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  • L-Leucine

    Vroeg me af of iemand de amino L-Leucine als losse sup heeft (gebruikt en ongeacht welk produkt) en er eventueel iets over te melden heeft.

    Volgens allerlei verhalen lijkt het erg veel effect te hebben op massa en kracht en herstel.

    Bodybuilding.com - L-Leucine Information and Product Listing! L-Leucine FAQ!

  • #2
    Je hebt geluk dikzak. Ben weer over wat gestruikeld van JB.

    Even gecopypaste, niet alles is relevant, maar het is zoiezo interessant.

    leucine, isoleucine, and valine. i take both bcaas as well as straight leucine. here a a few studies . i have thrown in a few other interesting studies that i have come across while dredging up the appropriate ones.


    Effects of leucine supplementation on the body composition and protein status of rats submitted to food restriction.Donato J Jr, Pedrosa RG, Cruzat VF, Pires IS, Tirapegui J.
    Department of Food Science and Experimental Nutrition, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    OBJECTIVE: Acute administration of leucine has been shown to stimulate certain protein synthesis related anabolic processes. However, the effect of chronic leucine administration in a catabolic situation caused by food restriction (FR) has not been established. We therefore evaluated the effect of chronic leucine supplementation on the body composition and some indicators of protein nutritional status of rats submitted to FR. METHODS: Adult male Wistar rats were submitted to 50% FR for 6 weeks. The control group received the AIN-93M diet and the leucine group received the same diet supplemented with 5.91 g L-leucine/kg ration. We then determined carcass chemical composition, serum leptin, albumin and total protein concentrations, and protein, DNA and RNA concentrations in gastrocnemius muscle and liver. RESULTS: No difference in final body weight was observed between groups. However, the leucine group presented a lower amount of body fat (P < 0.05). Leptin concentration showed a directly proportional correlation with the amount of body fat (r = 0.88, P < 0.05), but no significant difference in serum leptin concentration was observed between groups (P = 0.08). Regarding protein nutritional status, liver protein concentration was higher in the leucine group (P < 0.05). In the gastrocnemius muscle, a higher RNA concentration (P < 0.05) and a tendency towards higher DNA concentration (P = 0.06) were observed in the leucine group. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that low-dose leucine supplementation increases body fat loss and improves liver protein status and the capacity of muscle protein synthesis in rats submitted to FR.

    Effects of dietary carbohydrate restriction with high protein intake on protein metabolism and the somatotropic axis.Harber MP, Schenk S, Barkan AL, Horowitz JF.
    University of Michigan, Division of Kinesiology, 401 Washtenaw Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2208, USA.

    CONTEXT: Alterations in dietary macronutrient intake can influence protein turnover. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of a low-carbohydrate/high-protein diet (LC/HP) on skeletal muscle protein synthesis and whole-body proteolysis, without the confounding influence of a negative energy balance. DESIGN: Nine-day dietary intervention was applied. SETTING: Subjects remained in the General Clinical Research Center throughout the 9-d study. PARTICIPANTS: Eight young, healthy volunteers participated. INTERVENTION: Subjects ate a typical Western diet (60% carbohydrate, 30% fat, 10% protein) for 2 d, followed immediately by 7 d of an isocaloric LC/HP (5% carbohydrate, 60% fat, 35% protein). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Skeletal muscle fractional synthetic rate and whole-body proteolysis [leucine rate of appearance in plasma (Ra)] were measured after an overnight fast before and after 2 and 7 d of LC/HP. We also measured plasma concentrations of insulin, GH, and IGF-I. RESULTS: Leucine Ra was increased (P = 0.03) after 2 and 7 d of LC/HP, and muscle fractional synthetic rate was approximately 2-fold higher (P < 0.01) after 7 d of LC/HP. Fat free mass was not altered by LC/HP. Average 24-h plasma insulin concentration was 50% lower (P < 0.001) after 2 and 7 d of LC/HP, whereas GH secretion and total plasma IGF-I concentrations were unchanged with LC/HP. However, plasma free IGF-I decreased by approximately 30% after 7 d of LC/HP (P = 0.002), whereas muscle IGF-I mRNA increased about 2-fold (P = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Increasing dietary protein content during a 7-d carbohydrate restricted diet stimulated muscle protein synthesis and whole-body proteolysis without a measurable change in fat free mass.

