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  • T-boll

    Oral Turinabol is een steroïde dat tijdens de vroege jaren '60 werd ontwikkeld,

    Oral Turinabol heeft een hoofdzakelijk anabool effect dat met een vrij laag androgene component wordt gecombineerd. Op een schaal van 1 tot 100 is het androgene effect zeer laag, slechts 6 en het anabole effect is 53. (In vergelijking: het androgene effect van Dianabol is 45 en zijn anabool effect is 90.)

    Oral Turinabol heeft zo milligram voor milligram een lager effect dan Dianabol. Het is daarom geen steroïde dat een snelle aanwinst in kracht, gewicht, en spiermassa zal veroorzaken.

    De resultaten zullen eerder in een stevige spieraanwinst tot uiting komen en, indien genomen over verscheidene weken, ook in een goede kracht aanwinst. De atleet zal zeker niet puffy worden zoals het geval is met Testosteron, Dianabol, en Anadrol 50.

    De maximum bloedconcentratie van Oral Turinabol wanneer er 10, 20 of 40 mg/de dag genomen wordt, is 1,5 -3,5 of 4,5 keer de endogene testosteronconcentratie (zie ook Dianabol). Dit toont duidelijk aan dat de doeltreffendheid van deze samenstelling sterk van de dosering afhangt.

    Dagen x 0,4 x 0,45 kilogram (lichaamsgewicht) = globaal te nemen aantal tabletten. Tijdens het interval van opname zou een atleet die 90,72 kilogram weegt slechts 4 tabletten van 5 mg nemen (20mg/dag.) Uit eigen ervaring nemen bodybuilders gemiddeld 8-10 tabletten van 5 mg, dat is 40-50 mg/dag. Velen melden zeer goede resultaten met deze dosering: men bouwt een stevige spiermassa, de kracht aanwinst is lonend om te zien, het vasthouden van vocht is zeer laag en de oestrogeen veroorzakende bijwerkingen zijn zeldzaam.

    Zonder twijfel is Oral Turanabol ook populair onder powerlifters en gewichtheffers die deze kenmerken zeer waarderen. Wegens zijn kenmerken is Oral Turinabol ook een geschikte steroïde voor zowel mannen als vrouwen in competities.

    Een gewoonlijk zeer efficiënte stack voor mannelijke bodybuilders bestaat uit 50 mg Oral Turinabol/dag, 228 mg Parabolan/week, en 150 mg winstrol Depot/week.

    Voor hen die hun lichaamsvet op een laag niveau hebben of hebben gebracht door vetverbrandende substanties te gebruiken (e.g. Clenbuterol, Efedrine, Salbutamol, Cytomel, Triacana), zal de bovengenoemde steroide combinatie in hardheid tot uiting komen, zowel in de scherpte als in de dichtheid of volledigheid van de spieren.

    Zonder vergrote borsten, zonder oestrogeensurplus, en zonder waterretentie (het puffy lijken van het spiersysteem). Als Oral Turinabol beschikbaar zou zijn op de zwarte markt, zouden bodybuilders, powerlifters, en gewichtheffers voor dit Oostduitse anabool moeten gaan.

    Oral Turinabol geniet een grote populariteit aangezien het snel door het lichaam wordt opgesplitst en metaboliten vrij snel door de urine worden afgescheiden.

    De vaak gestelde vraag betreffende hoeveel dagen na gebruik alvorens een test uitwijst van Oral Turanabol of iemand schoon wordt bevonden (Clean te zijn) is moeilijk specifiek te beantwoorden. Uit een betrouwbare bron die atleten begeleidt, wordt beweerd dat als je slechts alleen Oral Turinabol als steroïde zou nemen en die op een dosis van 10-15 tabletten/dag zou nemen en precies vijf dagen vóór een test zou stoppen, de test negatief zou moeten uitwijzen.

    Deze aanwijzingen worden gesteund door het feit dat zelfs de positieve urineanalyses zelden de namen Oral Turinabol of chlordehydromethyl-testosteron hebben vermeld.

    De potentiële bijwerkingen van Oral Turinabol hangen zoals gewoonlijk van het doseringsniveau af en zijn geslachtsspecifiek. Het viriliserende effect bij vrouwen komt voor en behalve afhankelijk van hun gevoeligheid zal deze stijgen wanneer de dosering van meer dan 20 mg per dag over een langere tijd zal worden genomen.

