Synthetische Vitamines vs. Natuurlijke Vitamines

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  • Synthetische Vitamines vs. Natuurlijke Vitamines

    De meeste van ons supplementeren wel vitamines, aangezien we door onze voeding vaak tekorten opbouwen lijkt dat ook wel nodig. Maar is het allemaal wel zo effectief wat we doen? Er bestaat veel verwarring over wat nou wel werkt en wat niet en het wordt toch eens tijd om daar wat duidelijkheid over te gaan verschaffen.

    Hier alvast een artikeltje:

    Natural versus Synthetic Vitamins

    One of the most perilous deceptions is the passing off of phony, synthetic vitamins or crystalline-pure fractions of vitamin complexes and saying that the body does not know the difference.

    Most brands of supplements available today are made from synthetics These "vitamins" are chemical compounds that have been manufactured in laboratory to copy the molecular structure of natural vitamins. Your body is designed to absorb nutrients from food. For this reason most health experts agree that it is best to obtain your daily vitamin supplement from whole food, (real food) than from synthetic vitamin sources.

    Synthetic vitamins are reverses or mirror images of natural vitamins. Keep in mind that synthetic vitamins are not vitamins but synthesized fractions (parts) of a vitamin complex, a mirror image duplicate of just a portion of the real, biologically active and physiological precise nutritional complex. The analogy here is essentially the same as an automobile salesman handing you a wheel from a car and telling you the wheel is an automobile, or wanting to eat an egg and getting the shell.

    Because the structure is reversed, a left-handed molecule cannot take part in chemical reactions in the body meant for a right-handed molecule any more than a left hand can fit in a right-handed glove - its odd geometry would prevent it from being metabolized in the body.

    In turn, the human physiology cannot properly utilize synthetic (mirror-image) fractions in the way natural complexes find their way into the biological reactions that are essential to tissue repair and the sustenance of life.

    A synthetic vitamin fraction can only be utilized for a drug or pharmacological effect. The effect of a drug is palliative - meaning a making or covering over of symptoms - it isn't curative. The disease process remains unchanged or progressively gets worse for lack of proper attention.

    Tissue and cell repair or replacement require the following to restore the approximately 24 billion cells that break down each day in the human body.

    A constant, uninterrupted nerve impulse supply
    A constant, uninterrupted blood supply
    All of the VITAMINS in a natural, complex form.
    All of the minerals in an organic form in most instances
    All of the trace elements essential to metabolism
    All of the enzymes, coenzymes, and apoenzymes
    All of the 22 or more amino acids from protein hydrolysis
    A discontinuance or organic or inorganic poisons either inhaled or ingested in bad air, bad food and/or bad water.

    Again, a fraction of a vitamin whether natural or synthetic at best is a drug and can only have a drug effect in the body - not a physiological or curative benefit.

    What is needed is vitamins that have the correct configuration along with all the co-factors present when you eat food. Thus whole food nutrition will be utilized by the body
    Bron: Synthetic Vitamins

    The Sky Ain't The Limit

    "Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragement, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak."

  • #2
    Scientists created synthetic vitamins that are cheap to make and are said to be identical in their atomic structure when compared to whole vitamins (Vitamins directly from vegetables). However, when polarized light was placed through these synthetic vitamins, the light acted much differently than when placed through whole vitamins. When polarized light is placed through whole vitamins, the light beam bends to the right due to its molecular rotation. When this same light passes through a synthetic vitamin, the beam split in half. Half of the light will always bend right while the other half always bends left. This proves that we have not created an identical vitamin and this is why synthetic vitamins only give you 50% of biological activity as compared to whole vitamins. In fact, research studies show that synthetic vitamins can be dangerous to your health! Synthetic stripped down processed vitamins are currently being sold in almost every brand name supplement today.

    Taking the synthetic form of vitamin C, for example, can actually thicken the arterial walls of the heart by as much as 2.5 times which can harm the body! Ascorbic acid (synthetic vitamin C) is the word that you need to watch out for! Click more on the vitamin button and educate yourself on what your body truly needs.

    Most Vitamin nutrients on the market today use stripped down synthetic vitamins rather than whole vitamins straight from vegetables and fruits like our vitamin! Why? Synthetic vitamins are much cheaper to produce.

    Taking the synthetic form of Vitamin E is proven to actually suck vitamins and minerals right out of the bones which can do more harm than good to the body! Once again, most vitamin supplements today are using all the synthetic vitamins because they are cheap to manufacture.

