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  • Clen is anti-catabool..


    • Originally posted by Iron Mind View Post
      Schijnt toch wel tot een zekere hoogte een anabolen werking te hebben, maar het is discutabel volgens mij.
      Hier wat info:

      By Carlon M. Colker, MD


      Clenbuterol is a stimulant drug prescribed outside the United States for asthmatics. In some ways, it works like ephedrine as a "beta-2 agonist" (i.e., dilates the airways and reduces constrictive wheezing). However, unlike ephedrine (which is out of the body in a few hours) the stimulant (six- to eight-hour maximum peak effect) and thermogenic (fat burning) qualities of the drug can last for many hours and even days, without actually interfering much with the normal sleep-wake cycle. But this is just one small facet of a drug that has rapidly become a mainstay in the arsenal of the professional physique competitor and athlete alike.

      Chick Magnet

      Bodybuilders have developed a particular penchant for clenbuterol because it has the rare and perhaps unique feature of being able to go beyond mild mass sparing and into the realm of significant, anti-catabolic tissue building, all while incinerating fat. In other words, it helps you lose the jelly rolls while also helping just a little with size and fullness- without going overboard.
      For quite a few years now, clenbuterol has been the drug of choice, especially among fitness chicks. I remember how they would all grub for "clen" around the gym. I mean coast to coast, at nearly every hardcore gym where I'd train, these chicks were like little junkies (and so many still are). Showing them some clen was like showing crack to a crackhead. I've known guys who traded clen for locker room oral sex from fitness piggies. Imagine that. I mean talk about strung out! But that's the way it was and that's the power of the drug. Chicks will bend over backward for it ... literally. I mean some dealers would show up at the gym, open up the back of their cars and make more money peddling clenbuterol to the chickees than juice to the meatheads! It was unreal.

      It's not a lot different today, though it's all under wraps. Now it's like a dirty little secret among the pro fitness chicks and physique competitors. But the truth remains that it's more popular then ever, albeit much harder to obtain.

      No Monster Mass Gains

      Of course, it's not just the chickees. There are plenty of strung out male bodybuilders as well. But clenbuterol interestingly seems to have a more variable effect from one male to another. Unlike females, who almost invariably respond to the fat-burning effects of the drug regardless of body type, it's simply not the same for men. I've found it tends to be a little too anorectic in the male ectomorph. In the male endomorph, the results are often never realized. The male mesomorph seems to be perfectly suited to receiving all of the ergogenic effects. This includes cuts, as well as mass gain (anabolism).

      In fact, in the right male subject, clenbuterol has marked anabolic effects. It slightly increases muscle mass and protein content, while dramatically decreasing fat deposition. Research tells us that clenbuterol increases muscle wet weight, but not protein density, in predominantly fast-twitch muscles (e.g., quadriceps) and increases protein density, but not wet weight, in predominantly slow-twitch muscles (e.g., calves). This suggests that the mechanisms for regulating muscle growth may produce more size in the fast-twitch muscles and more recovery ability in the slow-twitch fibers. But even though clenbuterol can be surprisingly anabolic in the right subjects, bodybuilders still don't get the monster mass gains seen with testosterone or GH. A drawback bodybuilders have figured out is that clenbuterol must be cycled on and off because of severe beta receptor down-regulation. So clenbuterol is effective for only about two to three weeks at a time before a week or more must be taken off from the drug.

      Reaching a Steady-state

      While traveling in Europe and the Middle East, I was astounded at how prevalent the use was among strength athletes. While the typical medical therapeutic dose in Europe among otherwise healthy adult male subjects is about 20 micrograms twice a day, typical doses of abuse for the bodybuilder, fitness competitor and athlete are 100 micrograms per day. A common sample run might start at 20 micrograms once a day for a couple of days, with doses increasing as tolerated to the optimal steady-state dosage (for some abusers, as much as 200 micrograms per day in divided doses!). Steady-state is generally reached within five days.

      Once in steady-state, this dosage generally continues for about three weeks before tapering back down over another five days. After that, optimal results are achieved by resisting the temptation to continue it and instead, taking one to two weeks off from the drug. This allows the down-regulated receptor pool to regenerate itself and again become sensitive to the drug. From there, cycles are resumed every two to three weeks.

