Week one
Week two
Week three
Week Four
Week five
Week Six
Week Seven
Week Eight
Week Nine
Week 10
Most people in 45- 50 range should be able to perform 100 push ups with this ten week program
- Monday:3 Maximum sets of standard push ups. 90 Second in between sets.
Tuesday: 3 Attempts at flex arm plank, standard grip. 90 Seconds in between attempts.
Wednesday: 3 Max sets of horizontal pull ups/horizontal rows. 90 Seconds in between sets.
Thursday: Perform one set of 40 percent of the maximum. Second set should be 60 of the maximum. Third set 40%, fourth 60 and so on. 30 Second rest after 40% set and 45 second rest after 60% set. Continue set up to the point of the second set failure.
Friday: Same as Tuesday
Saturday: Same as Wednesday
Sunday: Rest
Week two
- Monday: 3 Max set of standard push ups 80 sec rest
Teusday: 3 Attempts at plank. Narrow, wide, regular. 80 Sec rest.
Wedensday: 3 Sets maximum sets of rows. 80 Sec rest
Thursday: 30-70% of maximum. Odd sets are 30% and even sets are 70%. 15 Sec rest after 30%, 60 sec rest after 70%.
Friday: Same as Teusday.
Saturday: Same as Wedensday.
Sunday: Rest
Week three
- Monday:4 Maximum sets. 70 Sec break.
Teusday: 3 Sets at 90% each. Narrow push ups, lower half portion of the movement. Wide, complete movement . Regular grip, Middle 50% of the movement.
Wednesday: 3 Max sets of rows 70sec breaks in between rows.
Thursday: 40% alternating with 70%. 15 Sec rest after 40%. 60 sec rest after 70%
Friday: Same as T.
Saturday: Same as Wednesday.
Sunday: Rest
Week Four
- Monday: Start with one rep rest 5 seconds, than do three reps rest 10 seconds. Keep adding 5 second of rest and two repetitions. Stop at first failure to finish set.
Do this prior to breakfast and prior to dinner.
Teusday: Alternate set of inline push ups (feet above head) and decline push ups (head above feet.)
Incline are feet on the chair and decline are hands on the chair. Use 40% of total when performing the inlcine, use 60% when performing the decline. Only 20 seconds rest.
Rest for 5 minutes after first set fails. Repeat again.
Wednesday: 3 maximum sets of rows. 60 seconds rest in between. First set is narrow, second is wide and third is standard/ regular.
Thursday:Same as Monday
Friday:Same as Teusday
Saturday:Same as Wednesday
Week five
- Monday: 4 Maxium sets 60 seconds break in between.
Teusday: 3 Sets of push ups. Narrow, wide, regular grip. 5 seconds upward count, 5 seconds downward count. 60 second rest in between.
Wednesday: Regular grip rows. 3 Attempts at holding the arms flexed and chest next to the bar for as long as possible. 60 seconds break in between. 4th attempt is arms straight, but shoulder blades squeezed together.
Thursday:Same as Monday
Friday:Same as Teusday
Saturday:Same as Wednesday
Week Six
- Monday: Start with a maximum set. Rest 110 seconds. Next set should be 90% of the max, with 100 seconds rest. Next set should be 80% of the max with 90 seconds rest. Every set deduct 10% and 10 seconds of rest.
Teusday: Perform inline push ups in alternation with decline pushups. Only half the movement should be used. When performing the inline pushups the hand should not be on the floor. They should be on two sets of books or objects 3-6 inches high. The feet should be on the chair. Only lower half of the movement should be performed. (Head touching the floor to elbows right angle. Elbows should not extend past the right angle. They should not approach the straight line.) This is very important. 40% of the total maximum per set. Decline push ups is done with feet on the floor and hands on the chair. Only the upper part of the movement. (Elbow right angle to hands straight.) 60% of maximum set. Stop when the second set fails.
Wednesday: Regular grip horizontal pull ups/rows. Start with 1 repetition and increase by on each set. (1,3,5,7,9, etc) First rest is 10 seconds, each concecutive rest should add 10 seconds. (10 sec, 20 sec, 30 sec. )Stop when the second set fails.
Thursday:Same as Monday
Friday:Same as Teusday
Saturday:Same as Wednesday
Week Seven
- Monday: Two work outs. 30 Minutes before breakfast and 30 minutes before dinner.Each workout; 3 sets of plyometric push ups. Stop 2-3 reps before failure. 60 second break between sets.
Tuesday: Same Tuesday of the previous week.
Wednesday: Horizontal pull ups, rows. 3 maximum sets. 5 seconds up count, 5 seconds down count. 60 seconds break.
Thursday:Same as Monday
Friday:Same as Teusday
Saturday:Same as Wednesday
Week Eight
- Monday: 5 Maximum sets 45 sec rest.
Tuesday: 3 work out. 30 Minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. 2 sets per work out. 75% of maximum on each set. 30 rest between sets.
Wednesday: 3 Sets of Horizontal pull ups/rows. First set 10 second count up and 10 second count down. Second set as fast as possible. Third set medium comfortable speed. 60 second rest.
Thursday:Same as Monday
Friday:Same as Teusday
Saturday:Same as Wednesday
Week Nine
- Monday: 6 Sets of push ups.Set 1 and 3 – Quarter Dive bomber push ups. Get into the Downward facing dog position. Your hands are together. Begin a standard dive bomb pushup, stop when your face is right above your hand. Come back up to the starting position. Repeat as many times as possible. Set 2 and 4- Fingers pointing down push ups. Place your hands next to your rib cage with your finger pointing toward your feet. Do regular push ups in this position. Set 5 and 6 Regular maximum sets.
Tuesday: 9 sets. 3 sets prior to each meal. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. Each set should be 75% of maximum.
Wednesday: 4 Sets of standard horizontal push ups/ rows, 30 seconds apart.
Thursday:Dive bomber push ups. First set- one pushup and 5 second break. Second set 3 push ups and 10 second break. Keep adding two repetition to each set and 5 seconds to each break. At first incomplete set stop. Rest for 5 minutes and repeat starting with one push ups and adding two reps.
Friday: Same as Wednesday.
Saturday:Burpees and pushups. 1 Burpee,1 pushups, 1 burpee and 2 push ups, one burpee and 3 push ups. Till failure. 5 Minute break and second attempt.
Week 10
- Monday: Before breakfast. Lower half narrow grip and 15 second rest, Lower half wide grip and 15 second rest, standard grip lower half and one minute rest. Repeat the sequence. Before dinner. Repeat the same as before breakfast.
Tuesday: Inline push ups 3 sets with 30 seconds break. Chair dips 3 sets 30 seconds break.
Thurstday: 5 Maximum sets of rows 15 seconds rest.
Friday: Burpees with push ups. 1 Burpee 2 push ups, 1 burpee 4 push ups and so on. After first incomplete set rest for 5 minutes. Second attempt 1 burpee 1 push up, 1 burpee 3 push ups and so on.
Saturday: Start with a close grip. Perform a push up and jump up with your hand. Spread your hands a little bit more out. Perform a push up and jump. Spread your hand a little bit more out. Do this five times. The fifth time the hands should be very wide. Now do the five plyometric push up bringing your arms a little closer every time. The fifth one should be with your hands next to each other. Continue this way till failure. Rest for 30 seconds, make another attempt. Rest again for 30 seconds and make another attempt.
Sunday and Monday rest. Tuesday is also an optional rest. After rest test yourself.
Most people in 45- 50 range should be able to perform 100 push ups with this ten week program