    Bij mensen kan de verminderde testosteronproductie zelden worden vermeden. Gynecomastie komt zelden voor. Aangezien de reactie van het water en elektrolythuishouding minimaal is wordt er nauwelijks over vochtretentie bij atleten gesproken en hierdoor wordt ook slechts zelden over een hoge bloeddruk gesproken.

    Acne, gastro-intestinale pijn, en het ongecontroleerde agressieve gedrag is ook eerder uitzondering dan regel. Verhoogd libido wordt in de meeste gevallen door beide geslachten gemeld.

    Omdat chlordehydromethyltestosterone 17-alpha gealkyleerd is, wordt door de fabrikant geadviseerd dat de leverfunctie regelmatig moet worden gecontroleerd aangezien door hoge doseringen het risico van mogelijke leverschade niet kan worden uitgesloten.

    Oral Turinabol is ook een steroïde dat zonder onderbreking voor langere tijd kan worden genomen. Studies van mannelijke atleten die over een periode van zes weken 10mg Oral Turanabol/dag werden gegeven vertoonden geen aanwijzingen van gezondheid bedreigende gevolgen.
    !Use my shit and feel the power!

  • #2

    die tekst ben ik al 100x tegengekomen maar nog niet in het nederlands.


    • #3
      stelletje dieven


      • #4
        Wel duidelijk in elk geval. Thanx!

        1.83 / 96 kg / Bf 14%


        • #5
          Lijkt wel een reclamestukje
          Maar erg goede info thanks
          In adaptation we trust

          Deadlift 285 kilo
          Squat 230 kilo
          Bankdrukken 137.5 kilo
          Powerlift totaal 652.5 kilo

          Mijn trainingslog


          • #6
            Was hem ook nog niet in het Nederlands tegen gekomen...

            Goede post,D!


            • #7
              beter he, heb hem van je nieuwe site af testo..

              Eindelijk een keer een goeie post van mij he,

              Grtzz D
              !Use my shit and feel the power!


              • #8
                Originally posted by [b
                Citaat[/b] (D-Men @ Aug. 27 2005,00:19)]beter he, heb hem van je nieuwe site af testo..
                Eindelijk een keer een goeie post van mij he,
                Nou, die post waar je je maandelijkse inkomen in vermeldde, vond ik ook wel een aardige post!
                We blijven als groep werken aan het 'whey-gevoel'.


                • #9

                  kom je inderdaad niet vaak tegen dat iemand dat doet

                  Wel een goede post..

                  Pijn is niks meer dan een zwakte dat het lichaam verlaat.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by [b
                    Citaat[/b] (Mr. Symmetry @ Aug. 27 2005,01:04)]
                    Originally posted by [b
                    Citaat[/b] (D-Men @ Aug. 27 2005,00:19)]beter he, heb hem van je nieuwe site af testo..
                    Eindelijk een keer een goeie post van mij he,
                    Nou, die post waar je je maandelijkse inkomen in vermeldde, vond ik ook wel een aardige post!
                    Ja toch hahahah
                    !Use my shit and feel the power!


                    • #11
                      nog wat info, maar dan ff wat hoogwaardiger;


                      Molecular Weight:334.8854
                      Manufacturer: Underground Labs only
                      Effective Dose (Men): 10-40mgs/day
                      Effective Dose (Women): 5-15mgs/day
                      Active life: 16 hours
                      Detection Time: 6 weeks
                      Anabolic/ Androgenic ratio: >100:>0

                      Oral Turinabol was first developed by scientists in East Germany for their Olympic and national-level athletes to use. This, plus the eventual removal of it from the market caused OT to become a very “sexy” drug for athletes to try and obtain. The East Germans studied this drug pretty extensively for many years and some of the success of this now defunct country was attributed to this drug, which made it’s first appearance to athletes in East Germany as little blue “Vitamins” their coaches gave to them. This drug has been discontinued by all of the major pharmaceutical houses, and is only found through certain underground labs. Even though some UnderGround Labs have access to this item, and it appears on their price-lists, it’s still rare enough. I believe it was first produced in the last half decade by a certain cat in Thailand. It’s my speculation that it’s on the cusp of either becoming very popular, to the point where every Underground Lab will start carrying their own version of it, or it will disappear again and only be carried by a select few, if any, suppliers.