    Whole Vitamins are critical for maintaining good health!

    After reading this section, you will be shocked at how damaging synthetic vitamins can be to your body! Please take the time to read this entire section. If you do, you will never look at vitamins or your body the same way ever again! After reading this, please contact everyone you know and tell them about the serious effects that can happen when taking processed synthetic vitamins! Working together, we could improve the lives of millions of people!

    According to Taber's Medical Dictionary, vitamins are essential for normal metabolism, growth and life of the body.(1) They are indispensable for the maintenance of health. Up until now there has been some controversy regarding the necessity to supplement vitamins back into the diet. The Journal of American Medical Association concluded from a study that every individual should take a multivitamin everyday, thus ending that controversy.(2)

    Research has proven that your body begins to pay the price as it tries to compensate for nutrient deficiencies. Eventually, poor nutrition can lead to devastating consequences. Please do not make the mistake of thinking that your body is invincible. Your health is worth a billion dollars and it doesn't take much to give the body what it needs and deserves. Bottom line, getting the proper nutrients and micronutrients each day is critical to maintaining good health.

    So, now hundreds of supplement companies have looked to chemical derivatives and synthetic vitamins as a solution. Vitamins are found in food, and just because current growing and processing methods have depleted the vitamins available from our foods, it does not mean that we should come up with new-fangled ways to get these micronutrients from some other source. Instead, we should look for a way to get more of the safe, effective vitamins that are available only from foods.

    Let me explain by using vitamin C as an example. Ascorbic acid is often sold as vitamin C, and yet it is only a chemically derived fraction of the whole food vitamin. As it is found in food, vitamin C is a complete complex which is actually made up of ascorbic acid plus rutin, bioflavonoids, K factor and J factors - as well as other substances that no human experiment has been able to replicate.

    In order for the body to absorb and use a vitamin, all of the parts of the complex must be present. That means that in order to use the fractionated form of the vitamin, the body must first supply the other parts of the whole food complex. If ascorbic acid alone is ingested, the body must complete the complex by robbing its own collagen tissue of the elements that are missing in the "vitamin C" you supplied.

    This process is rarely complete and can even cause increased deficiencies. A published study by Doctors Vinson and Bose showed this to be the case. They found that vitamin C from citrus extract was absorbed 35 percent more than ascorbic acid. Their conclusion was that; "Although natural and synthetic ascorbic acids are chemically identical, citrus fruits contain bioflavonoids such as naringin and hesperidin as well as carbohydrates and proteins that might affect the bioavailability."(3)

    Likewise, othervitamins have been shown in study after study to be more effective in their whole food form. One study by J.A. Vinson and C. Hsu, published in Medical Science Research, found whole food vitamin E and vitamin A to be more bioavailable than isolated, synthetic forms of these vitamins. In the case of vitamin A, results showed the food base product was retained 9.4 times more than the synthetic form.(4)

    Synthetic vitamins simply cannot measure up to the real thing. As of 1996, over 3,800 different compounds have been identified in foods as having nutritional significance.(5) However, in a laboratory, twenty nutrients are about all that modern science can reproduce and put into a vitamin product.

    Even more of a concern than the ineffectiveness of these synthetic vitamins is the harm that they can cause.

    One of the latest studies was on Vitamin C as synthetic ascorbic acid. It was found to thicken the walls of the arteries.

    With all this evidence to support whole food vitamins, why do you think companies continue to make and market the "cheap imitations"? The answer: Because they are cheap. However, while these companies may save money and make more profit, there is no way the synthetic forms can match the effectiveness and health promoting qualities of a whole food vitamin.

    The human cell recognizes and can use for fuel, repair and function, only natural, whole food complexes.

    Whole food vitamins do not rob precious nutrients from the body, but supply the individual cells with the nutrients they need to flourish. For greatest gains in terms of health, take only whole food vitamins. When evaluating a vitamin supplement, you can simply read the label. Rather than multi-syllable, unpronounceable chemical names, you should find the names of foods listed as the vitamin sources. This is your way of knowing that you are getting the best possible absorption and retention of your vitamins.

    Remember, next to the name of any vitamin, if you don't see a name of a food or an asterisk leading you to a place on the label that tells you the food source of the vitamins, you are more than likely looking at an inexpensive, processed vitamin that is stripped of all other compounds that are normally present with vitamins that are found in fruits and vegetables. If you see the name of a food referenced to the vitamin, be excited to know that you are getting vitamins direct from the whole food and, therefore, you are also getting the essential precursors, enzymes, activators, antioxidants, nd micronutrients (essential compounds) that are naturally found with vitamins. These essential compounds make it much easier for the body to absorb and utilize the vitamins you are taking! Your body deserves to be given the right vitamins that are essential for your good health!

