Jason Blaha's Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 Novice Program

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  • Jason Blaha's Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 Novice Program

    A potent and proven novice muscle and strength building program from Jason Blaha & Ice Cream Fitness. Testimonials continue to pour in touting it's effectiveness.


    For more information on Jason Blaha and Ice Cream Fitness, please visit the Juggernaut Fitness Youtube or Facebook fan page.

    I would like to thank Muscle & Strength for hosting my Ice Cream Fitness (ICF) 5x5 novice program which I put out for free. Since I released it a year ago hundreds of people have contacted me about their results. Please watch the video I break down the full progression and methodology behind the program:


    The program is to be conducted 3 days per week alternating workout A&B on non-consecutive days. For example:

    Week One
    • Day 1 - Workout A
    • Day 2 - Rest
    • Day 3 - Workout B
    • Day 4 - Rest
    • Day 5 - Workout A
    • Days 6 & 7 - Rest

    Week Two
    • Day 1 - Workout B
    • Day 2 - Rest
    • Day 3 - Workout A
    • Day 4 - Rest
    • Day 5 - Workout B
    • Days 6 & 7 - Rest

    Novice Program
    Exercise Sets Reps
    Squats 5 5
    Bench Press 5 5
    Bent Over Row 5 5
    Barbell Shrugs 3 8
    Tricep Extensions 3 8
    Straight Bar or Incline Curls 3 8
    Hyperextensions with plate 2 10
    Cable Crunches 3 10
    Novice Program
    Exercise Sets Reps
    Squats 5 5
    Deadlift 1 5
    Standing Press 5 5
    Bent Over Row (10% lighter than Workout A) 5 5
    Close Grip Bench Press 3 8
    Straight Bar or Incline Curls 3 8
    Cable Crunches 3 10

    One of my fans created a detailed FAQ based upon half a dozen videos in which I answered specific questions. Some of the FAQ are based upon statements I made on another forum.
    If you notice a common question or concern that is not posted below, feel free to reply in the comments section below and I will add it.
    Again, original credit goes to iBeastMode207 for taking the time to write the original up.

    I have questions...
    Watch the video. 99.9% of all of your questions can be answered by actually taking the time to watch the video on this page.

    I don't have enough time to do this program
    If you can't take the time to do this you are simply not worth the gains the program can offer you. Common time for the workout is around 1.5 hours.

    Can I change anything?

    Unless you are unable to do this program for medical reasons: do not alter the program. You are a novice, and quite simply you don't know what you're doing. If you did you wouldn't be looking for a workout.

    If you want to go changing everything to fit what you believe will give you better results, go post it in the workout programs forum so everyone can refer you right back to a proven program that works, such as this one.

    I have bad knees
    If you have bad knees, do box squats. Otherwise, unless you are medically unable you should squat.

    Can I add more deadlifts?
    Deadlifts are 1x5 for a reason. They are taxing on your CNS and if you mess around you will get hurt. So don't be the tough guy who wants to do 5x5 deadlifts, because you will fail miserably.

    Do the reps and sets as they are laid out in the program.

    I don't like squats and deadlifts
    Don't ask if you can ditch squats or deadlifts because "you don't like them". They're essential, so just do them.

    Can I add calf work?
    Supplemental calf work is acceptable, but you don't need it. If you want to do the extra work, feel free.

    Can I add side lateral raises?
    Side lateral raises are also acceptable, but Jason suggests doing face pulls instead.

    Can I add extra ab work?
    Additional ab work is acceptable. Doing ab work on off days instead is also acceptable. You can also substitute in other ab exercises if you do not have access to a cable station for cable crunches.

    How should I lift when cutting?
    The cutting version is 3x5 for main lifts, 2x8 for accessory lifts. Also, you only progress every other session, not every session. Example Workout B: deadlift 200, next workout B: deadlift 200, next workout B: deadlift 205.

    Can I add cardio?
    With a good diet, you do not need to do cardio. Most people here don't even bother as it will not make you magically lose weight. Diet is what affects weight. You will receive all the same benefits from this program (As well as any high-intensity weight training program) as you would receive from "cardio."

    Any advice on tracking calories?
    For tracking calories, Myfitnesspal is a pretty solid app. To calculate your TDEE (calorie needs determination) click here.

    What if I add weight and fail?
    If you fail a rep/set/whatever, you repeat that weight during the next workout. If you fail the next workout, you lower your weight by 10% and continue to use that until progress. Reset weights get rounded down.

    Do I need accessory work?
    You do not need to add any extra accessory work, you are a novice. Your entire body is lagging right now. You fix your overall body before moving to intermediate level workouts. Then you can focus on specific body parts and weaknesses.

    What if I stall?
    If you are not progressing and stall for a while, you may need to deload. Read this.

    Any substitutions for hyperextensions?
    Hyperextension can be substituted with good mornings or cable pull throughs.

    Any substitutions for close grip bench press?
    CGBP/Dips are a matter of preference, Jason just prefers CGBP.

    What about rest between sets?
    Break times between sets are 3-5 minutes for the 5x5 sets and 1-2 minutes for the 3x8 sets.
    Skeggǫld, Skálmǫld, Skildir ro Klofnir.

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