Androgene receptor verzadiging, een mythe?

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  • Androgene receptor verzadiging, een mythe?

    Ik vind van wel, ik heb het eens gezegd in mijn topic, en hier kom ik met de onderbouwing

    Androgen Receptor Regulation
    Publication Date: August 1998 by bill roberts

    Nothing in this article is intended to take the place of advice from a licensed health professional. Consult a physician before taking any medication.

    One of the most common beliefs concerning anabolic/androgenic steroid (AAS) usage is that the androgen receptor (AR) downregulates as a result of such usage. This has been claimed repeatedly in many books and articles, and it is claimed constantly on bulletin boards and the like. If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times. If it were just being stated as an abstruse hypothesis, with no practical implications, with no decisions being based on it, that might be of little importance.

    Unfortunately, this claim is used to support all kinds of arguments and bad advice concerning practical steroid usage. Thus, the error is no small one.

    We will look at this matter fairly closely in this article. However, in brief the conclusions may be summed up as follows:

    • There is no scientific evidence whatsoever that AR downregulation occurs in human muscle, or in any tissue, in response to above normal (supraphysiological) levels of AAS.

    • Where AR downregulation in response to AAS has been seen in cell culture, these results do not apply because the downregulation is either not relative to normal androgen levels but to zero androgen, or estrogen may have been the causative factor, or assay methods inaccurate for this purpose were used, or often a combination of these problems make the results inapplicable to the issue of supraphysiological use of androgens by athletes.

    • AR upregulation in response to supraphysiological levels of androgen in cell culture has repeatedly been observed in experiments using accurate assay methods and devoid of the above problems.

    • AR downregulation in response to AAS does not agree with real world results obtained by bodybuilders, whereas upregulation does agree with real world results. (A neutral position, where levels in human muscle might be thought not to change in response to high levels of androgen, is not disproven however.)

    • The "theoretical" arguments advanced by proponents of AR downregulation are invariably without merit.

    The belief that androgen receptors downregulate in response to androgen is one of the most unfounded and absurd concepts in bodybuilding.

    While this may seem perhaps an overly strong condemnation of that view, please consider that the claims for downregulation seen in books such as Anabolic Reference Guide (6th Issue), World Anabolic Review, Underground Steroid Handbook, etc. are presented with absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support them. The authors merely assert downregulation. They have done it so many times that by now many people assume it is gospel. In this paper you will be provided with evidence, and the evidence does not support their claim.

    bron en meer info

    Androgen Receptor Regulation - Anabolic Steroids -
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  • #2
    Nu nog de Nederlandse versie
    een gladde aal blijft altijd glad.


    • #3
      Inderdaad Kees en dan zeggen ze dat Duits op Nederlands lijkt nou ik snap,er niks van


      • #4
        Intressant stukje Genjuro! Ik zal morgen even de tijd nemen om het aandachtig door te nemen.



        • #5
          begin ik nog niet eens aan. zal wel kloppen


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