Ik wil een 5 weken IGF en MGF gaan doen. Nu heb ik op internet al verscheidene protocollen voorbij zien komen en interessante stukken gelezen over de werking en de eigenschappen van deze middelen. Sommige artikelen spreken elkaar erg tegen over de resultaten die je zou kunnen behalen. De een spreekt over wonderen de ander dat het niks zou doen. Ook zou er veel twijfel zijn of de meeste IGF die verkrijgbaar is momenteel wel echt zou zijn.
Toch ben ik zeer benieuwd naar de werking en heb ik besloten zelf te gaan ondervinden wat het doet.
Heb de IGF en MGF van een betrouwbare bron en het merk waar deze van zijn staat ook bekend als betrouwbaar merk. Waarvan ik al meerdere productne in huis heb gehad die goed hun werk deden.
Meerdere mensen hier hebben al IGF laten meedraaien met hun kuur sommigen ook MGF. Toch is er verder weinig te lezen over de resultaten hiervan en hoe zij dit in hun kuur hebben laten meedraaien.
Even wat stukjes informatie die ik heb kunnen vinden over beide middelen welke wat info samenvatten:
Dit stukje tekst omvat alleen PegMGF en ik heb de "normale" MGF hieronder ook over de gewone MGF:
Ik heb 4mg MGF en 1mg IGF en aangezien ik de gewone MGF variant heb ga ik het volgende protocol volgen:
Direct na de training in beide kanten van een spiergroep 50mcg MGF en vervolgens anderhalf uur later in dezelfde spieren 30mcg IGF per kant.
IGF heeft dus een halfwaarde tijd van 20 uur en MGF van slechts enkele minuten. En aangezien de IGF de MGF zou overrulen omdat deze dominant is tenopzichte van de receptoren zet ik de IGF nadat de MGF zijn werk heeft gedaan.
Mijn trainingschema ziet er alsvolgt uit:
MA: Borst & Triceps
DI: Rug
WO: Rust
DO: Schouders & Bovenkant borst
VR: Armen
ZA: Benen
ZO: Rust
Nu wil ik mijn triceps en mijn borst bijtrekken en zou ik dus maandag in borst en in triceps moeten prikken wat neer komt op 400mcg MGF op deze dag en vervolgens op de donderdag 200mcg MGF in bovenkant borst en 200mcg in de triceps op vrijdag. Erna zal ik de IGF zetten.
Om de MGF en IGF zijn werk te laten doen moet je meteen koolhydraten tot je nemen, ook helpt de MGF en de IGF om supplementen als BCAA's beter op te nemen en heb ik bij de B&Fshop een potje BCAA's, Leucine en glutamine mix gekocht.
Hier zal ik 2 scoops (7g BCAA's) samen met 25g dextro en een banaan naarbinnen werken en vervolgens daarna mijn eiwitshake met melk en wat ultra fine oats en daarna mijn post workout grote maaltijd.
Na het zetten van de IGF is het ook zaak om te zorgen dat je een constante supply van simpele en complexe carbs naarbinnen werkt om te voorkomen dat ik hypoglycemia (lage bloedsuiker spiegel) shizzle krijgt.
Ik zal hier mijn bevindingen posten. Mochten er mensen nog op of aanmerkingen hebben over mijn opzet zijn die natuurlijk MEER dan WELKOM.
Toch ben ik zeer benieuwd naar de werking en heb ik besloten zelf te gaan ondervinden wat het doet.
Heb de IGF en MGF van een betrouwbare bron en het merk waar deze van zijn staat ook bekend als betrouwbaar merk. Waarvan ik al meerdere productne in huis heb gehad die goed hun werk deden.
Meerdere mensen hier hebben al IGF laten meedraaien met hun kuur sommigen ook MGF. Toch is er verder weinig te lezen over de resultaten hiervan en hoe zij dit in hun kuur hebben laten meedraaien.
Even wat stukjes informatie die ik heb kunnen vinden over beide middelen welke wat info samenvatten:
This was written by FinaFreak.
Most of us are familiar with the peptides Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF) and Mechano Growth Factor (MGF). We know things like IGF creates new muscle cells and helps drop body fat and MGF helps facilitate this muscle growth and fat loss.