      In the U.S., clenbuterol isn't an approved drug for humans. It only exists in this country in a veterinary form called Ventipulmin syrup. This product is the only FDA-approved solution for reversible respiratory problems and respiratory conditions such as allergy-induced respiratory distress, small airway disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)- but in horses! It relieves reversible bronchospasm arising from a variety of respiratory conditions by easing airway muscle spasm, increasing mucus secretions for improved airway resistance and improving mucociliary transport by decreasing the thickness of mucus in these animals. Federal law restricts this drug to use only by, or on the order of, a licensed veterinarian- and only in animals.

      An Altered State of Consciousness

      On the animal-use front, clenbuterol has also been used by cattlemen to breed larger cattle. But reports abound in Europe of humans being grossly overexposed to clenbuterol by eating cattle that had been given clenbuterol. One report from Spain involved 113 cases of people developing nervousness, tachycardia, muscle shaking, pain and headache after eating veal liver (high-concentration sequestering occurs in the liver). Their symptoms lasted as long as six days. For this reason, it's illegal for cattlemen to give clenbuterol or any other beta agonist to cattle, and federal law prohibits the use of clenbuterol in animals intended for food. Though these people were overexposed to the drug, it seems that none of them died or suffered long-term illnesses as a result of the overexposure. Yet, even in physiologic human dose, there's a danger when not taken properly.

      Not surprisingly, clenbuterol abuse has become more prevalent in young people not involved with either bodybuilding or athletics. It started in the 90s with the age of ecstasy abuse, techno clubbing and the dance-until-you-drop, altered state of consciousness. The popular physique among these young people was the shredded look. It still is today, more then ever. The ultimate desire is to be lean and shredded. So clenbuterol is gaining rapid popularity. Take ecstasy and wash it down with some Red Bull, then follow it up with some clenbuterol abuse and you and your washboard abs will be ready to thump all night with the other drones. Of course, the problem with this popular mix in the wrong person is the very real potential for cardiac arrest.

      In chronic doses (i.e., continuous use for many months with no break) clenbuterol may produce myocardial hypertrophy (thickening of the wall of the heart). Ironically, this isn't always seen as a bad thing in select cases. The fact is that clenbuterol has been used in combination with left ventricular assist devices for the treatment of end-stage heart failure by reversing myocardial atrophy. The mechanism of action on these heart cells hasn't been fully elucidated. We do know that chronic and uninterrupted administration of clenbuterol causes a significant increase in the utilization of carbohydrates in the Krebs cycle at the cellular level, while inducing an increase in muscle cell calcium content.

      Yet even when taken properly and assuming the risks, athletes have another problem. All beta agonists, including clenbuterol, are banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and most major sports organizations. Many athletes have abused clenbuterol to enhance performance. Athletes love it because it perks them up and gives them energy like an amphetamine rush and thus, burns fat, but without the undesirable wasting that comes along with stimulant abuse.

      Clenbuterol comes in oral form in small tablets, so it's easy to take and conceal. Plus, it has the added benefit of leaving the system in a matter of days after discontinuing, thus being undetectable (usually about five days before the urine is clear). But again, that's only if athletes get away with abusing it. Major league baseball pitcher Jason Grimsley admitted using the drug, and tennis player Mariano Puerta was penalized for abuse. In the world of track and field, German sprinter Katrin Krabbe received a four-year ban for taking the drug.

      As a few athletes here and there pop up under detection, just know that this is the very tip of the iceberg. Also, when compared to professional physique competitors, the comparison is laughable. Currently, there are few, if any, high-level professional male or female competitors who haven't taken clenbuterol.

      bron: CLENBUTEROL
      I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
      - Dave Tate


      • Licht uit op snelweg kóst juist veel geld

        Door: Ellen van Gaalen, Jeroen de Vreede
        30-1-14 - 05:10 bron: AD
        Handmatig inschakelen van verlichting kost tonnen

        De A4 tussen Amsterdam en Den Haag. © anp.

        Het uitzetten van de verlichting langs snelwegen kost vooralsnog meer dan het oplevert. Rijkswaterstaat is tonnen kwijt aan het handmatig inschakelen van verlichting bij wegwerkzaamheden, zo blijkt uit documenten in bezit van het AD.

        De bezuinigingsmaatregel schoot veel automobilisten in het verkeerde keelgat. Ze klaagden over onveiligheid op de onverlichte snelwegen.

        Het uitzetten van de verlichting bij dertig snelwegen moet miljoenen besparen, maar blijkt nu een kostenpost: de opbrengsten zijn 0,6 miljoen euro per jaar, maar de dienst is nu 2 miljoen euro per jaar kwijt om de verlichting op plekken met wegwerkzaamheden wél aan te laten. Dat moet langs veel wegen ter plaatse gebeuren door een aannemer, die hiervoor veel geld vraagt.

