In eierkoek zitten nauwelijks eiwitten bro. Zou een liter magere melk drinken, of een weishake met wat dextrose ofzo.
Oefening Buikspieren
Originally posted by 023- View Postkun je ook gewone melk drinken en in wat ovor producten zitten veel eiwitten niet van die shakes maar gewone producten??
Originally posted by 023- View Postkun je ook gewone melk drinken
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Shirreffs SM et al. Milk as an effective post-exercise rehydration drink. Br J Nutr (2007): Pg 1-8
The effectiveness of low-fat milk, alone and with an additional 20 mmol/l NaCl, at restoring fluid balance after exercise-induced hypohydration was compared to a sports drink and water. After losing 1·8 (SD 0·1) % of their body mass during intermittent exercise in a warm environment, eleven subjects consumed a drink volume equivalent to 150 % of their sweat loss. Urine samples were collected before and for 5 h after exercise to assess fluid balance. Urine excretion over the recovery period did not change during the milk trials whereas there was a marked increase in output between 1 and 2 h after drinking water and the sports drink. Cumulative urine output was less after the milk drinks were consumed (611 (SD 207) and 550 (SD 141) ml for milk and milk with added sodium, respectively, compared to 1184 (SD 321) and 1205 (SD 142) ml for the water and sports drink; P,0·001). Subjects remained in net positive fluid balance or euhydrated through
My comments: In addition to glycogen replenishment and the promotion of recovery and adaptation to training, the issue of rehydration after exercise (endurance training moreso than resistance training) is also of importance and finding ways to optimally rehydrate the body following dehydration is a critical aspect of sports nutrition.
During endurance exercise, fluid loss usually exceeds fluid intake and athletes end up slightly dehydrated at the end of the bout and even small amounts of dehydration can negatively impact on exercise performance (i.e. at the next training session). While rehydration when training once per day usually isn't too big of an issue, many athletes train more frequently than this and finding ways to optimally rehydrate (again, in addition to issues of recovery, etc.) is important.
Previous work had found that the addition of both sodium and potassium to fluids was a key in rehydration, thus the popularity of drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade both of which also provide carbohydrate for glycogen replenishment.
With the exception of one study which examined the role of a whole food meal on rehydration, most studies have used various experimental solutions, so this week's study set out to examine a more commonly found beverage (low fat milk) in terms of its effects on rehydration following exercise.
The study recruited eleven healthy male volunteers who were physically active but described as not being accustomed to exercise in a warm environment.
Following a familiarization trial, subjects performed an exercise trial in a warm/humid room consisting of 10 minute bouts at 2 w/kg workload. Bodyweight was measured in-between bouts with the exercise stopped when the subjects had lost 1.7% of their starting bodyweight.
One of four drinks was provided starting at 20 minutes after exercise. The drinks were 2% milk, 2% milk with added sodium, water, or Powerade. The total drink volume given was equal to 150% of the total weight lost in four equal amounts (every 15 minutes for an hour); subjects were monitored for an additional 4 hours. No food or drink was allowed and urine production was measured every hour by having the subjects pee. Subjective measurements of hunger and thirst were made every hour as well (in addition to before and immediately after the exercise bout).
All subjects lost roughly 1.8 kg of weight during the exercise bout and the total amount of fluid given over the hour of recovery drinking was 1.8 l (slightly under half a gallon).
In terms of urine production (a measurement of the amount of ingested fluid retained by the both), both milk trials showed significantly less urine output compared to either water or Powerade with no real difference between the milk and milk plus sodium drinks.
Similar results were seen looking at net fluid balance, due to decreased urine output, the milk groups reattained fluid balance after 4 hours while the water/Powerade groups were still slightly dehydrated.
Finally, subjective rating of thirst went up after the exercise bout but decreased with rehydration, with no difference between drinks. Feelings of hunger also increased throughout recovery although both milk groups and the Powerade reduced hunger more than water. Subjects also reported that the Powerade was sweeter and slightly more palatable compared to the milk drinks which were reported as being saltier and more bitter. No other differences were seen.
The researchers concluded that milk (with or without extra sodium) was superior to either water or Powerade at rehydration although the slight differences seen at the end of the study are unlikely to significantly impact on exercise performance in temperate climates.