In the beginning:
When IGF first made its way onto the bodybuilding scene most people were injecting it every day and noticed that after somewhere around 30 days the effects of IGF wore off. This was blamed on receptor "down-regulation" or "desensitization". To combat this people started a 5-on 2-off rotation and then went to a post workout only rotation which extended the time on IGF an additional 10-20 days. But the problem with the lack of "receptor response" was still present.
Then MGF came onto the scene. MGF was suppose to be the next best thing in bodybuilding. It was suppose to be more anabolic than AAS and better suited for building new muscle than IGF, the problem was that it wasn't. Because of its instability it was quickly broken down once injected into the body, to prevent this PegMGF was created. This new MGF was now able to survive in the body from anywhere in the 1-3 days. Combining this new peptide discovery with IGF was suppose to be able to make all of us the next Mr. Olympia. But what happened? Why do we not see a flood of new pros?
What happened:
In theory these two peptides should cause some great results, the problem is they do not work together very well unless your timing is spot on (I will go into greater detail later). In short stem cells in the presence of MGF will cause the cells to split and multiply. When the cells are multiplying they cannot form new tissue and the effects of IGF are completely blocked. So the two together are not very compatible.
Then why not just use IGF? Well most do use IGF only and get great results, but there is that pesky business of receptor "down-regulation" or "desensitization" and you have to end a cycle of IGF after 30-50 days and there is no way to prevent it... or is there?
The science:
In a natural system (Our Body) we have peaks and dips with MGF and IGF levels. The reasons for these peaks and dips are to create the ideal amount of cells to repair and create new tissue. After strenuous exercise the levels of MGF in the body (more specifically in the muscle just trained) increase dramatically and there is a dramatic decrease of IGF levels. The reason for this is because MGF causes stem cells to proliferate (split and multiply). This process ensures that there are enough cells available to make repairs and to create new tissue in order for the tissue to function efficiently and properly (in this case skeletal muscle tissue). As mentioned above in the presence of MGF there is no need for IGF because it is rendered useless and cannot activate the stem cells, so this explains the bodies response to decrease IGF levels.
In 12-36 hours MGF levels begin to drop and there is a direct correlation in the rise of IGF levels within the body. Stem cells have proliferated and now the IGF will bind to the proper receptors and cause differentiation (force the stem cells to form into a specific cell for a specific tissue type). This process repeats every time you exercise and keeps the natural system in an efficient state.
When flooding the body with these artificial peptides a person will change this natural system dramatically. A person using MGF only is causing stem cell proliferation while at the same time preventing IGF to perform its duties of creating new tissue from those newly created stem cells. A person using IGF only is depleting the supply of stem cells at a rate much faster than the body can keep up, leading to a depletion of available stem cells and not receptor "down-regulation" or "desensitization."
This sounds like a lose-lose situation. You are throwing off your body's final tuned muscle repairing mechanism, depleting valuable stem cells or creating too many stem cells for your body to deal with. Why bother?
The climax:
The reason why we bother is because we want to reach or goals. We want to be the biggest bodybuilder, the best powerlifter or whatever it is that we are training so hard for. These peptides are a great addition to our arsenal, but learning to use them properly is the key to utilizing their benefits.
The key is retraining the way we think about MGF and IGF. We have to understand that we are dealing with the creation and depletion of stem cells that are going to be responsible for our muscular growth. Our bodies do not have a constant supply of these stem cells and our bodies will not naturally utilize all of the stem cells it has created. Since we are trying to artificially manipulate the amount and utilization of these stem cells we have to look at this is a different manner.
While we may never get the exogenous MGF and IGF levels just right so that we may counteract the depletion of the stem cells we can adjust our protocols in a way that will increase the amount of time a person can use and respond to both peptides.
The Conclusion Part 1, MGF:
We know that the PegMGF will stay in the body for several days and we know that while in the presence of MGF stem cells will proliferate and the use of IGF is futile. We also know that MGF without the peg is of little to no help because of how quickly exogenous MGF is broken down within the body. So what are the options?
Well both can be of use! PegMGF can be of great use as long as the individual using the peptide in conjuction with IGF understands that the two peptides must be injected in a manner that falls outside of the current way of thinking. And MGF without the Peg addition can also be utilized as long as you don't mind being a pin cushion.
The key with MGF is to learn to either follow your bodies natural peaks and dips of MGF levels and force proliferation on a larger scale with MGF, or to force a longer period of cell proliferation with the use of PegMGF. The key is you have to have stem cells in order to create new muscle tissue.
