Hallo, Hier ben ik weer met een nieuw schema, alle tips, commentaar zijn zeer welkom!
Maandag 18u30-20u30
Squat 3x12 en 1x20
Bench press 3x12 <- dumbells of barbell?
Bent over row 3x12
Military press 3x12
Close grip bench press 3x12
Incline crunch, Crunch, Twisting crunch, Knee raises 3x15
Plank 3x20
Woensdag 14u30-17u
Deadlift 4x10
Dumbell rows 3x12
Dumbell lateral raise 3x12
Dumbell shrugs 3x12
Tricep dips 3x12 <- of bench dips?
Leg press 3x12
45° side bend, Crunch, Twisting crunch, Knee raises 3x15
Plank 3x20
Vrijdag 18u30-20u30
Squat 3x12 en 1x20
Lat pulldown 3x12 <- of chins met machine?
Incline bench press 3x12 <- dumbells of barbell?
Dumbell shoulder press 2x12 <- of 3x?
Calf raises 5x20
Crunch, Twisting crunch, Knee raises, Superman 3x15
Plank 3x20
Groetjes en alvast bedankt!
Maandag 18u30-20u30
Squat 3x12 en 1x20
Bench press 3x12 <- dumbells of barbell?
Bent over row 3x12
Military press 3x12
Close grip bench press 3x12
Incline crunch, Crunch, Twisting crunch, Knee raises 3x15
Plank 3x20
Woensdag 14u30-17u
Deadlift 4x10
Dumbell rows 3x12
Dumbell lateral raise 3x12
Dumbell shrugs 3x12
Tricep dips 3x12 <- of bench dips?
Leg press 3x12
45° side bend, Crunch, Twisting crunch, Knee raises 3x15
Plank 3x20
Vrijdag 18u30-20u30
Squat 3x12 en 1x20
Lat pulldown 3x12 <- of chins met machine?
Incline bench press 3x12 <- dumbells of barbell?
Dumbell shoulder press 2x12 <- of 3x?
Calf raises 5x20
Crunch, Twisting crunch, Knee raises, Superman 3x15
Plank 3x20
Groetjes en alvast bedankt!