They suggest that at least part of this is due to the quantities of both sodium and potassium in milk; as mentioned both electrolytes are important in helping the body retain the fluid consumed following exercise. They also note that the digestion rate of milk is going to be slower than either water or Powerade due to the presence of protein and fat in addition to the carbohydrate; this might have affected the body's utilization of the milk for rehydration compared to the other drinks. In keeping with this, subjects in the milk group reported greater fullness, probably due to the length of time it took for the milk to be fully absorbed.
So this study adds to previous data showing that milk can be useful for recovery (in terms of protein synthesis) following either resistance training or endurance training, as I've discussed in previous newsletters.
At the same time, the amount of fluid consumed (nearly a half gallon of milk) is significant and some people might not find milk terribly appealing following an exhaustive exercise bout. It would be interesting to see if a protein/carbohydrate drink containing either dextrose/maltodextrin and whey or milk protein isolate (with similar amounts of electrolytes to what is found in milk) promoted the same level of rehydration following exercise. I suspect that it would and this might provide an easier way to promote both training adaptations and rehydration following exercise. This would probably be easier than trying to drink 16-32 oz of milk following exercise.
An additional issue, of course, is that of lactose intolerance but the availability of lactose reduced or removed milk (cf. Lactaid/DairyEase) should make this less of an issue.
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Consumption of fluid skim milk promotes greater muscle protein accretion after resistance exercise than does consumption of an isonitrogenous and isoenergetic soy-protein beverage1,2,3
Sarah B Wilkinson, Mark A Tarnopolsky, Maureen J MacDonald, Jay R MacDonald, David Armstrong and Stuart M Phillips
1 From the Exercise Metabolism Research Group, Department of Kinesiology (SBW, MJM, and SMP), the Departments of Pediatrics and Neurology (MAT and JRM), and the Department of Gastroenterology (DA), McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
Background:Resistance exercise leads to net muscle protein accretion through a synergistic interaction of exercise and feeding. Proteins from different sources may differ in their ability to support muscle protein accretion because of different patterns of postprandial hyperaminoacidemia.
Objective:We examined the effect of consuming isonitrogenous, isoenergetic, and macronutrient-matched soy or milk beverages (18 g protein, 750 kJ) on protein kinetics and net muscle protein balance after resistance exercise in healthy young men. Our hypothesis was that soy ingestion would result in larger but transient hyperaminoacidemia compared with milk and that milk would promote a greater net balance because of lower but prolonged hyperaminoacidemia.
Design:Arterial-venous amino acid balance and muscle fractional synthesis rates were measured in young men who consumed fluid milk or a soy-protein beverage in a crossover design after a bout of resistance exercise.
Results:Ingestion of both soy and milk resulted in a positive net protein balance. Analysis of area under the net balance curves indicated an overall greater net balance after milk ingestion (P < 0.05). The fractional synthesis rate in muscle was also greater after milk consumption (0.10 * 0.01%/h) than after soy consumption (0.07 * 0.01%/h; P = 0.05).
Conclusions:Milk-based proteins promote muscle protein accretion to a greater extent than do soy-based proteins when consumed after resistance exercise. The consumption of either milk or soy protein with resistance training promotes muscle mass maintenance and gains, but chronic consumption of milk proteins after resistance exercise likely supports a more rapid lean mass accrual.
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Chocolademelk is trouwens ook prima edited by 3XL; 18-04-2008, 17:46.As you are now, I once was. As I am now, you'll never be ©3XL ®2000
Geloof niets, Probeer alles!1 Tessalonicenzen 5:21
Rust zach Tijl, we zullen je missen :'(
Originally posted by Falstyr View PostIn de loop der tijd getrainde oogspieren gekregen van al die lappen tekst van 3xl :P.
"Een zoektocht naar kennis moet los staan van het moreel van goed of kwaad, anders is die toch gedoemd niet volledig te zijn." - Genjuro
"Rock is overpowered. Paper is fine" -Scissors-
Originally posted by 023- View Postbij deze oefening zet je je buikspieren onder spanning maar heeft dit eigenlijk wel nut of ben je ze nu alleen maar op uithoudings vermogen aan het trainen
Als je de gehele bewegingsbaan wilt trainen kan je wel dezelfde oefening gebruiken, maar moet je varieren in de hoogte waarop je je benen houd.
Betere manier is imo om gewoon full ROM oefeningen te doen. Zoals in deze post
(heeft Falstyr weer wat te lezen)
As you are now, I once was. As I am now, you'll never be ©3XL ®2000
Geloof niets, Probeer alles!1 Tessalonicenzen 5:21
Rust zach Tijl, we zullen je missen :'(
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