20 Reps with a 10 Rep Max

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  • 20 Reps with a 10 Rep Max

    20 Reps with a 10 Rep Max

    by John Paul Catanzaro – 6/13/2013

    Here's what you need to know...

    Performing 20 reps of four exercises with your 10RM can trigger muscle gain and fat loss in a short, but excruciating rest-pause workout.
    Rest-pause training involves taking a set to failure, resting only 5-10 seconds, then cranking out additional reps. Repeat until you hit 20 total reps.

    You've heard the pitch before: "You can build muscle and lose fat, and all it takes is 20 minutes a week!" I'm sure there's some infomercial on right now making the same outlandish claim. But the program I'm about to reveal really does deliver... if you have the grit to finish it.

    The Workout

    A. Back Squat
    B. Chin-Up
    C. Deadlift
    D. Parallel-Bar Dip

    1 workout per week
    1 set per exercise
    20 reps
    2-0-1-0 tempo
    5-minute rest between exercises

    On paper this little routine doesn't look too daunting, especially when you're doing only one set of each exercise with five minutes of rest in between, but this is where it gets interesting – each set is conducted with a 10RM load.

    In plain English, you'll perform 20 reps with a load that you'd normally max out with at 10 reps!

    How's That Even Possible?

    It's called rest-pause training. You take a set to failure, which in this case is 10 reps, and then rest for 5-10 seconds. Then squeeze out another rep or two and rest again.

    Keep going in this manner until you reach 20 reps. At that point you'll probably collapse. By the time you regain consciousness, 5 minutes should've elapsed and it's time for the next exercise.

    Make sure to warm-up thoroughly beforehand, and increase the load by 5-10 pounds each workout – 5 pounds on the chin/dip belt and 10 pounds on the barbell.

    Fight Homeostasis and Win

    The "20 reps with a 10RM load" method is not new by any means. Randall Strossen's classic squat workout was based on this age-old concept. What's new, however, is applying this method to other exercises besides the squat and arranging them in the specific manner presented in this program.

    This method does require some serious mental and physical fortitude. When both your body and mind say, "Stop!" you've got to keep going.

    The human body craves homeostasis – it likes to retain the status quo – so you need to force it outside of its "comfort zone" in order to adapt. What's comforting, though, is that you'll have a full week to recover before your next workout.

    Trust me, you'll dread this workout. But if you train hard, eat right, and take care of workout nutrition, you'll finally get to spend more time outside of the gym than inside it.

    Other Usage Strategies

    If time isn't an issue, but you're looking for a change of pace, then a great strategy would be to perform the 20-minute workout once a week along with additional sessions that may include:

    1. Specialization training: Concentrating on a lagging body part such as arms.
    2. Energy system training: For sport/conditioning or simply to shed some extra body fat.
    3. "Fluff" training: Isolation and machine-based movements.

    Regardless of how you use the 20-minute workout, you'll get results.
    I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
    - Dave Tate

  • #2
    leuk stukje eens een keer proberen
    'Aut Viam Inveniam, Aut Faciam'


    • #3
      Interessant wel, maar lees ik dat nou goed? 1 workout per week? Ik vrees ontwenningsverschijnselen
      Of kan je er omheen nog een "normaal" schema volgen?


      • #4
        Gijs - 20x180 kg olympic squats (Squat till you drop) - YouTube
        On a long road to insanity.

        SQ: 165kg BP: 125kg DL: 180kg


        • #5
          Originally posted by Domensino View Post
          Interessant wel, maar lees ik dat nou goed? 1 workout per week? Ik vrees ontwenningsverschijnselen
          Of kan je er omheen nog een "normaal" schema volgen?
          Ahum ... er staat ook bij:

          Originally posted by John Paul Catanzaro
          If time isn't an issue, but you're looking for a change of pace, then a great strategy would be to perform the 20-minute workout once a week along with additional sessions
          I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
          - Dave Tate


          • #6
            Zoveel reps is leuk, maar voor andere doeleinden.
            Passion is: pushing yourself when no one else is around


            • #7
              Originally posted by inferno_0666 View Post
              Ahum ... er staat ook bij:
              Check.... note to self: LEZEN!