                      The easiest way to explain this drug is that it is a derivative of Dianabol. Though it is a derivative of our old friend Diana, it’s still quite different...remember, Equipoise is estrified Dianabol, and really has nothing in common with it, in terms of real-world-effects. Let’s examine OT in relation to D-bol for now, though. The first similarity between the two is that they have both been 17-alpha-alkylated (a carbon atom was added at the 17th position) to survive the first pass through the liver. This, of course, increases hepatoxicity (liver toxicity). OT has a much lower level of androgenic activity compared to dianabol, but a better balance/ratio of anabolic and androgenic effects. It has a rating of a 0 (according to the Vida reference) for androgenic properties and a 53 for anabolic properties based on a score of 100 each for testosterone. This promotes more of a "hard" look, of what competition bodybuilders often call “quality” muscle. You do not get the same "puffy" look as you would on d-bol, and many people have thus compared the results they’ve gotten from OT to Anavar. Actually, though, this stuff is simply dianabol with a 4-chloro alteration, the same alteration found in Clostebol.

                      Due to this 4-chloro substitution in the A-Ring of its Steran Nucleus, this drug cannot be aromatized (3). This is, as you know, quite beneficial and is one of the reasons Oral Turinabol has been called a "gentle d-bol.” You will probably not get any typical estrogenic side effects like water retention, acne, gyno, etc… at any dose of this drug. A couple of studies I read examining male athletes over a period of six weeks were given 10 mg OT/day did not show any indications of health-threatening effects. It has been recommended that men should take between 20-40mg every day and women a 5mg every day, and I generally think that it is not very strong (as compared to many other orals) and wouldn't drop below the 40mg mark if I were to use it personally. It may perhaps be used in low(er) doses if it is simply being used for it's ability to reduce SHBG's binding (1)to other steroids. In this respect, it may have synergy with other drugs, since it has the ability to reduce SHBG and thus free up more testosterone for use in your body.
                      The only negative thing I have heard about this drug is that in high doses (10+mg) virilization has been seen in women(14) and there has been at least one case of testicular tumors, and one case of a guy who suffered adverse effects from 5 years of high-dose use of OT (2)(4). It should be noted that the former East Germans did many experiments with this drug in high doses though, and found it to be a very suitable compound for their athletes. Many of the women suffered virilization at higher doses, though. During the 68-72 Olympic cycles, the East German Sports OT program made its biggest impact. It was around this time, that the East German weightlifters were taking over 10g/year of OT, and their leading male sprinter was taking under 730mgs/year of OT (14). I think this tells me that for real weight gains, and huge gains in the weight room, you’re going to need bank-breaking dosages of this stuff. On the bright side, if you are an athlete looking to get faster, a little bit of OT will get you there pretty easily, and with minimal (if any) side effects). I think that it’s inability to cause negative side effects, and it’s ability to produce a favorable increase in lean body mass and thus a favorable increase in strength/speed and an athlete’s strength:bodyweight ratio is what turned the East German coaches and scientists on. It must be noted that, at the time, this stuff was mostly undetectable, and that was certainly a sought after trait by the East Germans, who were looking to circumvent the drug testing procedures of the IOC. Now, of course, OT is detectable, as once it’s administered to man, three major metabolites are formed: 6 beta-hydroxy-turinabol, 6 beta, 12-dihydroxy-turinabol, and 6 beta, 16-dihydroxy-turinabol (5)(8)(9).All of those metabolites are now detectable by drug screeners. In much smaller quantities at least another three metabolites are excreted, one of which could be identified as 17 epi-turinabol (5), and is easily detected by modern drug tests... No measurable amounts of OT itself is detected in any of the urine samples investigated in sports doping procedures, but the presence of the metabolites is enough to warrant a positive result, and a failed test. Keeping all of this in mind, it is still important to note that the rate of metabolism and urinary excretion or Oral-Turinabol is reasonably fast (5), even though it is technically eliminated biphastically (in two stages) by the body, with a terminal 16hr ½ life (1). I think that the sports-doping-party-poopers (The NCAA and IOC) OT is notorious for increasing the time it will take for your blood to clot because it has spontaneous fibrinolytic properties. “Fibrinolytic effects” means that the destruction of fibrin (an insoluble fibrous protein produced in the liver from the soluble protein) is happening in your body. Fibrinogen is important during the blood clotting process, as it is a soluble protein in the blood that is converted to insoluble fibrin by the action of the enzyme thrombin in response to tissue damage. (6)(7) Thus, you will bleed for longer than usual when on this stuff….combine that with the fact that steroids raise your hematocrit and you’ll be spending your entire morning trying to stop the bleeding if you cut yourself shaving. Well…that’s probably an exaggeration….but not by much.

