Squatten met kneewraps vergroot slijtage in je kniegewricht

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  • Squatten met kneewraps vergroot slijtage in je kniegewricht

    Squatten met kneewraps vergroot slijtage in je kniegewricht

    Kneewraps maken weliswaar dat je in de gym met zwaardere gewichten kunt squatten en leg-pressen, maar het consequent dragen van die dingen is misschien niet zo'n goed idee. Volgens Britse bewegingswetenschappers veranderen kneewraps je manier van bewegen tijdens de squat op zo'n manier dat je kniegewricht meer schade oploopt.

    Als je kneewraps gebruikt kun je tijdens krachttraining meer kracht in je onderlichaam genereren, weten we officieel sinds 1990. [J Strength Cond Res 12: 30–35, 1990.] Al ver voor die tijd merkten krachtsporters dat ze zwaarder konden squatten als ze kneewraps gebruikten. Dat komt waarschijnlijk door de elasticiteit van het materiaal.

    Over de effecten van het dragen van kneewraps op de beweging tijdens de squat is echter weinig bekend. Om die reden lieten bewegingswetenschappers van de University of Chichester 10 ervaren mannelijke krachtsporters squatten met [Wrapped] en zonder kneewraps [Unwrapped], zodat ze het effect van de wraps op hun beweging konden meten.

    En dat effect was er. Als je squat maakt het gewicht op je schouders niet alleen een verticale beweging, maar ook een horizontale. Die horizontale beweging verminderde fors door het dragen van de wraps, zagen de onderzoekers. Tijdens het laten zakken van het gewicht [van a naar b] verminderde die horizontale component met 39 procent, tijdens het omhoog brengen van het gewicht [van c naar d] nam de horizontale beweging af met zelfs 99 procent.

    Door de vermindering van de horizontale component van de beweging neemt vermoedelijk de frictie in het kniegewricht toe, en slijt het gewricht sneller.

    Dat effect wordt nog versterkt doordat de kneewraps de beweging sneller laten verlopen: de power neemt toe.

    "We therefore propose that knee wraps should not be worn during the strength and conditioning process and that if an athlete feels that additional support is needed for the knee, the integrity of the joint is thoroughly assessed and treated rather than relying on artificial aid that could exacerbate any underlying issues", schrijven de onderzoekers.

    Charles Poliquin onderschrijft de visie van de Britten. [charlespoliquin.com December 30, 2011] Hij vreest dat krachtsporters die altijd met kneewraps hun benen trainen de spieren in hun heupen onvoldoende ontwikkelen.

    J Strength Cond Res. 2012 Oct;26(10):2844-9.
    I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
    - Dave Tate

  • #2
    Mooi stukje inferno


    • #3
      Helaas ligt de webpagina van Charles Poliquin momenteel plat, dus dat artikel waarnaar gerefereerd wordt kan ik nu even niet oplepelen.
      I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
      - Dave Tate


      • #4
        Interessant, goed om te weten. Bedankt!
        2014-01 tm 2014-11 niets gedaan. Nieuw doel: STRONGLIFTS afwerken vanaf 10/12/2014.
        14/12/2013 | 5RM: SQ110, BP77,5, BOR87,5, DL130, MP52,5
        25/03/2015 | 5RM: SQ125, BP82,5, BOR77,5, DL140, MP57,5


        • #5
          Blijf me steeds verbazen over de interessante onderzoeken die jij hier telkens post en ik/vele anderen kunnen hier veel van leren.

          Vind dat dit ook wel eens gezegd mag worden.
          Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit für das Google's Vaterland! Danach lasst uns alle strebenbrüderlich mit Herz und Hand! Recht und Freiheit sind unsere Google Einigkeit!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Eeldesports View Post
            Blijf me steeds verbazen over de interessante onderzoeken die jij hier telkens post en ik/vele anderen kunnen hier veel van leren.

            Vind dat dit ook wel eens gezegd mag worden.
            zo is dat!


            • #7
              Gebruik ze altijd, iets om rekening mee te houden. top stukje btw
              Mind is everything.


              • #8
                De pagina van Poliquin is weer in de lucht. Dit is het artikel:


                Tip 248: Avoid Wearing Knee Wraps When Squatting For Better Strength Development

                Friday, December 30, 2011 5:26 AM

                Avoid wearing knee wraps when squatting for better, more complete strength development. Knee wraps are commonly worn by powerlifters and occasionally by athletes and trainees, but they should be avoided. Knee wraps are worn because they increase the amount of maximal weight that can be lifted by increasing the speed with which the lift is performed and storing elastic energy in the wrap. But new research shows they compromise the training of the hip musculature, which can have a negative effect on the integrity of the knee making it critical that athletes avoid them.

                The study, published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, compared mechanical output and performance characteristics of squats performed with and without knee wraps at 80 percent of the 1 RM. Trained college-age men were used and they performed three single repetitions of a back squat. The knee wraps provided a mechanical advantage, which was represented by the fact that the reps performed with wraps were completed faster. This resulted in a very high amount of elastic energy to be stored in the wraps during the down phase of the squat. That energy is then released during the up phase, resulting in greater peak power output and is the reason more weight can be lifted with wraps.

