Anabolenkuur is linker voor je hart dan je denkt

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Wilcodemug View Post
    Ja het was inderdaad overdreven, maar daar komt het uiteindelijk wel op neer.
    Wat is dan wel de verstandige gebruiker? Zij zeggen dat voeding, training en cardio het verschil maken, dus als je die onder controle hebt, is AS minder schadelijk voor je? Dit artikel maakt het eigenlijk alleen maar verwarrender door die laatste zinnen.
    De verstandige gebruiker die op zijn voeding let en verstand heeft van training valt in de minderheid.

    Dit is de eerste keer dat een studie zulke ernstige cardiovasculaire bijwerkingen vindt. Volgens de onderzoekers komt dat omdat zij doorsneegebruikers hebben bestudeerd. De anabolicagebruikers die in de meeste andere studies zijn onderzocht waren vaak gezondheidsbewuste sporters, die zich door artsen lieten onderzoeken omdat ze negatieve gezondheidseffecten bijtijds wilden ontdekken. Of het waren elite-atleten, die niet alleen trainden met gewichten maar ook aan cardiotraining deden en gezond aten.
    Dus het komt erop neer dat doorsneegebruikers GEEN gezondheidsbewuste sporters zijn. Het zijn dus de types die ik in mijn eerdere post beschreef; jongens die snel even wat spiermassa willen kweken om er goed uit te zien en de ballen verstand hebben van training en voeding. Dus gasten die na hun kuur als een mislukte pudding in elkaar zakken.

    De doorsneegebruiker is dus geen verstandige gebruiker. De verstandige gebruiker is een minderheid. Zo vreemd is dat niet, want dat verschijnsel zie je ook wel in andere takken van sport. Bijvoorbeeld, de meeste mensen die peperdure sportschoenen kopen zijn ook geen professionele sporters.
    I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
    - Dave Tate


    • #17
      Originally posted by inferno_0666 View Post
      De verstandige gebruiker die op zijn voeding let en verstand heeft van training valt in de minderheid.

      Dus het komt erop neer dat doorsneegebruikers GEEN gezondheidsbewuste sporters zijn. Het zijn dus de types die ik in mijn eerdere post beschreef; jongens die snel even wat spiermassa willen kweken om er goed uit te zien en de ballen verstand hebben van training en voeding. Dus gasten die na hun kuur als een mislukte pudding in elkaar zakken.

      De doorsneegebruiker is dus geen verstandige gebruiker. De verstandige gebruiker is een minderheid. Zo vreemd is dat niet, want dat verschijnsel zie je ook wel in andere takken van sport. Bijvoorbeeld, de meeste mensen die peperdure sportschoenen kopen zijn ook geen professionele sporters.

      Kijk dit bedoelde ik nou! Compleet mee eens, geen woord meer aan toe te voegen

      Als ik naar mezelf kijk ben ik qua stats en kracht nog lang niet aan middeltjes toe (als ik het al uberhaupt ooit zal overwegen), maar ik ben wel strict in voeding, training en rust. Iets wat de "doorsnee" gebruiker dus niet is.
      Current status: Bulkin' and gainin'

      "The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something. You can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent."


      • #18
        Originally posted by erik1982 View Post
        Het valt me op dan het gebruik van anabolen zo verdedigt wordt, en er wordt gezocht naar zaken die niet helemaal kloppen in het onderzoek. Niet echt objectief kijken naar de resultaten....
        Agreed, ik zou ook in die catagorie vallen wat dit onderzoek zou proberen tegen te spreken.

        En dan doe ik dat ook. Maar niet zozeer het onderzoek, maar de titel. Er wordt namelijk gesproken over een 'anabolenkuur'. Dat associeer ik met een enkel kuurtje van pak em beet 6 weken anavar op een milde dosis van ca 0,5mg/kg lichaamsgewicht - want meer zou waarschijnlijk nooit goedgekeurd worden door de commissie.

