The StrongLifts Inner Circle Is a SCAM

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  • The StrongLifts Inner Circle Is a SCAM

    Added On October 23, 2011
    The StrongLifts Inner Circle Is a SCAM

    by Rusi

    Recently have launched a new part of the web-site called - StrongLifts Inner Circle. StrongLifts inner circle will be a private community and all users will have to pay in order to participate in the discussion and to access "valuable training secrets."

    Currently the members of the older and free StrongLifts community cannot access their accounts unless they are willing to pay a certain membership fee. There are also a lot of complains posted on the forum.

    Posted by artwebb on October 9th 2011

    Went to sign in to SL today, after cancelling recuring payment via Paypal (did not inform Medhi) and got this message:

    Because you never posted anything in the forum, or neverposted more than 100x...or didn't log into the forum for a while, your account has now been disabled

    Free accounts are no longer possible. However, if you want tojoin us again, you can check out our Gold Membership (run on wording thiers)

    BULLSHIT! absolute unequivocle steaming piles of bullshit.

    I responded by contacting Admin with this:

    re the recent deactivation of my account, contrary to what the message I received claimed, I have indeed posted many more than 100posts, in several forums, including recent posts, and I have a current, paid up Gold Membership, good until the 16th of October.
    What is the real reson for my deactivation, if it was not done in error?

    Source: What are your opinions on Stronglifts?
    Posted by Portillo on October 8th, 2011
    I was a long time member of Stronglifts and was upset when I tried to login and was rudely told that I was banned. I would have thought that he would have at least given a sub-forum for free members. Stronglifts had a great community but what Mehdi did has turned me off his site completely. I was never going to become a gold member anyway.

    Source: What are your opinions on Stronglifts?
    As you can see many people who used to love now hate it. The fact that Mehdi, the creator of, has first made the whole forum private and now paid is ridiculous. We are talking about weightlifting trianing here. Not some vodoo stuff.

    On top of that Mehdi has an arrogant behavior and insults people in his e-mails and his advertisements are similar to all other sites selling supplements that are completely useless. Here's his advertisement of the Inner Circle page.

    "Look, 743 people have already joined the StrongLifts Inner Circle during the past 72
    hours. Another 257 will be joining during the next 24 hours. Soon, a THOUSAND of new Members will achieve the kind of body and strength they want, without drugs or supplements and training only three times a week. And they'll be thinking one thing:

    "Man that StrongLifts Inner Circle Gold Membership
    was the best investment I ever made"

    Are you going to be one of them?

    Only if you grab your Gold Membership before
    someone else does. So go here right now..."

    I don't know about you but to me this sounds like an ad made for ignorant people who will actually believe it and buy a Gold Membership.

    Wake up people !!! This a scam to join his site and pay money for information you already know or can access for free online.

    The reason why Mehdi wants to make the Inner Circle is to have control over everything. That's why he made the forum private in the first place. And this is the reason why he bans people who disagree with him. He just wants to be in charge of his online empire. He does not care about you or giving you valuable information. He cares about making money from the monthly fees.

    Let me tell you something and please remember it.

    There is "no secret training information" that will turn you into Arnold.

    You are the one who has to find what works for you.

    You are the one who has to put the effort in.

    You are the one who can make the right decisions about your training.

    Of course there is lot of useful information which will help you out but there are so many free sources that it will be a shame to fall for the scam of Inner Circle. I don't know about you but I would rather save my money and buy some real food instead of some crappy membership. At least I know the food will work.

    Bottom line:
    StrongLifts Inner Circle is for ignorant people with lack of experience that can be brainwashed rather easily. There is nothing exciting about being a part of community where all opinion that differs is not accepted. Such close-minded communities suck HARD.

    bron: The StrongLifts Inner Circle Is a FUCKING SCAM
    I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
    - Dave Tate

  • #2
    Leuke rel. Kutstreek van de admin.
    "Een zoektocht naar kennis moet los staan van het moreel van goed of kwaad, anders is die toch gedoemd niet volledig te zijn." - Genjuro


    "Rock is overpowered. Paper is fine" -Scissors-


    • #3
      Ik heb het programma gevolgd en dan krijg je authomatisch zijn mailing binnen. Een van hen was een "mea culpa" mail van Mehdi. Hij gaf toen aan dat het fout was om alle oud-leden te bannen van het forum als ze niet wensten te betalen. Hij ging wel niet zo ver het ongedaan te maken, zijn uitleg is dat betalende klanten geen flamers zijn en dus de kwaliteit van het forum ten goede komen.
      Wel grappig want van zodra je aangeeft niet te willen betalen krijg je de mailing ook niet meer binnen. Voordien kreeg ik wekelijks een mail, met bijvoorbeeld een filmpje van hoe je moet paralel squatten.
      was ik maar een vrouw, dan was ik tevreden geweest met mijn huidig gewicht