              • #8
                Ik deed het eigenlijk al regelmatig. Nadeel is dat je techniek er op achteruit gaat gedurende de set.
                Mentaal ook erg zwaar
                sq 150- dl 2x180- be paused 110 - pp - 92.5


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Patriciaaa View Post
                  Zoveel reps is leuk, maar voor andere doeleinden.
                  Voor wat dan? Uithoudingsvermogen?
                  "Aan****testosteron****hangen geen risico's want islichaamseigen****stof" -****Dexie****2013 ( het srs jaar)****


                  • #10
                    Lees ik het nou goed?
                    Dus als je er normaal maar 10 reps doet met een bep. gewicht dan moet je er 20 doen?
                    Zie er geen nut in, tis weer iets wat vast volgers krijgt.
                    "You are what you eat..."
                    That's strange I don't think I've eaten any sexy beasts today...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wzoet View Post
                      Ik deed het eigenlijk al regelmatig. Nadeel is dat je techniek er op achteruit gaat gedurende de set.
                      Mentaal ook erg zwaar
                      Zoveel reps met squats gaat idd tenkoste van je techniek, dan kun je beter de vervolg oefeningen die minder van je techniek eisen op hogere reps doen.
                      "You are what you eat..."
                      That's strange I don't think I've eaten any sexy beasts today...


                      • #12
                        Leuke shock methode. Ik zou hem niet te vaak gebruiken en helemaal niet voor deadlift of dips. Ze verzinnen op t-nation steeds wat nieuws om maar wat nieuws te verzinnen. In het begin goeie info, nu een hoop fancy artikelen.. De laatste reps doe je met ca. 10-20 sec. rust tussen elke rep (wel met stang op je rug).
                        In college, a guy from another country told me that he had been "juicing" for a few years. He was a very poor thrower and it made me wonder just how bad he would be if he were "clean."

                        If I can drink water, sleep more, and eat normal and still defeat you while you're juicing hard, you probably don't have the aptitude. Sorry. Blame your genes. Dan John.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Robbie1970 View Post
                          Lees ik het nou goed?
                          Dus als je er normaal maar 10 reps doet met een bep. gewicht dan moet je er 20 doen?
                          Zie er geen nut in, tis weer iets wat vast volgers krijgt.
                          Het zijn zogenaamde "breathing squats" en het is helemaal geen nieuw concept. Het was Peary Rader, de stichter van het blad Iron Man, die ermee op de proppen kwam. Dat was in de jaren '30 van de vorige eeuw.

                          The 20 rep squat is also known as "breathing squats," having its origin dating back to 1930. This was a simple, 4-5 exercise full body routine based around squats - but not yet 20 rep squats. J.C. Hise is perhaps the most dramatic example of this routine, having great success with it.

                          Peary Rader, founder of Ironman Magazine, with the help of people like Hise, is generally credited with coming up with the first 20 rep, breathing style squat routine.

                          bron: Bodybuilding.com - 20-Rep Squat Routine: Variations & Benefits!
                          Here is the abbreviated routine that Peary introduced in the "Rader Master Bodybuilding and Weight Gaining System" in the pre-roid, Golden Age. The core of the program is 3 exercises (plus pullovers):

                          1. breathing bench press 12 reps
                          2. breathing barbell rows 12 reps
                          3. breathing squats 20 reps (1st set only, other sets 10 reps),
                          superset with
                          4. breathing pullovers 20 reps (using no more than a 20 lb barbell)

                          bron: Classic Physique Builder: Rader Abbreviated Routines for Building a Classic Physique!
                          Meer informatie over Peary Rader en zijn manier van trainen:

                          Peary Rader's Old-School Training

                          Originally posted by Robbie1970 View Post
                          Zoveel reps met squats gaat idd tenkoste van je techniek, dan kun je beter de vervolg oefeningen die minder van je techniek eisen op hogere reps doen.
                          Het is inderdaad niet voor beginners die geen goede basis hebben. Hier een voorbeeld hoe het moet: 20 Rep Squat
                          I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
                          - Dave Tate


                          • #14
                            Komop Robbie die moet jij kennen..


                            • #15
                              Dus een ander modern fenomeen, iets ouds als nieuw verkopen?Als het zo geweldig werkte hadden ze het vast vaker geschreven, er zijn tig schema's door persoon X te verzinnen, uiteindelijk hebben de meeste mensen baat bij een degelijk basis en binnen dat kader kan je switchen.
                              Er is op die manier niks nieuws.
                              "You are what you eat..."
                              That's strange I don't think I've eaten any sexy beasts today...


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