        Echter, in het artikel waarnaar gelinkt wordt, spreekt men over 'long term use prior to research'. Ik citeer:

        AAS users reported taking median (quartile 1, quartile 3) weekly doses of 675 (513, 950) mg of testosterone equivalent for 468 (169, 520) lifetime weeks.
        Oftewel, een vrij normale dosis voor mensen die al een aantal kuurtjes erop hebben zitten, maar wel al een equalivant van 9 (!) jaar lang kuren.
        en ook nog:
        Six (50%) of the AAS users but none of the nonusers reported a past history of opioid, cocaine, or alcohol dependence. None of the participants reported amphetamine dependence. Two (17%) AAS users but none of the nonusers reported cannabis dependence, 1 past and 1 current. None of the participants reported a history of cigarette use. Nine (75%) AAS users but none of the nonusers reported at least some use of human growth hormone, and 6 of these reported human growth hormone use for >3 months.
        En plots zijn je hartafwijkingen verklaard imho. Deze gebruikers zijn kuurders van de bovenste plank, die meer hebben gebruikt dan überhaupt iemand op dit forum die nog actief is.

        bron: http://circheartfailure.ahajournals....t/3/4/472.long (staat ook in de abstract van pubmed)
        Last edited by scoobydoo; 25-05-2012, 10:41.
        Één bodybuilder kan meer eieren eten dan tien kippen kunnen leggen.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Wilcodemug View Post
          Kijk dit bedoelde ik nou! Compleet mee eens, geen woord meer aan toe te voegen

          Als ik naar mezelf kijk ben ik qua stats en kracht nog lang niet aan middeltjes toe (als ik het al uberhaupt ooit zal overwegen), maar ik ben wel strict in voeding, training en rust. Iets wat de "doorsnee" gebruiker dus niet is.

          En dan moet ik het volgende eraan toevoegen:

          Ook profs behoren niet tot de categorie "gezondheidsbewuste sporter" en dat is ook logisch. Profs beoefenen hun sport niet omwille van hun gezondheid, maar om geld te verdienen. Het gaat vaak om winnen ten koste van hun gezondheid, want er moet immers geld in het laatje komen.

          IM: Have you ever noticed any serious health problems that you think are related to this?
          BB: I piss a lot of blood come contest time.

          IM: But in the off-season you feel pretty decent, even though you're taking all that stuff?
          BB: Well, recently I started getting blood tests every two months.

          IM: How about cholesterol count, blood pressure and so forth? All that's pretty normal?
          BB: No, everything is high. My blood pressure gets really high, and that must be watched, especially when I take stimulants.

          IM: It sounds as if you're on pins and needles a lot of the time.
          BB: If you gotta do it, you got no choice. You want to make a living in this sport, that's what you gotta do.

          IM: Race cars keep going faster and faster and there are more crashes, but the drivers keep doing it, right? What do you think your total drug bill is for the year?
          BB: About $60,000, but it's going to be higher next year. Just this last year I had to add [blank]. Right now it's the number-one bodybuilding "supplement" in the competition ring. All these guys you see getting bigger, it's that. No question. Two years ago...I don't want to take nothing from [blank], really nice guy, nice family man, but physiquewise he was flat as a pancake. Now he's bigger, 20 to 30 pounds heavier. It's all [from this stuff]. [Blank] is heavy on it. Of course, we all are. I'm scared shitless.

          IM: Are you guys pretty frank with each other about what you're taking?
          BB: Only with friends. I mean, I get questions in the gym all the time, and I tell them I take [a popular protein powder]! Yeah, we talk.

          IM: You don't feel you need to keep secrets and maintain an edge?
          BB: There are no secrets. There's one guy out there-I won't mention his name-he's a top pro who helps out the other pros with their [blank] 'cause we don't know how to do it, so we go to him. He helps us out.

