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testo is still testo or now?
the different is only how long they stay in the body.
prop is lower with negative sideeffects if u pin every day, isnt it?
pin every day isnt a problem for me, and if there are problems, it takes 2 days that its out of me
but why 20 weeks?
yes it is stil testo, but why not add some deca or something if you want the mass. and than if your running long cylcle enanthaat wil be cheaper.
longer isnt better, your time to get your own engine started will be more hard. same like more is not better
why not just bread and butter
12 weeks testo
of test and deca 300-250mg
fat and water retention is most likely to do with your diet
and if i would stay on the whole time?
make the 12weeks testo, then bridge some weeks or get a higher dose, bridge again and make a 3. cycle with testo+master or something else?
what is the cycle history you've got?
otherwise i should suggest just a easy test cycle or test deca. for 10 weeks, recoverer adjust and than a new cycle.
its my first cylce.
i dont wana take those pct medics when i go on some weeks ago again.
makes no sense for me to kill my body more with this medics when i still go on again with a higher cylce
i got a other question.
my gymbuddy also wants to start his first cycle.
he is already rly massiv.
170cm 83kg and 10%bf
he says he only want to go for one cylce, but this must let him explode.
he wont go on mass, only solid muscles like me.
what should he go for?
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