Caffeine Post-Workout.

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  • Caffeine Post-Workout.

    Caffeine Boosts Muscle Rebound After Exercise

    By Crystal Phend, Staff Writer, MedPage Today
    Published: July 02, 2008
    Reviewed by Zalman S. Agus, MD; Emeritus Professor
    University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

    BUNDOORA, Australia, July 2 -- Caffeine may help muscles recover quickly after a major workout or competition, a small trial showed.

    Muscles regained 66% more glycogen -- their primary fuel -- in the four hours after intense exercise when athletes took the equivalent of five or six cups of coffee with carbohydrates than when they ate carbohydrates alone (P<0.05), reported John A. Hawley, Ph.D., of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University here, and colleagues.

    Caffeine normally impairs glucose metabolism during rest in nonathletes, but the opposite appeared to be true after exercise in endurance-trained athletes, they said online in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

    The rate of glycogen recovery with caffeine was the highest ever reported for humans under real life conditions, the researchers noted.

    However, further research is needed to see if smaller doses could be as effective because caffeine can disturb sleep and cause jitteriness, they said.
    Dr. Hawley's group studied seven endurance-trained cyclists and triathletes in the randomized, double-blind trial. The evening before an experiment, they came in to the laboratory to cycle until exhausted then ate a low-carbohydrate dinner.

    The next morning subjects again rode until fatigued to maximally deplete muscle glycogen stores, mimicking race conditions.

    They were then randomized to consume carbohydrates -- sports bars, gels, and sports drinks conforming with current sports nutrition guidelines -- alone or with 8 mg of caffeine per kg of body weight during four hours of passive recovery.

    The same experiment was repeated about 10 days later with the opposite randomization. Participants did not have a caffeine habit and did not eat or drink caffeine-containing substances for two days before the trials.

    Blood glucose levels increased in both groups when they ate after exercising. Glucose concentrations gradually decreased over the next 60 to 90 minutes during recovery with carbohydrates alone (P<0.05) but not with caffeine, which was associated with higher levels at three and four hours as well (P<0.05 versus levels at exhaustion).

    After exercise, muscle glycogen levels were depleted similarly between groups (74 versus 76 mmol/kg dry weight for control and caffeine, respectively) and recovered to a similar degree after one hour of recovery (133 versus 149 mmol/kg dry weight).

    However, caffeine intake boosted glycogen accumulation over the next three hours such that glycogen levels were significantly higher at the end of the four-hour recovery period (313 versus 234 mmol/kg dry weight, P<0.001) for a higher overall resynthesis rate (57.7 versus 38.0 mmol/kg dry weight per hour, P<0.05).

    The authors wrote that "the overall (4 h) rate of resynthesis observed in the present investigation with caffeine ingestion is, to the best of our knowledge, the highest reported for human subjects under physiological conditions."
    Muscle metabolites showed no impact from the addition of caffeine during recovery, but signaling proteins thought to play roles in skeletal muscle glucose transport were higher with caffeine at the end of the recovery period for phosphorylation of CAMKThr286 (P<0.05) and AktSer473 (P=0.06).

    Primary source: Journal of Applied Physiology
    Source reference:
    Pedersen DJ, et al "High rates of muscle glycogen resynthesis after exhaustive exercise when carbohydrate is co-ingested with caffeine" J Appl Physiol 2008.

    Medical News: Caffeine Boosts Muscle Rebound After Exercise - in Primary Care, Exercise & Fitness from MedPage Today

    Hypertrophy (muscle building) and Recovery:

    The ability of caffeine to increase glucose storage post workout by as much as 66% when compared to just consuming solely carbohydrates (14) would be beneficial to any athlete, especially endurance athletes to aid recovery and performance.

    Athletes using sarcoplasmic (structural) hypertrophy rep ranges (8-15+) and a TUT (time under tension) protocol of between 40-70-sec such as bodybuilders, would also benefit from increased glycogen to aid performance and recovery. The increased glycogen would create a fuller looking muscle also.

    The increased strength (7,8,9,10), catecholamines output (13) and endurance (4,5,6,14) would facilitate a possible increase in motor unit recruitment and TUT of them, thusly improving a hypertrophy response.

    From the above we can see that coffee, through different mechanism can improve strength, endurance, fat loss and hypertrophy. Drinking coffee will not result in the improvement of these physical qualities if you sit around all day watching Judge Judy and having Ben and Jerry as your only eating partners. Coffee is an ergogenic aid, a drug, a compliment to an already good diet, training regime and lifestyle, not a compensator for a bad one.

    Coffee: A Personal Trainer’s Perspective Part 2

  • #2
    mooi textje
    Never send a boy to do a mans job!


    • #3
      Iedereen een blikje energiedrank met EA's/BCAA's erbij dus. Suikers, cafeine en amino's!
      'Half men, half animal, all dead!'


      • #4
        vlug wat redbull aandelen kopen dus


        • #5
          Geloof dat tijdens het onderzoek een vrij hoge inname van caffeine werd toegepast.
          Men wil nu verder met het onderzoek om uit te vinden of met lagere doseringen eenzelfde effect kan worden bewerkstelligt.

          Carbohydrate-Caffeine Effect

          Carbohydrate ingested with caffeine increases levels of glycogen -- the storage form of glucose -- according to an Australian study, published in the July 2008 "Journal of Applied Physiology." Volunteers consumed a meal that included 4 g carbohydrate per kilogram body weight and 8 mg caffeine per kilogram body weight after an exercise session of cycling to exhaustion. After 4 hours of recovery, the glycogen level of the carbohydrate-plus-caffeine group was 66 percent higher than the group that consumed a meal of carbohydrate with no caffeine.

