, via the portal system, after digestion and absorption.

              After about 3 hours, these chylomicrons will reach the fat cells. There, they are acted upon by an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL), which liberates the fatty acids from the chylomicron. Those fatty acids can either be stored in the fat cell or taken up into the bloodstream for use by other tissues such as muscle and liver. Whether they are stored or released depends on the metabolic state of the dieter. The main point is that dietary fat isn't going to be readily available by tissues such as muscle and liver, even under the best of circumstances. At best it might become available 3 hours after ingestion. But remember from above, one of our goals is to make fatty acids as readily available to the body as possible. Is there any way to increase the rate at which dietary fat is available? The answer is yes, having to do with two weird exceptions to the above. The first exception, and probably the compound most readers have at least heard of, are medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). Unlike longer chain fats, MCTs go the liver and are available for use far more rapidly by other tissue. In addition, MCTs are preferentially used to produce
              ketone bodies which can be used instead of glucose, amino acids or fatty acids by most tissues of the body. In some studies this has a protein sparing effect and this is especially true in the initial periods on a low-calorie low-carbohydrate diet. A second potential exception is the newly available diacylglycerol (DAG) oil put out by a company called ENOVA. Unlike triglycerides, DAG oil is made available to the body more rapidly than long-chain fats. Using either MCT or DAG oil should allow calories to be reduced to lower than normal levels without causing as much muscle loss.
              Kokosolie bevat meestal 50% of meer MCTs.
              The Sky Ain't The Limit

              "Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragement, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak."


              • #22
                Bij de Sligro is het ook te koop. Dus als je iemand kent met een Sligropas dan kun je je slag slaan.
                Geniet, en drink met maten!


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