The Conclusion Part 2, IGF:
Now that we have hit the MGF part of the cycle, now we move into the part of the cycle that utilizes the stem cells. Again we want to either follow the body's natural peaks and dips of IGF levels or we are going to want to cause a prolonged forced differentiation phase. The latter of the two options is simply following standard protocol of everyday injections or 5-on 2-off. The other is all about timing. We know that MGF levels peak in the body after strenuous exercise, so why would you want to inject a substance that is useless in the presence of MGF right when MGF levels are at their highest? The answer is you don't! You will want to wait and inject the IGF 24hrs after the exercise. This will give ample time for the MGF peak to start to dip and can closely mimic the natural rise in IGF levels. This will allow for a person to use a more efficient dose since the timing of the IGF will correspond closely to the dip in MGF levels resulting in greater utilization of the exogenous IGF.
The cycles:
There are a few cycles I would recommend.
The first being IGF only. It works, maybe not the most efficient plan out there but it does work none-the-less.
The second would be the PegMGF/IGF combination. This is not the most efficient methos but should significantly increase the amount of time one can be on an MGF/IGF cycle and still see positive results. (This may have to be altered according to your training schedule)
Sunday - Off Training - Mid-day PegMGF 200-300mcg
Monday - Training (Afternoon)
Tuesday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF 40-80mcg
Wednesday - Training (Afternoon)
Thursday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF 40-80mcg
Friday - Training (Afternoon)
Saturday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF Injection 40-80mcg
The addition of the PegMGF will cause an increase in amount and duration of stem cell proliferation and should subside about the period of the first IGF injection. While this will not keep stem cell levels stable it should prevent the drastic decrease in stem cell numbers seen with IGF only cycles and should significantly increase cycle length.
The third would be the use of regular MGF plus the addition of IGF and woulld closely mimic the natural system.
Sunday - Off Training
Monday - Training (afternoon) - 1hr PWO MGF 50mcg in muscles trained
Tuesday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF 40-80mcg
Wednesday - Training (Afternoon) - 1hr PWO MGF 50mcg in muscles trained
Thursday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF 40-80mcg
Friday - Training (Afternoon) - 1hr PWO MGF 50mcg in muscles trained
Saturday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF 40-80mcg
This protocol should closely mimic natural peaks and dips in MGF and IGF within the specific muscles being trained. While regular MGF is short lived in the body the addition on the regular MGF 1 hour post workout should cause an increase in cell proliferation beyond the natural system's ability and should create a larger pool of stem cells for the utilization of IGF therapy.
Most of us are familiar with the peptides Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF) and Mechano Growth Factor (MGF). We know things like IGF creates new muscle cells and helps drop body fat and MGF helps facilitate this muscle growth and fat loss.
In the beginning:
When IGF first made its way onto the bodybuilding scene most people were injecting it every day and noticed that after somewhere around 30 days the effects of IGF wore off. This was blamed on receptor "down-regulation" or "desensitization". To combat this people started a 5-on 2-off rotation and then went to a post workout only rotation which extended the time on IGF an additional 10-20 days. But the problem with the lack of "receptor response" was still present.
Then MGF came onto the scene. MGF was suppose to be the next best thing in bodybuilding. It was suppose to be more anabolic than AAS and better suited for building new muscle than IGF, the problem was that it wasn't. Because of its instability it was quickly broken down once injected into the body, to prevent this PegMGF was created. This new MGF was now able to survive in the body from anywhere in the 1-3 days. Combining this new peptide discovery with IGF was suppose to be able to make all of us the next Mr. Olympia. But what happened? Why do we not see a flood of new pros?
What happened:
In theory these two peptides should cause some great results, the problem is they do not work together very well unless your timing is spot on (I will go into greater detail later). In short stem cells in the presence of MGF will cause the cells to split and multiply. When the cells are multiplying they cannot form new tissue and the effects of IGF are completely blocked. So the two together are not very compatible.
Then why not just use IGF? Well most do use IGF only and get great results, but there is that pesky business of receptor "down-regulation" or "desensitization" and you have to end a cycle of IGF after 30-50 days and there is no way to prevent it... or is there?