          Iemand die 100kg weegt had dus een inname van 800mg caffeine, das vrij hoog.


          • #6
            maar tast caffeine
            creatine niet aan?
            There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.


            • #7
              Originally posted by kabaffel View Post
              maar tast caffeine
              creatine niet aan?
              Het veroorzaakt een mindere werking van creatine na een workout, klopt. Dus niet tijdens of pre.


              • #8
                Heb nog 2 potten staan. Zal eens de effecten bekijken op 600mg.

                Zijn wel capsules, beter om eruit te halen en gewoon in post-wo shake te gooien?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SteefDK View Post
                  Heb nog 2 potten staan. Zal eens de effecten bekijken op 600mg.

                  Zijn wel capsules, beter om eruit te halen en gewoon in post-wo shake te gooien?
                  Gewoon na je workout innemen, caffeine werkt heel snel.


                  • #10
                    Goede post, heb nog een potje caffeine caps hier staan en zal ze is een tijdje na mijn trainingen gaan nemen.
                    Every athlete, coach and trainer should have his own philosophy of training based on where he’s going. - Dave Tate


                    • #11
                      Toevallig drink ik na de training altijd koffie!


                      • #12
                        Interessant onderzoek. Helaas is er ook een keerzijde, en daarmee bedoel ik cafeine tolerantie.

                        ================================================== ========

                        Caffeine tolerance develops very quickly, especially among heavy coffee and energy drink consumers. Complete tolerance to the sleep disruption effects of caffeine develops after consuming 400 mg of caffeine 3 times a day for 7 days. Complete tolerance to subjective effects of caffeine was observed to develop after consuming 300 mg 3 times per day for 18 days, and possibly even earlier.[29] In another experiment, complete tolerance of caffeine was observed when the subject consumed 750–1200 mg per day while incomplete tolerance to caffeine has been observed in those that consume more average doses of caffeine.[30] In everyday terms, the typical caffeine content of a single cup or mug of tea or coffee is well below the 300 - 400 mg level: an average mug of instant coffee contains approximately 100mg caffeine, the same level as a cup of brewed coffee. An average mug of tea contains 75mg of caffeine. [31]

                        Because adenosine, in part, serves to regulate blood pressure by causing vasodilation, the increased effects of adenosine due to caffeine withdrawal cause the blood vessels of the head to dilate, leading to an excess of blood in the head and causing a headache and nausea.

                        ================================================== ========

                        Degenen die regelmatig koffie drinken herkennen dat laatste vast wel. Dus als je regelmatig cafeine inneemt na je sessie dan is het meer dan aannemelijk dat je er afhankelijk van wordt.
                        I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
                        - Dave Tate


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BlondSound View Post
                          Toevallig drink ik na de training altijd koffie!
                          Goed Bezig!

                          Originally posted by inferno_0666 View Post
                          Interessant onderzoek. Helaas is er ook een keerzijde, en daarmee bedoel ik cafeine tolerantie.

                          ================================================== ========

                          Caffeine tolerance develops very quickly, especially among heavy coffee and energy drink consumers. Complete tolerance to the sleep disruption effects of caffeine develops after consuming 400 mg of caffeine 3 times a day for 7 days. Complete tolerance to subjective effects of caffeine was observed to develop after consuming 300 mg 3 times per day for 18 days, and possibly even earlier.[29] In another experiment, complete tolerance of caffeine was observed when the subject consumed 750–1200 mg per day while incomplete tolerance to caffeine has been observed in those that consume more average doses of caffeine.[30] In everyday terms, the typical caffeine content of a single cup or mug of tea or coffee is well below the 300 - 400 mg level: an average mug of instant coffee contains approximately 100mg caffeine, the same level as a cup of brewed coffee. An average mug of tea contains 75mg of caffeine. [31]

                          Because adenosine, in part, serves to regulate blood pressure by causing vasodilation, the increased effects of adenosine due to caffeine withdrawal cause the blood vessels of the head to dilate, leading to an excess of blood in the head and causing a headache and nausea.

                          ================================================== ========

                          Degenen die regelmatig koffie drinken herkennen dat laatste vast wel. Dus als je regelmatig cafeine inneemt na je sessie dan is het meer dan aannemelijk dat je er afhankelijk van wordt.
                          De hoeveelheid caffeine die tijdens het onderzoek werd ingenomen was aan de vrij hoge kant, namelijk 800mg. Staat ook in het onderzoek vermeld. Men wil nu gaan kijken of het effect ook met lagere doseringen teweeggebracht kan worden.

                          De hoeveelhden waar jij mee aankomt overtreffen die 800mg zelfs.
                          De langste periode van inname in jou post is 18 dagen.
                          18 x 800mg = 14400mg (onderzoek topic)

                          18 x 1200mg = 27000mg (voorbeeld 1)
                          18 x 900mg = 16200mg (voorbeeld 2)
                          18 x 750/1200mg = 13500/21600 (voorbeeld 3)

                          En in het laatste voorbeeld, die van 13500mg was slechts een gedeeltelijke toleratie.

                          Natuurlijk zijn er ook bijwerkingen waar men KANS op heeft maar geloof dat je met je post wat aan het overdrijven bent.

                          Ikzelf neem al enkele weken ongeveer 600mg over de dag en heb werkelijk nergens last van.


                          • #14
                            Oke wel leuk om te weten.

                            Ik neem altijd.

                            1 bak sterke koffie.
                            en 20 gram why.

                            ruim45 a 60 voor het traine.


                            • #15
                              Na de training altijd eerst mijn shake en dan een paar kopjes koffie, HEERLIJK!


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