barbell hip thrust

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  • barbell hip thrust

    Iemand deze oefening wel eens geprobeerd? Laatst deed ik m vrij licht met 70 kg 3x10 en heb nu wel dikke spierpijn

    In the past several months I’ve seen so many bad hip thrust videos on Youtube that it occurred to me that I’ve never filmed a hip thrust instructional video.
    In case you didn’t know, in September of last year I started writing about the hip thrust and incorporating the exercise into articles for various strength training websites. The exercise has already become very popular around the world. I receive multiple emails daily from individuals who have begun using hip thrusts and have seen excellent results in terms of better butts, faster sprints, and improved deadlift strength.

    To date, I know that strength coaches Dave Tate, Christian Thibaudeau, Kelly Baggett, Mike Boyle, Nick Tumminello, Eric Cressey, Tony Gentilcore, Jason Ferrugia, Martin Rooney, Mike Young, Mark Young, Patrick Ward, Joe DeFranco, Charlie Weingroff, Sam Leahey, and Brad Kaczmarski have been performing and prescribing variations of hip thrusts. Famous celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson programs them into his celebrities’ workouts. There are probably many more gurus and athletes using them but I have yet to receive feedback. Furthermore, strongman Kevin Nee and powerlifter Andy Bolton have used variations of them in their training. The hip thrust has been featured on TMuscle.Com, StrengthCoach.Com, Elitefts.Com, Men’s Health Magazine, and Oxygen Magazine, not to mention numerous blogs and forums around the world.
    If you’ve studied the history of the bench press, you know that it took many years – around fifty years to be more precise, for the lift to evolve into the world’s most popular upper body exercise. It started off as the “back press,” “press from back,” or “floor press,” morphed into the “bridge press” or “belly press,” and finally evolved into the modern “bench press.” Many weightlifters from back in the day did not like the bench press because it was performed while lying supine. These folks felt that all “manly” lifts were performed from a standing position – barbell military press, cleans, jerks, snatches, squats, deadlifts, curls, and bent over rows. The weightlifters would see people performing the bench press and would scoff at those who wanted to “expand their pecs.” Despite the close-mindedness of the weightlifters of that era, the bench press caught on because it works! The hip thrust is catching on very rapidly because like the bench press, it works too! If you do the hip thrust correctly your glutes will burn like they’ve never burned before.
    When you think about it, the hip thrust is very much like the bench press. One could consider the hip thrust “the lower body bench press.” You can perform a floor press but a bench allows you to perform the movement with a full range of motion. Similarly, you can perform a glute bridge, but a bench allows you to perform the movement with a full range of motion. Lying supine allows you to train the pecs optimally which are best worked from a horizontal load vector. Similarly, lying supine allows you to train the glutes optimally which are also worked best from a horizontal vector.

    Although standing exercises will always reign supreme, sometimes we need to throw in supine, prone, or quadruped exercises in order to train different angles. The bench press correlates very well with the shot put. Similarly, the hip thrust seems to correlate well with top speed sprinting. In my opinion, the hip thrust is getting popular faster than any other new exercise I’ve seen since I’ve been following the fitness field.
    In order to perform proper hip thrusts, you must move at the hips, not at the low back. You must feel the glutes doing the work, not the lumbar erectors and hamstrings. Finally, you must control the weight, which means no flinging.
    Do yourself a favor and watch this ten minute video. It will really pay off in the long-run. I’ve been performing hip thrusts for three-and-a-half years now, so I can provide you with some pretty darn good advice! Ironically, Soviet and American scientists Yuri Verhkoshansky, Mel Siff, and Tudor Bompa thought up variations of hip thrusts decades ago and prescribed them to athletes and sprinters. Although these exercises didn’t “stick,” it appears that the more modern variations I’ve come up with are here to stay.

    Bret Contreras Hip Thrust Instructional Video
    Lid van de 200 club

  • #2
    De oefening ziet er apart uit.
    Ik denk alleen dat tie niet helemaal lekker is voor je rug?


    • #3
      Deze oefening is zeer populair bij pornosterren.
      I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
      - Dave Tate


      • #4
        Dat geloof ik best Zien jullie nut in deze oefening?
        Lid van de 200 club


        • #5
          nee, absoluut niet


          • #6
            Originally posted by joachimrens View Post
            Dat geloof ik best Zien jullie nut in deze oefening?
            Heb je het artikel dan niet gelezen?
            I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
            - Dave Tate


            • #7
              Originally posted by inferno_0666 View Post
              Heb je het artikel dan niet gelezen?
              nope waar is die oefening goed voor? tight ass of?


              • #8
                Heb hem een keer 8 weken in een cyclus gedaan. Leuke oefening voor hams en glutes.
                More knowledge will just increase your potential. For this potential to be manifested, the knowledge must be applied!


                • #9
                  Dit vind ik interessant. Deze oefening kennen we ook bij yoga in verschillende varianties. Deze oefening is bij yoga vanaf de grond. Eerste variant is glute bridge en dan 1 been optillen. In het begin kreeg ik dan kramp in mijn hamstring... Andere variant is bovenrug verder doorstrekken.

                  Zelf vind ik het best lastig om goed uit te voeren en te starten met het liften van de onderste rugwervels, lijkt mij op dat punt blessuregevoelig, hij legt dat ook uit in het filmpje.

                  Met gewicht erbij als krachtoefening had ik het nog nooit gezien, en dan op een bankje, weer wat geleerd vandaag.


                  • #10
                    Ik denk dat ik m in mn schema ga verwerken, hij zegt zelfs dat je met deze oefening meer gewicht zou kunnen doen dan met je 1rm squat. Enne barbrother het kan helpen met extra stabiliteit met bankdrukken en lockout van deadliften, misschien ook met squatten?
                    Lid van de 200 club


                    • #11
                      heb het artikel niet gelezen maar ik denk dat deze oefening wel degelijk kan helpen bij de squat. Dit vm heupmobiliteit en betrekking hamstrings/glutes.
                      sq 130 / dl 175 / bp 100 / mp 70

                      you know they can't handle us like debbies does dallas


                      • #12
                        heb anderen deze oefening wel eens zien doen en lijkt mij ook wel een goede oefening om extra nadruk te leggen op de glutes. Zoals hij in het filmpje ook uitlegt is het wel een oefening die je rustig moet opbouwen en volledig met de glutes moet doen. VOlgens mij kan je er nogal snel een beetje mee valsspelen door je rug en benen te gebruiken.

                        Misschien moet ik deze ook maar eens doen


                        • #13
                          Als je het goed doet branden je glutes echt, een apart gevoel
                          Lid van de 200 club


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by joachimrens View Post
                            Als je het goed doet branden je glutes echt, een apart gevoel
                            met walking lunges weet je ook weer waar je kont zit
                            Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something.
                            People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you, you can't do it.
                            BP: 1x120 kg SQ:1x190 kg DL: 1x200 kg


                            • #15
                              Jah maar dat is meer quads volgensmij. Ook wel glutes, maar deze oefening isoleert echt glutes(en beetje hamstrings).
                              Lid van de 200 club


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