The science:
In a natural system (Our Body) we have peaks and dips with MGF and IGF levels. The reasons for these peaks and dips are to create the ideal amount of cells to repair and create new tissue. After strenuous exercise the levels of MGF in the body (more specifically in the muscle just trained) increase dramatically and there is a dramatic decrease of IGF levels. The reason for this is because MGF causes stem cells to proliferate (split and multiply). This process ensures that there are enough cells available to make repairs and to create new tissue in order for the tissue to function efficiently and properly (in this case skeletal muscle tissue). As mentioned above in the presence of MGF there is no need for IGF because it is rendered useless and cannot activate the stem cells, so this explains the bodies response to decrease IGF levels.
In 12-36 hours MGF levels begin to drop and there is a direct correlation in the rise of IGF levels within the body. Stem cells have proliferated and now the IGF will bind to the proper receptors and cause differentiation (force the stem cells to form into a specific cell for a specific tissue type). This process repeats every time you exercise and keeps the natural system in an efficient state.
When flooding the body with these artificial peptides a person will change this natural system dramatically. A person using MGF only is causing stem cell proliferation while at the same time preventing IGF to perform its duties of creating new tissue from those newly created stem cells. A person using IGF only is depleting the supply of stem cells at a rate much faster than the body can keep up, leading to a depletion of available stem cells and not receptor "down-regulation" or "desensitization."
This sounds like a lose-lose situation. You are throwing off your body's final tuned muscle repairing mechanism, depleting valuable stem cells or creating too many stem cells for your body to deal with. Why bother?
The climax:
The reason why we bother is because we want to reach or goals. We want to be the biggest bodybuilder, the best powerlifter or whatever it is that we are training so hard for. These peptides are a great addition to our arsenal, but learning to use them properly is the key to utilizing their benefits.
The key is retraining the way we think about MGF and IGF. We have to understand that we are dealing with the creation and depletion of stem cells that are going to be responsible for our muscular growth. Our bodies do not have a constant supply of these stem cells and our bodies will not naturally utilize all of the stem cells it has created. Since we are trying to artificially manipulate the amount and utilization of these stem cells we have to look at this is a different manner.
While we may never get the exogenous MGF and IGF levels just right so that we may counteract the depletion of the stem cells we can adjust our protocols in a way that will increase the amount of time a person can use and respond to both peptides.
The Conclusion Part 1, MGF:
We know that the PegMGF will stay in the body for several days and we know that while in the presence of MGF stem cells will proliferate and the use of IGF is futile. We also know that MGF without the peg is of little to no help because of how quickly exogenous MGF is broken down within the body. So what are the options?
Well both can be of use! PegMGF can be of great use as long as the individual using the peptide in conjuction with IGF understands that the two peptides must be injected in a manner that falls outside of the current way of thinking. And MGF without the Peg addition can also be utilized as long as you don't mind being a pin cushion.
The key with MGF is to learn to either follow your bodies natural peaks and dips of MGF levels and force proliferation on a larger scale with MGF, or to force a longer period of cell proliferation with the use of PegMGF. The key is you have to have stem cells in order to create new muscle tissue.
The Conclusion Part 2, IGF:
Now that we have hit the MGF part of the cycle, now we move into the part of the cycle that utilizes the stem cells. Again we want to either follow the body's natural peaks and dips of IGF levels or we are going to want to cause a prolonged forced differentiation phase. The latter of the two options is simply following standard protocol of everyday injections or 5-on 2-off. The other is all about timing. We know that MGF levels peak in the body after strenuous exercise, so why would you want to inject a substance that is useless in the presence of MGF right when MGF levels are at their highest? The answer is you don't! You will want to wait and inject the IGF 24hrs after the exercise. This will give ample time for the MGF peak to start to dip and can closely mimic the natural rise in IGF levels. This will allow for a person to use a more efficient dose since the timing of the IGF will correspond closely to the dip in MGF levels resulting in greater utilization of the exogenous IGF.
The cycles:
There are a few cycles I would recommend.
The first being IGF only. It works, maybe not the most efficient plan out there but it does work none-the-less.
The second would be the PegMGF/IGF combination. This is not the most efficient methos but should significantly increase the amount of time one can be on an MGF/IGF cycle and still see positive results. (This may have to be altered according to your training schedule)
Sunday - Off Training - Mid-day PegMGF 200-300mcg
Monday - Training (Afternoon)
Tuesday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF 40-80mcg
Wednesday - Training (Afternoon)
Thursday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF 40-80mcg
Friday - Training (Afternoon)
Saturday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF Injection 40-80mcg
The addition of the PegMGF will cause an increase in amount and duration of stem cell proliferation and should subside about the period of the first IGF injection. While this will not keep stem cell levels stable it should prevent the drastic decrease in stem cell numbers seen with IGF only cycles and should significantly increase cycle length.