                There was also a large reduction in horizontal displacement of the barbell when knee wraps were worn; indicating that the participants’ traditional squat form was changed dramatically and different muscles were used. The knee wraps led to a restricted motion around the hip joint, which caused a more upright posture and forced greater flexion at the knee joint. The restricted motion meant that the powerful hip flexors and extensors were not activated to the same extent as in a normal squat, putting trainees at greater risk of injury and underdevelopment of these muscles. This could result in compromised integrity of the knee joint.

                Another possible effect of knee wraps is the development of osteoarthritis and tendinitis. One study found that elite powerlifters had a 31 percent incidence of osteoarthritis of the knee compared to runners who had only a 14 percent incidence. Researchers suggest that although knee wraps are frequently worn to protect the knee joint, this may in fact increase the friction between the patella and the underlying cartilage because the wraps compress the knee cap into the thighbone, increasing the risk of injury and knee pathologies such as arthritis.

                Take note that one reason given for wearing knee wraps besides the greater amount of weight that can be lifted is that they keep the knee warm, which increases the synovial fluid present, better lubricating them. Instead of wearing knee wraps you can get neoprene knee pads to keep the knee warm that do not alter movement mechanics or affect the amount of weight lifted. Unless you are a powerlifter, avoid using knee wraps and you will have a more balanced, stronger lower body.

                Lake, J., Carden, P., et al. Wearing Knee Wraps Affects Mechanical Output and Performance Characteristics of Back Squat Exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. December 2011. Published Ahead of Print.

                Bogduk, N., Twomey, L. Clinical Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine. New York: Churchill Livingstone. 1991.

                Baechle, T.R., ed. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 1994.

                Copyright ©2011
                I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
                - Dave Tate


                • #9
                  ik heb me altijd al afgevraagd hoe voelt om met wraps te squaten. het lijk mij iig verre van fijn.

                  maar het doel heiligt de middelen nietwaar?
                  focus on progression at all times, so when you are able to, load the bar.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Teddek View Post
                    ik heb me altijd al afgevraagd hoe voelt om met wraps te squaten. het lijk mij iig verre van fijn.

                    maar het doel heiligt de middelen nietwaar?
                    Dat heb ik me ook weleens afgevraagd en ik ben heel soms ook wel benieuwd naar hoeveel winst eruit te halen valt qua gewicht. Maar ik zou eerder willen testen hoeveel verschil het zou maken als ik een riem draag.
                    I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
                    - Dave Tate


                    • #11
                      Toch wel aardig wat kilo's verschil denk ik. Zal het eens een keer testen wat het bij scheelt. Als ik zwaar ga krijg ik pijn in mijn knieen en voelt gwoon niet relax, concentratie gaat weg ect. Wraps zijn ideaal als je het mij vraagt.
                      Mind is everything.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by resike View Post
                        Toch wel aardig wat kilo's verschil denk ik. Zal het eens een keer testen wat het bij scheelt. Als ik zwaar ga krijg ik pijn in mijn knieen en voelt gwoon niet relax, concentratie gaat weg ect. Wraps zijn ideaal als je het mij vraagt.
                        10% lees ik hier. Dat is behoorlijk veel.


                        Are knee wraps a good idea for squatting?

                        Charles Peeples / Posted 11.21.2011
                        If you would like a simple answer, that would be no. Read on for more.

                        Q: Are knee wraps a good idea for squatting?

                        A: If you would like a simple answer, that would be no. Since I get this question a lot—and because so many athletes do use knee wraps—I need to elaborate.

                        The quadriceps tendon is attached to the quadriceps and the patella, which is the kneecap. When you squat, the tendon pulls on the patella. One theory about the benefits of knee wraps is that they reduce the stress on the tendon, thereby lowering the risk that the tendon will tear away from the patella. Perhaps there is some logic in that, as the weights being lifted in powerlifting are astounding. For example, the current men’s world-record squat is 1,250 pounds (566.9 kilos, made by Vlad Alhazov), and the women’s is 854 pounds (387.5 kilos, made by Becca Swanson).

                        Beyond those superhuman squats, the basic goal of powerlifting is to lift as much weight as possible for the shortest distance possible. Knee wraps will not make you stronger, but they will enable you to squat with more weight—often 10 percent or more, as the technology in powerlifting knee wrap design continues to evolve. Actually, I’ve heard that in the early days of powerlifting, some athletes would place a rubber ball behind their knees and then wrap their knees with Ace bandages. That provided a rebound effect out of the bottom position.

                        So if you’re a powerlifter, yes, you should use knee wraps—and you will also have to train with them to ensure that your technique in competition is the same as in training.

                        On the other hand, if you’re a competitive weightlifter, knee wraps are not a good idea because they can restrict the range of motion of the knee so you cannot squat as low. The primary reason so few athletes use the split style of lifting is that they have to pull the barbell higher to secure it over their head in the snatch or on their shoulders in the clean. Further, bulky knee wraps may affect the speed in which you can pull yourself under the bar. That said, many weightlifters use neoprene sleeves that keep the knee warm but do not have the restrictions of powerlifting knee wraps. In fact, numerous Olympic champions and world-record holders use neoprene sleeves in competitions.

                        Competitive sports aside, I am against knee wraps because they can increase the probability of injury outside the weight room. Further, squatting with tight knee wraps may affect the proper tracking of the patella and increase the risk of overuse injuries.

                        - Charles Poliquin
                        I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
                        - Dave Tate


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