          IM: I know the old-timers say there's no camaraderie in the sport anymore.
          BB: Oh, there's some. But the only thing we talk about is-

          IM: Drugs and training.
          BB: We don't talk about training, because most of the guys-

          IM: All train alike?
          BB: Well, yeah. We don't train that hard. [Most of the guys] are half asleep when they [work out].

          Pro Bodybuilding, Competitive Bodybuilding The Truth About Bodybuilding And Steroids
          Je wordt ook geen professionele wielrenner of Formule 1 coureur omdat het gezonde manieren van leven zijn.
          I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
          - Dave Tate


          • #20
            over welk spul heeft deze ''pro bb'' het, tren ace,hgh..... ?
            Mind is everything.


            • #21
              Originally posted by resike View Post
              over welk spul heeft deze ''pro bb'' het, tren ace,hgh..... ?
              Ik vermoed insuline, aangezien het een interview plaats vond in 1997. En dit is trouwens niet het eerste interview dat ik voorbij heb zien komen waarin het gebruik van drugs op deze manier wordt besproken.
              Last edited by inferno_0666; 25-05-2012, 12:24.
              I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
              - Dave Tate


              • #22
                Originally posted by inferno_0666 View Post
                Ik vermoed insuline, aangezien het een interview plaats vond in 1997. En dit is trouwens niet het eerste interview dat ik voorbij heb zien komen waarin het gebruik van drugs op deze manier wordt besproken.
                Insuline, waarschijnlijk heb je gelijk. Iemand anders een idee?
                Mind is everything.


                • #23
                  Het onderzoek zegt volgens mij ook vrij weinig, om de reden zoals aangehaald door GenI. Het is daarbij nog discutabel of er een direct verband is tussen deze twee, of dat anabolengebruikers ook toevallig vaker roken/drinken/drugs gebruiken dan naturels en daarom deze afwijkingen vertonen.
                  In college, a guy from another country told me that he had been "juicing" for a few years. He was a very poor thrower and it made me wonder just how bad he would be if he were "clean."

                  If I can drink water, sleep more, and eat normal and still defeat you while you're juicing hard, you probably don't have the aptitude. Sorry. Blame your genes. Dan John.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by adon1s View Post
                    Het onderzoek zegt volgens mij ook vrij weinig, om de reden zoals aangehaald door GenI. Het is daarbij nog discutabel of er een direct verband is tussen deze twee, of dat anabolengebruikers ook toevallig vaker roken/drinken/drugs gebruiken dan naturels en daarom deze afwijkingen vertonen.
                    Als iemand over roids praat raad ik altijd roken/drinken/drugs af in welke hoeveelheid dan ook.
                    Ik zal de roids niet promoten maar als het in iemand hoofd zit kan je beter advies geven dan het compleet negeren aangezien hij het toch dan wel zou doen.

                    als je 9 jaar kuurt snap ik dat er wat bijwerkingen/sides optreden en hoeveel weken per jaar ben je dan ON want sommige zijn half jaar ON en sommige hebben maar 1 of 2 kuurtjes per jaar verschild nogal.

                    wil roids niet verdedigen maar val het ook niet aan, ieder zijn eigen keuze.
                    Calisthenics / Street workout


                    • #25
                      Nog een vermakelijk stuk over een professionele bodybuilder die zo groot is dat hij niet normaal functioneert:


                      The Kovacs Monster

                      [ Q ] In our last interview you mentioned certain problems you would encounter as a contest neared and that maintaining your massive size could sometimes be a problem. Just how difficult is it to maintain such massive size and what are some of the problems that might be experienced by competitors as large as you?

                      Nasser El Sonbaty: I would like to give an example of a man who was one of the largest pros to have ever competed: Greg Kovacs. I knew Greg, who was so big that he could hardly function.