The third would be the use of regular MGF plus the addition of IGF and woulld closely mimic the natural system.
Sunday - Off Training
Monday - Training (afternoon) - 1hr PWO MGF 50mcg in muscles trained
Tuesday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF 40-80mcg
Wednesday - Training (Afternoon) - 1hr PWO MGF 50mcg in muscles trained
Thursday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF 40-80mcg
Friday - Training (Afternoon) - 1hr PWO MGF 50mcg in muscles trained
Saturday - Off Training - Afternoon IGF 40-80mcg
This protocol should closely mimic natural peaks and dips in MGF and IGF within the specific muscles being trained. While regular MGF is short lived in the body the addition on the regular MGF 1 hour post workout should cause an increase in cell proliferation beyond the natural system's ability and should create a larger pool of stem cells for the utilization of IGF therapy.
This article will discuss the use of Mechano growth factor and clear up a few myths.
Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) also known as IGF-1Ec is a growth factor/repair factor that is derived from exercised or damaged muscle tissue, Its called MGF as IGF-1Ec is a bit of a mouthful and harder to identify amongst the other igf variants.
What makes MGF special is its unique role in muscle growth.
MGF has the ability to cause wasted tissue to grow and improve itself by activating muscle stem cells and increasing the upregulation of protein synthesis, this unique ability can rapidly improve recovery and speed up muscle growth.
MGF can initiate muscle satellite (stem) cell activation in addition to its IGF-Ireceptor domain which ithen in turn ncreases protein synthesis turnover, and therefore can if used correctly improve muscle mass over time.
The liver produces 2 kinds of MGF splice variants of igf..
1) IGF-1Ec This is the first phase release igf splice variant and it appears to stimulate satellite cells into activation, This is the closest variant to synthetic MGF.
2) liver type IGF-IEa this is the secondary release of igf from the liver, and its far less anabolic.
MGF differs from the second variant IGF-IEa as it has a different peptide sequence which is responsible for replenishing the satellite cells in skeletal muscle, in other words it is more anabolic and longer acting than the systematic release of the second MGF liver variant.
So just think of MGF as a highly anabolic variant of igf. After you have trained, the IGF-I gene is spliced towards MGF then that causes hypertrophy and repair of local muscle damage by activating the muscle stem cells as well as other important anabolic processes, including the above mentioned protein synthesis, and increased nitrogen retention.
In rats some studies have shown muscle mass increases of 20 percent from a single mgf injection.. somewhow i think many of these studies are not accurate, however the potential is undeniable.
Now when you train what happens to your muscles, they break down, the cells are damaged, muscle tissue needs to be repaired and your body produces 2 forms of MGF splice variant, The first initial release of the above mentioned number 1 variant from the liver helps muscle cell recovery, if there is no MGF then muscle cells die, thats the large and small of it.
As muscle is a post-mitotic tissue and as such cell replacement is not a means of tissue repair , If the cells are not repaired they die and your muscles get smaller and weaker.
The muscle The pool of these stem cells is apparently replenished by the action of MGF, which is produced as a pulse following damage.
Now with synthetic injections of MGF you can increase the pulse and so speed up recovery, and increase the muscle tissue cells by stimulating satelite cells into full maturity. 200mcg bi lateraly is the very best choice of dosing in muscles trained.
Thew only problem with MGF and this is the reason i dont like it, is that it has such a short half life, just a few minutes, between 5-7, and it needs to be used immediatley post workout as it wont work if muscle tissue hasnt been damaged, thats why for me personaly i think the best option is PEG MGF.
Nevertheless MGF has a huge role to play, and is administered to those with muscle wasting diseases and for those who are elderly and have lost muscle mass for good reason, it is EXTREMELY anabolic.
This is a very important section.
When using MGF thats pegylated thats the addition of Polyethylene glycol, its a non toxic additive that increased the half life of MGF from minutes to hours.
This means its uses and versatility make it a tremendous addition to a bodybuilders aresnal.
I have found it most effective as its effects are systematic, that means they have a whole body effect wherever muscle has been damaged or is diseased.
The next aspect we need to look at is how to make the most use of a long acting version of MGF.