        Rekeningen lopen op

        De problemen doen zich ook voor bij grote ongevallen. Voor de veiligheid van hulpverleners moet ook op die momenten het licht aan. Maar volgens Rijkswaterstaat lopen de rekeningen van de aannemers voor die klussen eveneens flink op. De dienst wil de dure aannemers ontlopen door alle verlichting vanuit verkeerscentrales aan- en uit te zetten. Daarvoor is nieuwe apparatuur nodig. De automatische bediening van de verlichting is uiterlijk juni dit jaar beschikbaar.

        Rijkswaterstaat wist maanden van tevoren dat de bezuinigingsmaatregel in het water kon vallen. Op 14 mei 2013 noemt een ambtenaar het een reële kans, dat 'handmatig inschakelen bij wegwerkzaamheden meer kost dan de besparing opbrengt'.

        Rijkswaterstaat zet toch door en in september blijkt inderdaad dat aannemers veel geld vragen. De kosten zijn minimaal 2 miljoen per jaar. 'Dat is een veelvoud van het bedrag dat per jaar bespaard wordt met het uitzetten van de verlichting', schrijft hoofdingenieur-directeur Peter Struijk op 10 september.

        Licht uit op snelweg kóst juist veel geld -
        I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
        - Dave Tate


        • Harley-fanaat met motor en al begraven


          Door: Redactie
          1-2-14 - 02:15 bron: AP De plexiglas kist met daarin het stoffelijk overschot van Billy Standley én zijn favoriete Harley Davidson wordt in het graf getakeld. © ap. Een 82-jarige motorfanaat uit de Amerikaanse staat Ohio had bij zijn overlijden maar één wens: begraven worden met zijn Harley Davidson na een laatste rit naar het kerkhof. In het bijzijn van vrienden en familie en een stoet motorrijders werd hij gisteren ter aarde besteld.
          Billy Standley werd gisteren begraven in Mechanicsburg, Ohio. © ap. © ap. Gekleed in leder en met bijbehorende zonnebril werd Billy Standley al zittend op zijn 1967 Electra Glide-cruiser naar het kerkhof gebracht. Standley, zondag aan longkanker overleden, was tijdens de rit zichtbaar door het transparante plexiglas.

          Aparte doodskist
          De voormalige rodeorijder was jaren geleden begonnen met de voorbereidingen voor zijn unieke begrafenis en kocht daarvoor drie stukken grond naast het graf van zijn vrouw. Daardoor zou er genoeg plaats zijn voor zijn aparte doodskist.

          Zijn zonen Pete en Roy hielpen bij het maken van de kist uit plexiglas en verstevigden de bodem met hout en metaal. Om ervoor te zorgen dat de overledene tijdens zijn laatste rit niet zou omvallen, werd zijn lichaam verstevigd met een metalen beugel en vastgegespt. Standley zou de kist vijf jaar lang in de garage bewaren en laten zien aan iedereen die geïnteresseerd was. 'Hij was er trots op', aldus zoon Roy.

          De familie geeft toe dat de processie naar het kerkhof, waarbij het lichaam voor iedere passant zichtbaar was, voor sommigen choquerend kan zijn geweest. Maar ze wilden koste wat kost de laatste wens van hun vader in vervulling laten gaan.


          • Demonstrant Oekraïne: 'Ik werd ontvoerd en gekruisigd' -

            Echt abnormaal wat ze met die mensen doen.
            You don't quit when you're tired.
            You quit when you're done.


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              DIVIDE ET IMPERA


              • Protein


                • Ziek vreetfestijn.
                  You don't quit when you're tired.
                  You quit when you're done.


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                      • Hij is wel redelijk symetrisch.
                        DIVIDE ET IMPERA


                        • jezus wat denken die gasten zelf?

                          ziet er toch gvd niet uit :S


                          • Originally posted by Protasius View Post
                            jezus wat denken die gasten zelf?

                            ziet er toch gvd niet uit :S

                            Squat 8x 97,5kg ¤ Deadlift 8x 100kg ¤ Dumbell Bench​ 8x 60kg


                            • Ik wil niet vervelend doen maar hij heeft echt geen borst :P
                              Maar goed, die leeft vast niet lang meer...
                              ‘’ its not about how hard you get hit “
                              Its about how HARD you can get HIT , and keep MOVING FORWARD


                              • Dat is puur om aandacht te krijgen, een andere manier kan ik met mijn gezonde verstand niet bij...
                                Hard work, beats talent.


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