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Dat is goed om te horen! Zat te denken aan 60mg ephedrine per dag en 600mg caffeine.. Goede hoeveelheid om mee te beginnen? Heb het allebei eerder genomen maar niet in combinatie met elkaar
Kan je ephedrine en cafeïne gewoon tegelijk gebruiken, of is dit een 'gevaarlijke' combinatie?
Thnx alvast!
Zal wel efedra zijn?
Kan prima samen, in stack gooi er een aspirine bij.
Echte Ephedrine heb je geen stack voor nodig, is sterk zat in tegenstelling tot efedra.
Gevaarlijk is alleen in combi met bepaalde medicijnen en als je allergisch bent voor de alkaloïden van de efedraplant.
Die allergische reacties van sommigen hebben ooit voor het verbod gezorgd.
googlen was genoeg geweest.. dan had je geweten dat efedrine, caffeine elkaar versterken en dat je daarnaast ook asperine kan gaan slikken voor gewennigheid. ookwel genoemd ECA stack
EphedrineEphedrine has been shown to increase the effectiveness of thermogenesis (fat burning) in the body. It has powerful effects on the cellular mechanisms that control fat release from fat cells. Some of these effects include contributing to the release and blocking the re-uptake of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. This gives norepinephrine the ability to continuously stimulate receptors in your body, causing fat cell "flood gates" to open and facilitate fat loss. The Chinese herb ma huang (Ephedra sinica) is the chief natural source of the ephedrine family of compounds, although there are other minor sources, such as Sida cordifolia.
Caffeine The second key thermogenic ingredient caffeine is a methylxanthine that stimulates hormone-induced fat burning. The caffeine in the ECA Stack comes from kola nut and green tea extract. Caffeine works by increasing free fatty-acid concentrations and adrenaline levels. This results in greater lipolysis (oxidation of fats for energy), which can drain your fat stores over time. This change in a muscle's utilization of energy substrates can have a profound effect on fat loss. Caffeine also heightens mental alertness, which can positively affect your motivation to exercise and create the caloric deficit needed to lose body fat.
Aspirin Aspirin is the popular name for acetysalicylic acid. It raises the body's internal "thermostat," so that the increased production of heat, which is typical of ECA products, does not set off alarms in the body. This allows the ephedrine and caffeine to work in your body for a longer period of time, giving you the maximum fat-burning potential.
"Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragement, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak."
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