                      Once I flew into Knoxville, TN for a seminar and a guest posing. And Kovacs was supposed to be there with me as well. I had to drive in the same car with him and his wife, from the airport to the hotel where we were staying. I put my Walkman on and did not want to socialize artificially with family K. My guest posing went well, but I did not watch K guest pose.

                      But we had to give a seminar together the very next day. The result was that - without kidding - the seminar in the gym was given by Kim Kovacs and me. Greg just sat on a couch, physically and mentally tired. And as usual he was sweating profusely.

                      Click To Enlarge.
                      Nasser & The Kovacs Monster.

                      Here is another true story: once Greg was with wife Kim at an Amateur contest in Texas. She was cutting him his steak into little chewable pieces while he was sitting at a table, breathing heavily and sweating. Then Kim fed him with a fork and in her other hand held a mini fan for him because again he was transpiring so tremendously.

                      Finally he had to go to the bathroom. He went ahead and she followed him into the men's bathroom exactly 10 minutes later. She just walked straight in there. Greg made himself visible by sticking his hand out over the top of the stall, so she knew where to go. Then she helped him clean his rear end as I had also witnessed personally while I was staying at their house in Canada in 1995.

                      The other nasty story is that once a guy - who I know and who told me about this - went up to see Greg into his Atlanta, GA hotel room to give him some "medical items". At the time Greg was without his wife because they had one of their usual conflicts.

                      Still, it is very unusual that he had travelled without her, as she normally went with him everywhere. Anyways, the so-called "medicine man" had to use the bathroom but Greg strongly prohibited the guy from going in there.

                      But the guy went in there nevertheless and there was this awful penetrating odor. He discovered multiple - obviously used - towels covered with long brown skid marks. Kovacs had been using the now stinky towels as a toilet paper replacement because he could not reach his rear end by himself. So he used the towels by holding each end with one hand and rubbing himself/pulling the towels back and forth between his legs.

                      [ Q ] Moving on now, Greg Kovacs was a massive guy. Some say he was the strongest bodybuilder ever.

                      Nasser El Sonbaty: To my knowledge the Kovacs' had also "consulted" Craig Titus, Charles Glass, Dave Palumbo, Milos and Chad Nichols and my far acquaintance friend, KP Ourama. Years ago while I was still talking to Kovacs I gave him the opportunity to travel to Finland to give seminars instead of me.

                      From my point of view there were few financial rewards for doing this. Anyways, this Finnish acquaintance of KP's also tried to help Kovacs find the "secret". But they were not happy with this guy's information either.

                      Click To Enlarge.
                      Nasser With The Kovacs Monster
                      And The Monster's Father At Kovacs' House.

                      What people like Kovacs and many, many others do not understand is there is no so-called "drug secret" at all. At some point, sooner or later every bodybuilder (and other athletes in other sports) uses the same drugs. And performance enhancing drugs like steroids can't change Kovacs's disfigured body and cannot make his camel hips disappear, change his DNA or suddenly give him full, round calves, hams, triceps and symmetry.

                      Intensity in regard to bodybuilding means to Kovacs and many other lost souls more, many more cc's of steroids and other drugs, many more units of Insulin and GH.

                      They do not consider intensity as far as doing frequent and longer workouts, more sets and reps, more pre-exhaust techniques, the use of different cardio machines like the stair master, the cross trainer, the rowing machine (not solely the stationary bike for 20 minutes/three times a week like Kovacs did).

                      It was also not possible for Kovacs to do cardio on an empty stomach. And eating less food during his pre contest diet did not seem to be an option for Greg Kovacs either. The additional dependency on ketamine and nubain and on various other painkillers by himself and his wife did not contribute to him becoming a better bodybuilder, but definitely made them eligible for intense and long rehab.

                      Kovacs, a giant of man at around 400-plus-pounds, bad genetics (no symmetry, no proportion and no shape) and discipline problems with his diet was a hopeless case in the world of bodybuilding. All these claims to be the strongest bodybuilder in the world is just talk.