    Leucine supplementation and intensive training.Mero A.
    Department of Biology of Physical Activity, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. [email protected]

    Leucine, isoleucine and valine, the branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), make up about one-third of muscle protein. Of these, leucine has been the most thoroughly investigated because its oxidation rate is higher than that of isoleucine or valine. Leucine also stimulates protein synthesis in muscle and is closely associated with the release of gluconeogenic precursors, such as alanine, from muscle. Significant decreases in plasma or serum levels of leucine occur following aerobic (11 to 33%), anaerobic lactic (5 to 8%) and strength exercise (30%) sessions. In skeletal muscle, there is a decrease in leucine level and a reduction in glycogen stores during exhaustive aerobic exercise. Basal fasting serum leucine levels decrease by 20% during 5 weeks of speed and strength training in power-trained athletes on a daily protein intake of 1.26 g/kg bodyweight. The leucine content of protein is assumed to vary between 5 and 10%. There are suggestions that the current recommended dietary intake of leucine be increased from 14 mg/kg bodyweight/day to a minimum of 45 mg/kg bodyweight/day for sedentary individuals, and more for those participating in intensive training in order to optimise rates of whole body protein synthesis. Consumption of BCAA (30 to 35% leucine) before or during endurance exercise may prevent or decrease the net rate of protein degradation, may improve both mental and physical performance and may have a sparing effect on muscle glycogen degradation and depletion of muscle glycogen stores. However, leucine supplementation (200 mg/kg bodyweight) 50 minutes before anaerobic running exercise had no effect on performance. During 5 weeks of strength and speed training, leucine supplementation of 50 mg/kg bodyweight/day, supplementary to a daily protein intake of 1.26 g/kg bodyweight/day, appeared to prevent the decrease in the serum leucine levels in power-trained athletes. According to 1 study, dietary supplementation of the leucine metabolite beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) 3 g/day to humans undertaking intensive resistance training exercise resulted in an increased deposition of fat-free mass and an accompanying increase in strength. Muscle proteolysis was also decreased with HMB, accompanied by lower plasma levels of enzymes indicating muscle damage and an average 50% decrease in plasma essential amino acid levels. Furthermore, BCAA supplementation (76% leucine) in combination with moderate energy restriction has been shown to induce significant and preferential losses of visceral adipose tissue and to allow maintenance of a high level of performance. Caution must be paid when interpreting the limited number of studies in this area since, in many studies, leucine has been supplemented as part of a mixture of BCAA. Consequently, further research into the effects of leucine supplementation alone is needed.


    Int J Sports Med. 1997 Jan;18(1):47-55. Links
    Combined effects of caloric restriction and branched-chain amino acid supplementation on body composition and exercise performance in elite wrestlers.Mourier A, Bigard AX, de Kerviler E, Roger B, Legrand H, Guezennec CY.
    Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches de Medecine Aerospatiale, Departement de Physiologie Systemique, Bretigny-sur-orge, France.

    Twenty-five competitive wrestlers restricted their caloric intake (28 kcal.kg-1.day-1) for 19 days, using a hypocaloric control (hC, n = 6), hypocaloric high-protein (hHP, n = 7), hypocaloric high-branched-chain amino acid (hBCAA, n = 6), hypocaloric low-protein (hLP, n = 6) diet to determine the effects of caloric restriction on body composition and performances versus control diet (C, n = 6). Anthropometric parameters (weight, percent body fat) and adipose tissue (AT) distribution measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) obtained before and after diet, were compared. A significant highest body weight loss (-4 kg, p < 0.05) and decrease in the percent of body fat (-17.3%, p < 0.05) were observed for subjects of the hBCAA group. Subjects of the hBCAA group exhibited a significant reduction (-34.4%, p < 0.05) in abdominal visceral adipose tissue (VAT). There was no change in aerobic (VO2max) (p > 0.75) and anaerobic capacities (Wingate test) (p > 0.81), and in muscular strength (p > 0.82). We conclude that under our experimental conditions, the combination of moderate energy restriction and BCAA supplementation induced significant and preferential losses of VAT, and allowed maintainance of a high level of performance
    try to use 6G of BCAA and 4G of Leucine prior and post workout. sometimes i miss prior but try to always get in post. Leucine and BCAAs in general are great supps and do much more than just build muscle.

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    "Rock is overpowered. Paper is fine" -Scissors-


    • #3
      L-Leucine in poedervorm lost zeer slecht op in een vloeistof.


      • #4
        Maakt niet uit. Zolang je het maar binnen krijgt. Snap het gezeur ook niet over "slecht" inneembare creatine/proteine in poedervorm. Zijn toch geen wijven :S


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