BMI Evolution of Pro IFBB Bodybuilders
In the early 90's bodybuilders have started to use human growth hormone (HGH), and soon thereafter insulin and IGFs, to further increase their muscle mass beyond levels that were obtainable by only using anabolic steroids (AS). To demonstrate the impact of the entrance of growth hormone and insulin into bodybuilding, I have gathered some statistics (peak performance year, competition body weight, and body length) of as many professional IFBB bodybuilders throughout history as I could find, and calculated their lean body mass index (BMI). The lean BMI is the best available parameter to estimate a bodybuilder's overall muscle mass independently from his body length. The data that I have used, and the body mass index values that I have calculated, are presented in the table at the bottom of this page. I also plotted the BMI-values versus the athletes' peak performance year into the graph below.

One can clearly see a trend break in the graph in the first half of the 1990's, when growth hormone and insulin entered bodybuilding. Before that period the BMI-values of bodybuilders were scattered around a nearly flat linear trend line with an average value of about 31. In the early 90's the average BMI suddenly increased by over 15% up to an average value of 36, and further increased gradually up to an average value of 38 in the years 2000, an increase by over 20% compared to the pre-HGH era. As the use of HGH, insulin and IGFs are further pushed to the limits by today's professional bodybuilders, we expect to see more and more athletes showing up with a BMI of 40 or even higher in the coming years. Currently about 8 athletes have a BMI of about 40.
Unfortunately there are no reliable body statistics available of true natural bodybuilders, who have built their physique completely without the use of any hormonal drugs. That is because the use of anabolic steroids became a common practice among top bodybuilders already before the first professional bodybuilding contests were organized in the 60's. However, everybody who knows the sport of bodybuilding well enough, knows that a similar increase in the BMI of over 15% is expected to be observed, if one would compare true natural bodybuilders with bodybuilders who have used anabolic steroids to build their physique.
In conclusion, one can fairly say that the lean BMI or body weight of modern professional top bodybuilders is more than 30% higher solely as the result of massive use of very potent hormonal drugs such as anabolic steroids, human growth hormone, IGFs, and insulin. This is more or less consistent with the observation of nowadays natural bodybuilding contests, where the BMI-values of the champions are usually closer to 25 than 30. It is therefore fair to say that today's top heavy weight bodybuilders have more than half of their lean muscle mass thanks to the drugs, rather than hard training and good nutrition. No, the steep increase of lean muscle mass among top bodybuilders since the 90's has nothing to do with better genes, better training, better nutrition or supplements. Unfortunately Ronnie Coleman does not come from another planet, as many of his fans would like to believe.
Let me finally try to estimate the lean BMI of a male person with optimal genetic potential for bodybuilding under different conditions of training and drug use, assuming that in all cases he has a body fat percentage of about 3% (= lean).

TrainingDrug UseBMI (3% BF) Never trainedNever20 ± 2 Fully trainedNever (true natural)26 ± 2 Fully trainedAnabolic steroids31 ± 3 Fully trainedAS + HGH + Insulin37 ± 3 I also advise you to read this article on the maximum muscular bodyweight and size potential that can be achieved without using any anabolic drugs. It also comes with an interesting calculator that helps you estimate your personal maximum potential in terms of bodyweight and body part measurements.

bron: True Natural Bodybuilding: impact of growth hormone and insulin on BMI of top IFBB bodybuilders
In the early 90's bodybuilders have started to use human growth hormone (HGH), and soon thereafter insulin and IGFs, to further increase their muscle mass beyond levels that were obtainable by only using anabolic steroids (AS). To demonstrate the impact of the entrance of growth hormone and insulin into bodybuilding, I have gathered some statistics (peak performance year, competition body weight, and body length) of as many professional IFBB bodybuilders throughout history as I could find, and calculated their lean body mass index (BMI). The lean BMI is the best available parameter to estimate a bodybuilder's overall muscle mass independently from his body length. The data that I have used, and the body mass index values that I have calculated, are presented in the table at the bottom of this page. I also plotted the BMI-values versus the athletes' peak performance year into the graph below.

One can clearly see a trend break in the graph in the first half of the 1990's, when growth hormone and insulin entered bodybuilding. Before that period the BMI-values of bodybuilders were scattered around a nearly flat linear trend line with an average value of about 31. In the early 90's the average BMI suddenly increased by over 15% up to an average value of 36, and further increased gradually up to an average value of 38 in the years 2000, an increase by over 20% compared to the pre-HGH era. As the use of HGH, insulin and IGFs are further pushed to the limits by today's professional bodybuilders, we expect to see more and more athletes showing up with a BMI of 40 or even higher in the coming years. Currently about 8 athletes have a BMI of about 40.
Unfortunately there are no reliable body statistics available of true natural bodybuilders, who have built their physique completely without the use of any hormonal drugs. That is because the use of anabolic steroids became a common practice among top bodybuilders already before the first professional bodybuilding contests were organized in the 60's. However, everybody who knows the sport of bodybuilding well enough, knows that a similar increase in the BMI of over 15% is expected to be observed, if one would compare true natural bodybuilders with bodybuilders who have used anabolic steroids to build their physique.
In conclusion, one can fairly say that the lean BMI or body weight of modern professional top bodybuilders is more than 30% higher solely as the result of massive use of very potent hormonal drugs such as anabolic steroids, human growth hormone, IGFs, and insulin. This is more or less consistent with the observation of nowadays natural bodybuilding contests, where the BMI-values of the champions are usually closer to 25 than 30. It is therefore fair to say that today's top heavy weight bodybuilders have more than half of their lean muscle mass thanks to the drugs, rather than hard training and good nutrition. No, the steep increase of lean muscle mass among top bodybuilders since the 90's has nothing to do with better genes, better training, better nutrition or supplements. Unfortunately Ronnie Coleman does not come from another planet, as many of his fans would like to believe.
Let me finally try to estimate the lean BMI of a male person with optimal genetic potential for bodybuilding under different conditions of training and drug use, assuming that in all cases he has a body fat percentage of about 3% (= lean).

TrainingDrug UseBMI (3% BF) Never trainedNever20 ± 2 Fully trainedNever (true natural)26 ± 2 Fully trainedAnabolic steroids31 ± 3 Fully trainedAS + HGH + Insulin37 ± 3 I also advise you to read this article on the maximum muscular bodyweight and size potential that can be achieved without using any anabolic drugs. It also comes with an interesting calculator that helps you estimate your personal maximum potential in terms of bodyweight and body part measurements.

bron: True Natural Bodybuilding: impact of growth hormone and insulin on BMI of top IFBB bodybuilders