Voor massa
bank drukken 8x100 8x105 8x105 5a6x110
schuine bank 8x80 8x85 8x85 5a6x90
dumbels flyes 8x22 8x22 8x22
pec dec fly 8x55 8x60 8x65
triceps pushdown v bar attachment 10x40 8x45 8x45
Seated Dumbbell Inner-Bicep Curl 8x14 8x16 8x16
Cable One Arm Tricep Extension (R) 10x25 10x25 8x30
Barbell Curl 8x35 8x40 8a6x45
Cable One Arm Tricep Extension (f) 10x30 10x30 8x35
Concentration Curls 8x12 8x12 8x14
Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment 10x35 10x35 8x40
Machine Shoulder (Military) Press rear 8x30 8x30 6a8x35
Side Lateral Raise 8x14 8x14 6a8x16
Barbell Shoulder Press 8x50 8x55 6a8x60
Front Plate Raise 8x20 8x20 8x20
Barbell Shrug Behind The Back 10x60 10x60 10x60
Upright Cable Row 10x60 10x60 10x60
Wide-Grip Pulldowns Behind The Neck 10x60 10x60 8x65
Seated Cable Rows 10x60 10x65 8x70
Lying T-Bar Row 10x40 10x45 8x47.5
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown 10x50 10 50 8 55
Underhand Cable Pulldowns 10x55 10x55 8x60
onder rug en benen kan ik verloopig nie trainen en zeker nog nie in de komende maanden
Ben nu een aantal maanden bezig met die programma en graag zou ik veranderen
wat zouden jullie veranderen ???
bank drukken 8x100 8x105 8x105 5a6x110
schuine bank 8x80 8x85 8x85 5a6x90
dumbels flyes 8x22 8x22 8x22
pec dec fly 8x55 8x60 8x65
triceps pushdown v bar attachment 10x40 8x45 8x45
Seated Dumbbell Inner-Bicep Curl 8x14 8x16 8x16
Cable One Arm Tricep Extension (R) 10x25 10x25 8x30
Barbell Curl 8x35 8x40 8a6x45
Cable One Arm Tricep Extension (f) 10x30 10x30 8x35
Concentration Curls 8x12 8x12 8x14
Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment 10x35 10x35 8x40
Machine Shoulder (Military) Press rear 8x30 8x30 6a8x35
Side Lateral Raise 8x14 8x14 6a8x16
Barbell Shoulder Press 8x50 8x55 6a8x60
Front Plate Raise 8x20 8x20 8x20
Barbell Shrug Behind The Back 10x60 10x60 10x60
Upright Cable Row 10x60 10x60 10x60
Wide-Grip Pulldowns Behind The Neck 10x60 10x60 8x65
Seated Cable Rows 10x60 10x65 8x70
Lying T-Bar Row 10x40 10x45 8x47.5
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown 10x50 10 50 8 55
Underhand Cable Pulldowns 10x55 10x55 8x60
onder rug en benen kan ik verloopig nie trainen en zeker nog nie in de komende maanden
Ben nu een aantal maanden bezig met die programma en graag zou ik veranderen
wat zouden jullie veranderen ???