                      I’ve already told you that this stuff is a potent lean tissue builder, and good for cutting. But that’s mostly of interest for bodybuilders…Now, with regards to athletics, what kind of results can we expect? Well, I was digging through the old East German literature, and found that they reported that their world class strength athletes were making some pretty remarkable improvements on OT, over a 4 year Olympic training period: Male Shot-putters were adding 2.5-4m to their shot throws, 10-12m on their Discus throw, and 6-10m to their Hammer throws. Female athletes gained even more. Lets take a look at a chart representing the improvements made by one particular female strength athlete (*she held the World Record for the shot put, at the time of her beginning OT administration), over a the period of July 18th 1968 through October 13th 1972. During the time she was taking OT, she improved her throw from under 18m to over 20m (yes, this is a 2m+ improvement, to a world record holding throw, in one Olympic Cycle). She was taking roughly 5-15mgs/day of OT in the beginning, but worked up to 35mgs/day before she was done with her Olympic cycle. Her throws even while “off” OT even improved a bit, leading to speculation that there are a lot of permanent gains to be had with OT. Anyway, here are the charts representing her intake of OT, as well as her improvements over her 4 year over her 4 year Olympic training regimen:

                      Effects of an androgenic-anabolic steroid, Oral-Turinabol, on the shot-put performance (in meters, y-axis) of a female athlete (code identification 1/68 in a, 1/69 in b, and 1/72 in c) directly photographed from the secret scientific report of Bauersfeld et al. (13), as one of the numerous examples documented, chosen here because of its historic importance as the first documented case of androgenic doping of a woman (for a detailed account, see ref. (11)). (a) 1968. The rectangle from July 28 to October 13 shows the period of drug administration, and the numbers above each date show the number of tablets taken per week (here, 14, or 10 mg per day). The curve presents the results of the specific competitions, showing the increase of strength and performance in a fully trained woman. At the time of the first drug application in 1968, the athlete had been well trained for almost 14 years. Under the influence of the drug, however, she gained unprecedented muscle strength and improved her records dramatically within a few weeks. (b) 1969. The steroid was given in three cycles and at various dosages, from 7 to 21 tablets per week (i.e., 5–15 mg daily). Without the drug, she could not reach 18 m but when taking the drug, she improved her world record once more, to 20.10 m. © 1972. She took even more of the androgenic hormone, with daily dosages of up to 7 tablets per day (35 mg), in four cycles, for a total androgenic load of 1450 mg for the year. This led to her top performances in the winter indoor season (left curve) as well as in the summer (right curve) and another personal best (20.22 m). Note the much lower performance at times off the drug or after only short periods of androgenization. Also, after 4 years of systematic androgenization, her basic strength level even when not taking the drug had also increased by ~1 m, indicative of a residual effect.

                      Did all of this work for anyone else? Well, as I told you, virtually everyone who was involved with the East German Olympic Training program was on steroids of some kind, but OT was by and far away the most popular. They had access to some pretty weird stuff, too…intranasal testosterone, etc…

                      So…back to OT…it is notable from my readings on this compound that women saw much more positive effects from OT than men (this is true of all steroids, though). Women also saw more side effects, and generally found the side effects to be more severe and unbearable than their male counterparts. Unfortunately, they also (sometimes) tended to use higher dosages than the men did; often up to 2x as high. Lets take a look at their typical yearly doses:

                      Some documented dosages of androgenic-anabolic steroid (Oral-Turinabol)1 taken by female GDR medal winners (track and field) in Olympic Games, World Championships, and European Championships.2
                      (Annual dosage of OT in mgs followed by Events)

                      3680 Shot-put
                      3190 Discus
                      2900 Shot-put
                      2615 Shot-put
                      2590 Shot-put
                      1670 Sprint
                      1560 Hurdles
                      1480 Hurdles
                      1474 Sprint
                      1460 Sprint
                      1450 Shot-put
                      1405 Sprint
                      1380 Heptathlon
                      1375 Sprint
                      1340 Heptathlon
                      1255 Discus
                      1230 Heptathlon
                      1230 Hurdles
                      1185 Javelin

                      1.Additional injections of testosterone esters have not been considered here.
                      2. Data taken from ref. (14), which gives names and details. At least 12 of the drug-receiving competitors listed in this table set world records.
                      In keeping with Journal policy regarding confidentiality of patients and subjects, the names of subjects have been omitted.

                      Shocked? Don’t be. This was during the cold war, and victory in the Olympics was seen as a victory for a certain way of life and a certain ideology; defeat was unthinkable and unacceptable.