When your muscle is damaged your body releases a pulse of an MGF splice variant as i outlined above, followed by a less anabolic longer acting version from the liver... So it seems a waste to inject MGF at this time as you will just blunt your bodys own release, your not enhaning it.
So using PEG MGF on non workout days is actualy the very best route, the muscle has been damaged, so there are plenty of receptors for MGF, the effects are systematic so all muscles will be helped to recover through increased nitrogen retention, protein turnover, and satelite cell activation. Recovery is just going to sky rocket.
Doing this means your increasing the length of your bodys own mechanism for muscle repair and growth, your opening up the anabolic window.
Running PEG MGF in synergy with IGF is perfect but there are things you need to know.
If you dose them at the same time, as IGF has such strong receptor affinity, The effectivness of MGF will just be wasted.
The best option and the very best choice i feel is this....
IGF DES on workout days Pre workout, or IGF1-LR3 this wont blunt your bodys own MGF release from the liver, and whereas IGF1-LR3 has a more systematic effect and only a very small localised anabolic effect, DES on the other hand is verty anabolic in a localised way, so bring up lagging muscle parts with DES, and then the following day Dose MGF at 200-400mcg subq to increase recovery and the mechanism for growth. Perfect synergy.
Over a 4 week run i noticed about 4lb increase with the PEG MGF and DES partnership. And roughly the same weight in fat loss, very impressive, some though have noted far greater increases in muscle mass.
If your on an AAS cycle there is no need for the addition of DES as IGF levels will already be elevated, then the addition of PEG MGF can take your recovery and gains to a new level.
Dosing 3 times a week is best, and 1ml of BA water for every 2mg is optimal. Storage in the fridge for up to 6 months. Avoid exposure to heat or sunlight.
Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) also known as IGF-1Ec is a growth factor/repair factor that is derived from exercised or damaged muscle tissue, Its called MGF as IGF-1Ec is a bit of a mouthful and harder to identify amongst the other igf variants.
What makes MGF special is its unique role in muscle growth.
MGF has the ability to cause wasted tissue to grow and improve itself by activating muscle stem cells and increasing the upregulation of protein synthesis, this unique ability can rapidly improve recovery and speed up muscle growth.
MGF can initiate muscle satellite (stem) cell activation in addition to its IGF-Ireceptor domain which ithen in turn ncreases protein synthesis turnover, and therefore can if used correctly improve muscle mass over time.
The liver produces 2 kinds of MGF splice variants of igf..
1) IGF-1Ec This is the first phase release igf splice variant and it appears to stimulate satellite cells into activation, This is the closest variant to synthetic MGF.
2) liver type IGF-IEa this is the secondary release of igf from the liver, and its far less anabolic.
MGF differs from the second variant IGF-IEa as it has a different peptide sequence which is responsible for replenishing the satellite cells in skeletal muscle, in other words it is more anabolic and longer acting than the systematic release of the second MGF liver variant.
So just think of MGF as a highly anabolic variant of igf. After you have trained, the IGF-I gene is spliced towards MGF then that causes hypertrophy and repair of local muscle damage by activating the muscle stem cells as well as other important anabolic processes, including the above mentioned protein synthesis, and increased nitrogen retention.
In rats some studies have shown muscle mass increases of 20 percent from a single mgf injection.. somewhow i think many of these studies are not accurate, however the potential is undeniable.
Now when you train what happens to your muscles, they break down, the cells are damaged, muscle tissue needs to be repaired and your body produces 2 forms of MGF splice variant, The first initial release of the above mentioned number 1 variant from the liver helps muscle cell recovery, if there is no MGF then muscle cells die, thats the large and small of it.
As muscle is a post-mitotic tissue and as such cell replacement is not a means of tissue repair , If the cells are not repaired they die and your muscles get smaller and weaker.
The muscle The pool of these stem cells is apparently replenished by the action of MGF, which is produced as a pulse following damage.
Now with synthetic injections of MGF you can increase the pulse and so speed up recovery, and increase the muscle tissue cells by stimulating satelite cells into full maturity. 200mcg bi lateraly is the very best choice of dosing in muscles trained.
Thew only problem with MGF and this is the reason i dont like it, is that it has such a short half life, just a few minutes, between 5-7, and it needs to be used immediatley post workout as it wont work if muscle tissue hasnt been damaged, thats why for me personaly i think the best option is PEG MGF.