                      Kovacs claimed to be able to push six 45-pound plates on each side of bar on the incline bench press. This is true but not with a free barbell. Kovacs was just using the Smith machine for such record claims. And using such a machine to make strength claims is ridiculous. Pushing free weight is much harder.

                      Kovacs could neither do one single chin up nor do one single dip with his bodyweight. I never saw or heard of Kovacs doing squats either. And if you can't do that, because you are too big and too heavy and uncoordinated, then you cannot stimulate the muscle through its full range of motion. This means that certain parts of the muscle cannot therefore be developed properly. Add a lack of the proper genetics needed and you will get nowhere.

                      Greg was actually the person who brought "Muscletech", a Canadian nutrition company, which sponsored him for years. But it was also the same company that finally got rid of him. The last time I saw Kovacs was in 2004 backstage at a pro show in Atlanta, GA. He was warming up there.

                      But he "withdrew" due to injury. This was the official reason given for not competing. Greg looked unhurt to me. But I seriously think that he started feeling sick when he saw the full line-up of competitors. A top 15 spot would have been a dream come true for him. But there was no room for him in the top 15. I think this is the last we saw of the lumberjack.

                      By the way, Greg's huge multiple lumps on his rear end became more and more visible, because he was "dieting" (coming down in bodyweight) which means he did not eat every 45 minutes like in off season but then just ate every 70 minutes. At this time his mothering wife tried to rub the lumps out, but some of the lumps burst open and pus and blood streamed out.

                      So Jumbo Palumbo, who was already working as Greg's "nutritionist", was called by Kim in the middle of the night and a couple of hours later Kovacs was on his way to New York City to meet Palumbo who had already arranged and scheduled emergency surgery for the lumberjack. The surgery lasted several hours and Kovacs almost died under the diligent hands of several qualified medical doctors.

                      I heard that these haematomas were baseball-sized. Shortly after, Kovacs flew back to nearby Toronto, Ontario, where he still tried to get ready for the NOC (Night of Champions). Anyways, the story was that he even had to wear diapers under his tent-sized posing trunks. He was leaking pus all over the stage. And for sure he could barely move because he could barely breathe, weakened through rapid weight loss, the emergency surgery and not eating every 45 minutes.

                      An interesting thing about Greg: in his free time he likes to sing the "Jefferson" song and watch bodybuilding movies, especially his own one, and he also loves to spend hours and hours in strip clubs. Many of these girls love muscular men/big men. The thing Kovacs enjoys there the most is when he can "eat" and lick the feet of several of these girls at the same time. Often afterwards he will eat steaks without the use of silverware, but with his bare hands. Also he does not wash his hands before he goes from "eating" feet to eating steaks.
                      I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
                      - Dave Tate


                      • #26
                        hoe en wat gebruikten ze? 1 of 2x per jaar 10 weken testo, of waren ze zo groot dat ze opvielen en van het podium werden gehaald om mee te doen?
                        vergeet niet dat wij bijna allemaal maar wannabees zijn. en helemaal niet veel

                        daarnaast: wie houdt zich perfect aan zn voeding?

                        ik heb bijv. wel af en toe een hartfilmpje laten maken. niks aant handje D
                        een dag niet geleefd..... dan ben je dood


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by bruce View Post
                          hoe en wat gebruikten ze? 1 of 2x per jaar 10 weken testo, of waren ze zo groot dat ze opvielen en van het podium werden gehaald om mee te doen?
                          Lees mijn post. Ze hebben in dezelfde ordegrootte als knulletje gebruikt.
                          Één bodybuilder kan meer eieren eten dan tien kippen kunnen leggen.


                          • #28
                            ah.9jaar heb iker ook wel op zitten. maar zoals je zegt: zullen wel grootgebruikers zijn.
                            als ze mij ervoor zouden vragen zou ik blij zijn. He, kan je dat zien dan?
                            een dag niet geleefd..... dan ben je dood


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