                      Is the recent reappearance of Oral-Turinabol on the black market going to change athletics or bodybuilding dramatically? No…I doubt it…a combination of price ($1/10mgs average) and availability may cause this stuff to remain an understated tool at our disposal. It is, however, a viable tool in a lean mass cycle, cutting cycle, or any athlete’s drug intake routine.

                      As a final reference, I'll give you an example (direct from the East German State Doping Program's reports) on how they used OT throughout the year, and with various other drugs (like Test Prop, for example):
                      (Anabolic and special preparation for the top competition of the year during the immediate preparation period in the Olympic cycle 1980/84, using the example of some selected long jumpers (W) and a high jumper (H) in combination with the results of competitions during this time)

                      Example (from hundreds of evaluations) showing typical administration patterns of orally taken synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroids (Oral-Turinabol, periods of application denoted by rectangles) and injections of testosterone esters [arrows, 10 mg of testosterone propionate (TP); triangles, 25 mg of TP; circles, 100 mg of testosterone enanthate plus 1500 IU of hCG], here given to high (H) and long (W, Weitsprung) jumpers during the last 10 weeks before a major international competition in 1981–1984 [immediate preparation period (UWV), in weeks, is indicated on the x-axis; WS, competition series preceding the UWV; the competition results (in meters) are shown immediately above the specific drug application symbols].(14)


                      1. [The pharmacokinetics of Oral-Turinabol in humans]
                      Pharmazie. 1991 Sep;46(9):650-4. German.
                      2. Department of Urology, Universitaetsklinikum "Carl Gustav Carus," Technical University of Dresden,Dresden, Germany
                      3. Influence of 1-double bond and 11 beta-hydroxy group on stereospecific microbial reductions of 4-en-3-oxo-steroids.
                      J Steroid Biochem. 1986 Oct;25(4):561-6.
                      4. Intratesticular leiomyosarcoma in a young man after high dose doping with Oral-Turinabol: a case report.
                      Cancer. 1999 Oct 15;86(8):1571-5.
                      5. GC and capillary column GC/MS determination of synthetic anabolic steroids. II. 4-chloro-methandienone (oral turinabol) and its metabolites.
                      J Chromatogr Sci. 1983 Sep;21(9):405-10.
                      6. [Activation of the fibrinolytic system with dehydrochlormethyltestosterone]
                      Folia Haematol Int Mag Klin Morphol Blutforsch. 1984;111(4):556-62. German.
                      7. [Modification of hypofibrinolytic states by dehydrochlormethyltestosterone]
                      Folia Haematol Int Mag Klin Morphol Blutforsch. 1984;111(4):563-6. German.
                      8. [Application of microbial enzymes in studies of steroid metabolism (author's transl)]
                      Acta Microbiol Acad Sci Hung. 1975;22(4):397-402. Review. German.
                      9. [Application of microbial enzymes in studies of steroid metabolism (author's transl)]
                      Acta Microbiol Acad Sci Hung. 1975;22(4):397-402. Review. German.
                      10. [ON THE PHARMACOLOGY OF "ORAL TURINABOL".]
                      Dtsch Gesundheitsw. 1965 Apr 15;20:690-1. German. No abstract available.
                      11. Berendonk B. Doping. Von der Forschung zum Betrug. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuchverlag. 1992:448pp
                      Dtsch Gesundheitsw. 1965 Apr 15;20:670-4. German. No abstract available.
                      13. Bauersfeld K-H. Olek J. Meibner H. Hannemann D. Spenke J. Analyse des Einsatzes u. M. in den leichtathletischen Wurf/Stob-disziplinen und Versuch trainingsmethodischer Abteilungen und Verallgemeinerungen. Science Center of the DVfl 1973:41pp.
                      14. Clinical Chemistry 43:7. 1262-1279 (1997)

                      BRON (met enige gebruikerservaringen)

                      Geen dank, mazzel Lo


                      • #12
                        wow wat een lap text
                        Who's the Chef


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by [b
                          Citaat[/b] (been @ Sep. 11 2005,13:08)]wow wat een lap text  
                          zou relaxed zijn als iemand het ff vertaalt


                          • #14
                            wat let je zou ik zeggen


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by [b
                              Citaat[/b] (Loo @ Sep. 11 2005,15:27)]
                              Originally posted by [b
                              Citaat[/b] (been @ Sep. 11 2005,13:08)]wow wat een lap text  
                              zou relaxed zijn als iemand het ff vertaalt  
                              naar het spaans of russiesch ??
                              Who's the Chef


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