buitenkant biceps...

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  • buitenkant biceps...


    Is er toevallig onder jullie iemand die een paar goede oefeningen kent om de buitenkant van de biceps te trainen. Heb het gevoel dat die wat achterloopt en zou dan buiten mijn normale bicep workout er nog even een isolatie oef voor de buitenkant willen bijnemen ofzo...

  • #2
    small grip curls


    • #3
      Originally posted by tha man View Post
      small grip curls
      die deed ik al bij de gewone workout maar had gehoord dat small grip meer voor de binnenkant is???


      • #4
        T NATION | Building a Biceps Peak

        of te well om de brachialis te trainen pak je preacher curls and db hammer curls. geen small grip onzin curls die pakken een andere kop.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Falstyr View Post
          T NATION | Building a Biceps Peak

          of te well om de brachialis te trainen pak je preacher curls and db hammer curls. geen small grip onzin curls die pakken een andere kop.
          Bedankt voor de info!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by El_Loco View Post

            Is er toevallig onder jullie iemand die een paar goede oefeningen kent om de buitenkant van de biceps te trainen. Heb het gevoel dat die wat achterloopt en zou dan buiten mijn normale bicep workout er nog even een isolatie oef voor de buitenkant willen bijnemen ofzo...
            - Oefeningen waarbij de hand wijder is dan de elleboog om de lange kop te accentueren.

            - Onderste deel van de ROM accentueren om de lange kop te accentueren.

            - Oefeningen gericht op de brachialis.

            Lees ook onderstaande eens door.

            Uit "building Those Big Guns" (NBAF)

            The biceps brachii (bi'seps bra'ki-i)

            The biceps is a biarticular or two-joint muscle. Simply meaning it is made of the shoulder and elbow joints. The biceps is considered to be the strongest of all the elbow flexors, especially in the supinated (palm up) position. With the palms in pronation (down) position, the effectiveness of the biceps is greatly diminished because of the disadvantageous pull of the muscle in this pronated position. In any case, pronated or supinated the same muscles are used to flex the arm.

            -While the biceps is only one muscle, it is made up of two distinct heads-- the long head and the short head. The long head originates at the supraglenoid tubercle which is located just under the collar bone and close to the shoulder joint. It inserts or attaches to the radius (small bone or top of the forearm) just about one inch below the elbow joint. The short head originates at the coracoid process of the scapula, which is just over the shoulder joint. It inserts at the same location as the as the long head.

            The biceps are responsible for flexion of the elbow joint, supination of the forearm, and weak flexion and abductionof the shoulder joint.

            Even though the two heads of the biceps are one muscle they both seem to have specific functions in flexion. Brown et al. (1993) using surface electromyograms (EMG) recorded from the long and short heads of biceps brachii, found that the long head produced more EMG activity at the beginning phase of the lift when the muscle was at it's longest.

            Furthermore, it was found that the short head seemed to produce the most EMG activity at the top phase of the lift when the muscle was at it's shortest. While both heads are used to complete a full range of flexion, partial movements may be used either at the top or bottom of the lift to further stress the two heads of the biceps.

            Now, because both the long head and the short head originate at the shoulder, rotation of the shoulder joint must have some effect on bicep training. So by changing the grip from wide to narrow we should be able to target different heads of the biceps. Right?

            Well, we already know that the long head works best when it is fully stretched. So obviously by rotating the shoulder laterally, the long head is streched even more. Brown (1993) and Kapandji (1982) both agreed that when the shoulder is laterally rotated, activation of the long head of the bicep is indeed increased. Furthermore, the same researchers added that when the shoulder is rotated medially, activation of the short head of the bicep increased.

            This simply means that a wider grip will hit the long head and a narrow grip will hit the short head.

            Once again I would like to remind you that the biceps are strongest with the forearm supinated (palm up). So any curling type exercise done in this position, with a full range of movement would easily strengthen the biceps. Dumbbell curl, barbell curls, or cable curls would all be excellent exercises.

            Verders komt bij mediale rotatie (handen smal) de pees van de lange kop geknelt te liggen in de biceptiale groeve waardoor de lange kop niet voldoende kan functioneren.


            -Handen wijd, ellebogen smal (laterale rotatie) accentueert de laterale (lange) kop.
            -Handen smal, ellebogen wijd (mediale rotatie) accentueert de mediale (korte) kop
            -Onderste deel van de ROM laterale (lange) kop
            -Bovenste deel van de ROM mediale (korte) kop
            As you are now, I once was. As I am now, you'll never be ©3XL ®2000
            Geloof niets, Probeer alles!1 Tessalonicenzen 5:21
            Rust zach Tijl, we zullen je missen :'(


            • #7
              dus de biceps brachii bestaan uit 2 koppen, lange en korte

              en de lange zit aan de buitenkant van je arm, en de korte aan de binnenkant?

              als dit waar is dan zat ik inderdaad fout want ik dacht dat het andersom was, vandaar dat ik zei small grip curls.


              • #8
                As you are now, I once was. As I am now, you'll never be ©3XL ®2000
                Geloof niets, Probeer alles!1 Tessalonicenzen 5:21
                Rust zach Tijl, we zullen je missen :'(


                • #9
                  bedankt voor de info!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Falstyr View Post
                    T NATION | Building a Biceps Peak

                    of te well om de brachialis te trainen pak je preacher curls and db hammer curls. geen small grip onzin curls die pakken een andere kop.
                    Originally posted by 3XL View Post

                    -Handen wijd, ellebogen smal (laterale rotatie) accentueert de laterale (lange) kop.
                    -Handen smal, ellebogen wijd (mediale rotatie) accentueert de mediale (korte) kop
                    -Onderste deel van de ROM laterale (lange) kop
                    -Bovenste deel van de ROM mediale (korte) kop
                    Jullie zeggen allebei iets anders!!!!
                    You can not become LEGenDArY without Legday


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bilo View Post
                      Jullie zeggen allebei iets anders!!!!

                      De vraag gaat over de buitenkant. Falstyr zegt "geen small grip onzin curls die pakken een andere kop" (ander kop dan de buitenkant is de binnenkant)

                      Ik zeg "Handen wijd, ellebogen smal (laterale rotatie) accentueert de laterale (lange) kop" (buitenkant = laterale/lange kop).

                      We zeggen dus beiden hetzelfde.
                      As you are now, I once was. As I am now, you'll never be ©3XL ®2000
                      Geloof niets, Probeer alles!1 Tessalonicenzen 5:21
                      Rust zach Tijl, we zullen je missen :'(


                      • #12
                        ahh nu begrijp ik het

                        vond het verwarrend.

                        You can not become LEGenDArY without Legday


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