Originally posted by mascotte
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Originally posted by Theodore Rex View PostWat vinden jullie van Jason Blaha?
zag dat hij in een ander topic hier gisteren nog wat gebasht werd, maar vind hem vaak de voice of reason tussen de vele pseudo youtube-goeroes.
Hij wordt op dit moment wel behoorlijk hard gepakt door fitmsc geloof ik.
Haha ja heb het eens opgezocht, die topic gaat wel hard daar. maar boeit me allemaal ook niet echt, dacht eigenlijk dat het in zekere zin altijd wel wat satirisch bedoeld was.
Originally posted by FitmiscJason Blaha has achieved fame on YouTube for exposing the fraudulent supplement industry. How ironic that he himself is actually the biggest fraud of them all.
Jason Blaha came into the YouTube fitness world talking about performance enhancement drugs and the lies of the supplement industry. Many used to like him, but then he started threatening to kill the family of his "enemies", which started to push people away from him. His claims of working for the CIA, being a mercenary, having two black belts, having a genius level IQ, Double Major in psychology and nutritional science, more muscle mass than Serge Nubret etc etc. It all started to pile up as he talked in a patronizing way to his friendly fans.
All of this was eclipsed, after the fitmisc interviewed his (verified) ex-wife, who denied any of his grandiose claims. It then surfaced that Jason Blaha went under the name of "DarkEternal" in conspiracy forums, in which he talks about being a Telekinetic Reptilian Assassin, direct descendant of Jesus, CIA assassin from the age of 16, being abducted by aliens, and many many more claims.
It is real, it was really him saying he was a telekinetic reptilian assassin etc.
It has been confirmed it was him. He made thousands of posts talking about these delusions.
Die laatste paragraaf is gold
Jason blaha trekt goed aan die deadlift,dat hele drama boeit me niet.kijk ook naar Thomas maw gastje begin 20 opweg naar Brits kampioenschap bb https://m.youtube.com/user/TMCycles hij is heel Open over wat hij wel en niet doet .Voorheen keek ik weleens naar Marc lobliner maar op een of andere manier vind ik het een etter .
Vind dan's home physique wel leuk althans vroeger
Nu Is ie best saai geworden
Verder voor motivatie ; Bigjextremefitness
Leuke kerel altijd high intensity trainingenYou gotta love yourself ! If you've been training for more then a year and your afraid to show your muscle then ... WHY are you doing it for ? Thats like being a millionaire and still homeless Kali Muscle
The upper back is the new chest Defranco
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