Nevertheless MGF has a huge role to play, and is administered to those with muscle wasting diseases and for those who are elderly and have lost muscle mass for good reason, it is EXTREMELY anabolic.
This is a very important section.
When using MGF thats pegylated thats the addition of Polyethylene glycol, its a non toxic additive that increased the half life of MGF from minutes to hours.
This means its uses and versatility make it a tremendous addition to a bodybuilders aresnal.
I have found it most effective as its effects are systematic, that means they have a whole body effect wherever muscle has been damaged or is diseased.
The next aspect we need to look at is how to make the most use of a long acting version of MGF.
When your muscle is damaged your body releases a pulse of an MGF splice variant as i outlined above, followed by a less anabolic longer acting version from the liver... So it seems a waste to inject MGF at this time as you will just blunt your bodys own release, your not enhaning it.
So using PEG MGF on non workout days is actualy the very best route, the muscle has been damaged, so there are plenty of receptors for MGF, the effects are systematic so all muscles will be helped to recover through increased nitrogen retention, protein turnover, and satelite cell activation. Recovery is just going to sky rocket.
Doing this means your increasing the length of your bodys own mechanism for muscle repair and growth, your opening up the anabolic window.
Running PEG MGF in synergy with IGF is perfect but there are things you need to know.
If you dose them at the same time, as IGF has such strong receptor affinity, The effectivness of MGF will just be wasted.
The best option and the very best choice i feel is this....
IGF DES on workout days Pre workout, or IGF1-LR3 this wont blunt your bodys own MGF release from the liver, and whereas IGF1-LR3 has a more systematic effect and only a very small localised anabolic effect, DES on the other hand is verty anabolic in a localised way, so bring up lagging muscle parts with DES, and then the following day Dose MGF at 200-400mcg subq to increase recovery and the mechanism for growth. Perfect synergy.
Over a 4 week run i noticed about 4lb increase with the PEG MGF and DES partnership. And roughly the same weight in fat loss, very impressive, some though have noted far greater increases in muscle mass.
If your on an AAS cycle there is no need for the addition of DES as IGF levels will already be elevated, then the addition of PEG MGF can take your recovery and gains to a new level.
Dosing 3 times a week is best, and 1ml of BA water for every 2mg is optimal. Storage in the fridge for up to 6 months. Avoid exposure to heat or sunlight.
Ik heb 4mg MGF en 1mg IGF en aangezien ik de gewone MGF variant heb ga ik het volgende protocol volgen:
Direct na de training in beide kanten van een spiergroep 50mcg MGF en vervolgens anderhalf uur later in dezelfde spieren 30mcg IGF per kant.
IGF heeft dus een halfwaarde tijd van 20 uur en MGF van slechts enkele minuten. En aangezien de IGF de MGF zou overrulen omdat deze dominant is tenopzichte van de receptoren zet ik de IGF nadat de MGF zijn werk heeft gedaan.
Mijn trainingschema ziet er alsvolgt uit:
MA: Borst & Triceps
DI: Rug
WO: Rust
DO: Schouders & Bovenkant borst
VR: Armen
ZA: Benen
ZO: Rust
Nu wil ik mijn triceps en mijn borst bijtrekken en zou ik dus maandag in borst en in triceps moeten prikken wat neer komt op 400mcg MGF op deze dag en vervolgens op de donderdag 200mcg MGF in bovenkant borst en 200mcg in de triceps op vrijdag. Erna zal ik de IGF zetten.
Om de MGF en IGF zijn werk te laten doen moet je meteen koolhydraten tot je nemen, ook helpt de MGF en de IGF om supplementen als BCAA's beter op te nemen en heb ik bij de B&Fshop een potje BCAA's, Leucine en glutamine mix gekocht.
Hier zal ik 2 scoops (7g BCAA's) samen met 25g dextro en een banaan naarbinnen werken en vervolgens daarna mijn eiwitshake met melk en wat ultra fine oats en daarna mijn post workout grote maaltijd.
Na het zetten van de IGF is het ook zaak om te zorgen dat je een constante supply van simpele en complexe carbs naarbinnen werkt om te voorkomen dat ik hypoglycemia (lage bloedsuiker spiegel) shizzle krijgt.
Ik zal hier mijn bevindingen posten. Mochten er mensen nog op of aanmerkingen hebben over mijn opzet zijn die natuurlijk MEER dan WELKOM.