    Eating healthy, getting the proper nutrients, annual medical checkups, and exercise are all critical in keeping the body strong and healthy.

    We are proud to educate the world about the incredible difference between processed vitamins and the vitamins you get when you eat nutrient-dense whole foods like broccoli, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, acerola cherry, etc. We take these nutrient dense foods, remove the water without removing the essential micronutrients, and place them into each vitamin giving you the absolute highest quality vitamins in the world.

    You will notice that our product is capsule based instead of tablet. The tableting process involves high heat and pressure which destroys the live health promoting factors of whole foods. Don't be misled by supposed whole food products that are rendered useless because of the tableting process.

    Many people who begin to take vitamin supplements also start a workout program. We suggest you get a physical by your doctor before you start any exercise program to insure that you will be around for years to come.

    Your body is worth a billion dollars and yet most of us abuse our body as though it has the ability to handle major abuse year after year without paying any price. It's often many years later when we discover all that abuse comes at a major price. Let's educate ourselves and others about nutrition and our body so we can all live a longer and healthier life.

    1. Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, Edition 16. F.A. Davis Company: Philadelphia,1989, p. 2000.
    2. JAMA 2002; 287:3116.
    3. Vinson, J.A., Bose P. Comparative Bioavailability to Humans of Ascorbic Acid Alone or in a Citrus Extract. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1998, Vol 38, No 3, p. 601-604.
    4. Vinson, J.A., and Hsu. Effect of Vitamin A,E, and a citrus extract on in vitro and in vivo Lipid Peroxidation." Medical Science Research, 1992, 20, 145-146.
    5. Duke, James. Handbook of Chemical Constituents of Grasses, Herbs, and other Economical Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton. 1992

    * This article along with many other observations and facts about our Health are available at the website World's Greatest Vitamin. This review is not a sales statement of any kind! The information stated above is for your research and health concerns ONLY!
    Bron: The dangers of synthetic vitamins and the benefits of whole vitamins - by Niceguy - Helium
    The Sky Ain't The Limit

    "Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragement, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak."


    • #3
      conclusie... maar vooral veel groente eten
      Fear is the mind killer


      • #4
        Heb de tekst nog niet gelezen maar 2 dingen die een prof chemie hierover zei:

        1. De samenstelling van een vitamine uit de fabriek is volledig hetzelfde als deze uit natuurlijke producten. Bv Ascorbinezuur (Vit C) is in ieder geval Ascorbinezuur omdat als er een onderdeel (atoom) niet bij is, is het gewoon geen Ascorbinezuur maar een andere stof.

        2. In vruchten die geconcentreerd worden voor transport naar een ander land bv Sinaasappelsap uit Brazilie, wordt daar de Vit C uit de sinaasappels gehaald en is bestemd voor de supplementen industrie. Eens het concentraat in Europa is wordt hier water en Vit C, die ze bij wijze van spreken kopen van de supplementen industrie, aan toe gevoegd. Of de Vit C natuurlijk of synthetisch is kan niet worden uitgemaakt want is dezelfde stof.

        Zal later de tekst wel eens lezen.
        Every athlete, coach and trainer should have his own philosophy of training based on where he’s going. - Dave Tate


        • #5
          lijkt me een goed plan ja. want de artikelen zeggen dus iets anders.
          Fear is the mind killer


          • #6
            Stukken gelezen, ook nog wat verder op internet gelezen. Is vaak niet uit te maken wat het doel van de auteur is bij het schrijven van het artikel.

            Als de stoffen 100% gelijk zijn kan het lichaam niet uitmaken welke in het lab is gemaakt. Maar of ze werkelijk identiek zijn is haast niet controleerbaar.

            Er is ook een verschil in opname, Snuff gaf vroeger al eens aan dat het lichaam maar een bepaald % uit een synthetische vitamine haalt. Zou komen doordat ze in het lab geen rekening houden met de bioflovanoiden die wel in in de natuurlijke producten zitten.

            Niet enkel groente bevatten de nodige vitaminen, maar ook granen, noten , vlees, vis...
            Dus veel natuurlijke producten eten en indien gewenst aanvullen met vitamine supplementen...
            Every athlete, coach and trainer should have his own philosophy of training based on where he’s going. - Dave Tate


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