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Normaal hoor je Jay best vaak goede dingen zeggen, maar dit
Hij zei het toch echt in "from jay to z"
Het zat wel in een andere context, want hij ging slapen ofzo en toen weer terug om te trainen op dezelfde dag, en hij zei zoiets van zorg dat er 8 uur tussen spiergroepen zit, en toen zei die terwijl die bezig was, if you eat enough you can't overtrain.
"I have this reputation for training heavy and all that, but people are surprised when they see me train. I'm very precise with the movements. I'm not interested in lifting weights from point A to B. I'm interested in putting stress on the muscle and stimulating growth. I want to do a full range contraction, controlled negative, everything like that. So I could probably lift more weight, if I wasn't using strict form, but that's not my goal in bodybuilding."
"It comes down to hard work and dedication. It takes years. You can't build muscle overnight. Sometimes you do see guys come in quick, but where are they now? You see them for a second, then they've disappeared."
"In the eighties, your training was the most important thing, then came diet, and the drugs were a distant third. That hierarchy seems to have reversed itself since then. Now kids will come up to me and their first question is usually how much I bench. Right after that they want to know what steroids I use. It's so pathetic."
"I think about watching Arnold squat and even seeing Ed Corney squatting. Back in those days, if you didn't squat, they laughed you out of the gym, guy. If you didn't go over there and deadlift with Franco, they'd be laughing at you. You don't want to bench press with Kenny Waller? I mean, they'd run you out of the gym."
"A determined bodybuilder is driven, daring, intense, and injury-bound. Comes with the territory. It's the last rep and the extra plates that kill you. These are also the ones that build large, powerful, and well-shaped muscle.
What's a lifter to do? Eat right, rest a lot, warm up plenty, focus on muscle engagement, maintain proper form, take exertion to 99%, not 101%, and learn from the inevitable injuries that strike you down."
Deze kunnen mss al gezegd zijn maar:
- No pain no gain, or remain the same
- Go heavy or go home
- Pain is weakness leaving the body
- Every workout is one step closer to your goal
- Lift or die
- I'm not fat, I'm bulking
- Live and die in the squat rack
- Get ripped, get laid
- If the pain gets too much, just think. The universe is so large and your pain is almost non-exsistant in comparison. Therefore your pain does not exist.
- The more you train, the more people there are who are weaker than you.
- with great size comes great responsibility
- If you wanna grow, you gotta row
- Lift or die trying
- Do not try and squat a 300 kg barbell, thats impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth. There is no barbell...
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