      • #4
        Originally posted by inferno_0666 View Post

        [I]"Look, 743 people have already joined the StrongLifts Inner Circle during the past 72
        hours. Another 257 will be joining during the next 24 hours. Soon, a THOUSAND of new Members will achieve the kind of body and strength they want, without drugs or supplements and training only three times a week. And they'll be thinking one thing:

        "Man that StrongLifts Inner Circle Gold Membership
        was the best investment I ever made"

        Are you going to be one of them?

        Only if you grab your Gold Membership before
        someone else does. So go here right now..."
        Want als je supplementen gebruikt ben je niet naturel.

        Op DBB is er ook een discussie over dat Mehdi blijkbaar een youtube video geupload heeft van een 190 Squat. Met hierbij dat hij geen supplementen gebruikt.

        Kom op, hoe kun je zoiets denken na 13 jaar trainen?
        lucky short-armed-spine-bending bastard

        ~~~You wanna be strong, let a cute girl spot you~~~


        • #5
          Volgensmij squat hij nogeeneens 190, hij kan 180
          Hij deadlift wel rond de 240 ofzo.
          Lid van de 200 club


          • #6
            Dit filmpje bedoelen jullie zeker:

            Mehdi From StrongLifts Squats 407lb (185kg) - YouTube
            I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
            - Dave Tate


            • #7
              Originally posted by inferno_0666 View Post
              Mehdi From StrongLifts Squats 418lb (190kg) - YouTube
              lucky short-armed-spine-bending bastard

              ~~~You wanna be strong, let a cute girl spot you~~~


              • #8
                strong lifts is gewoon gebaseerd op starting strength van Rippetoe. Mehdi probeert alleen geld eraan te verdienen...
                sq 130 / dl 175 / bp 100 / mp 70

                you know they can't handle us like debbies does dallas


                • #9
                  voor een gewicht van 75 kg is dat toch niet slecht of ben ik nou lomp?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by talalelh15 View Post
                    voor een gewicht van 75 kg is dat toch niet slecht of ben ik nou lomp?
                    de kritiek die geleverd word is dat hij al 13 jaar traint en nog maar 190 squat (wat ik toch al veel vind).
                    En dat hij geld slaat uit dingen die niet van hem zijn.

                    En gewoon zijn attitude. Als je zegt dat je iets bereikt hebt zonder supplementen met een toon van "hah ik ben naturel". Dat komt verkeerd over. Heb dit ergens gelezen in een van zijn artikels maar weet niet meer waar.
                    lucky short-armed-spine-bending bastard

                    ~~~You wanna be strong, let a cute girl spot you~~~


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kojak View Post
                      strong lifts is gewoon gebaseerd op starting strength van Rippetoe. Mehdi probeert alleen geld eraan te verdienen...
                      Het is duidelijk gebaseerd op Starting Strength van Rippetoe, Bill Starr 5x5 programma's en het oude schema van Reg Park.

                      T NATION | Reg Park's 5x5 Program

                      5x5 programma's bestaan dus al jaren worden nog steeds gebruikt, domweg omdat deze erg effectief zijn. Alleen zijn er figuren die de illusie willen creeren dat het een revolutionaire methode is waarbij je speciale instrukties nodig hebt.
                      I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
                      - Dave Tate


                      • #12
                        5x5 is nu eenmaal een erg effectief programma, net zoals elk ander programma dat compounds doet op hoog gewicht en weinig reps.

                        Medhi beweert ook nieteens dat hij zelf 5x5 heeft uitgevonden, het enige dat hij er aan heeft toegevoegd is de instructie dat men moet beginnen te trainen met een lege barbell... op die manier zou men elke week omhoog kunnen gaan in gewicht in het begin en daardoor gemotiveerd blijven en zoals we weten, motivatie zorgt ervoor dat je blijft trainen en uiteindlelijk resultaat boekt.

                        Dus ja, wat dat betreft is het geen domme jongen, alleen helaas lijkt het hem ook om het geld te doen... jammer, want het zou om het trainen moeten gaan
                        "Waar een wil is, is een weg"


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