Verbod op supplementen.

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  • Verbod op supplementen.

    It’s true. If you don’t act now, the United States congress could be passing a new law re-classifying any dietary supplement that’s being promoted for “building muscle” to being an Anabolic Steroid. This includes all of our favorite supplements… EVEN CREATINE! That’s right. If this bill becomes law, even creatine could be re-classified as an anabolic steroid!

    If you’re like most people, you’re probably saying to yourself, “No way, they can’t do that! Can they?” But you better believe they can!

    Trust Me… They Can and They Will!

    Listen… We’ve all heard the negative press surrounding Ephedrine right? Well, so has Senator Richard Durbin. Only he’s taking them personally! Actually, some of you may agree that ephedrine should be taken off the market… but please read on. There’s much more at stake here! He has taken it upon himself to take down ephedrine, and he may take all other dietary supplements with it!

    How? He is using the negative press around ephedrine (the herbal forms and the already strictly regulated synthetic form) as an example of how all dietary supplements could be potentially dangerous and possibly even life threatening. Even ones that have been safely used by people for centuries!!

    It Doesn’t Matter How You Feel About Ephedra!
    Our Freedom To Use Dietary Supplements Is At Risk!

    Essentially, he wants to put dietary supplements under the same type of regulation that drugs are under. This would require all supplement manufacturers to adopt unnecessary and super expensive procedures that no other food makers have to follow; an unfair and simply unnecessary assault on our freedom as Americans!

    Let’s make this clear: This bill is an unjust attack on our personal freedom! If it passes, our supplements will be treated like drugs, not food. Most likely, you won’t be able to get MANY of the everyday supplements you use now, including creatine, herbal products… even vitamins and minerals! At least not until they are FDA approved which could take many, many years!

    Seriously Folks! You Must Act Now! This Bill Could Pass Any Time! YOUR FELLOW AMERICANS NEED YOUR HELP!

    How to Take Action Now: This bill could be added to existing Senate legislation at any time. We need you to take two vital steps to immediately let your Senators know you oppose this bill.

    1) E-mail your Senators now! To reach your Senators' offices by e-mail log on to and enter your zip code in the green section and press go. This will pull up your Senators, Congressman and the President. Click on the two Senators and then on the e-mail option. You can use the pre-written message or you can draft your own message. Complete your personal information in the designated section and press submit! A copy of the letter will also be sent to you confirming which Senators received the letter. You may also send a message to your Congressman and the President from this page.

    2) Call your Senators now!
    I’ve attached the phone numbers for the appropriations committee below. You can call them either through the Capitol Hill switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or directly at their Washington, D.C. or local offices. To find contact information for your elected officials, simply click on the Elected Officials link on the page When you reach your Senator's office, ask to speak with the staff member in charge of health-related issues and give them this simple message:

    ”As your voter, I urge you to oppose any efforts by your fellow Senators to pass S. 722, the so-called Dietary Supplement "Safety" Act, recently introduced by Senator Richard Durbin. I am deeply concerned that rather than passing this new act - which would unnecessarily expand the authority of the Food and Drug Administration - Congress should instead investigate and oversee ways in which the Food and Drug Administration can make full use of its current and more-than-adequate authority as granted by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.”

    Don't delay – this bill has the potential to radically amend one of this country’s most important and beneficial laws, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. Your health and freedom of choice depends on it!

    Look at these reasons to take action now!

    They already have the authority!
    The fact is, they already have the authority to regulate dietary supplements through the DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act), they just aren’t doing it. They have enough information against ephedra that they could easily pull it off the market without endangering the rest of the dietary supplement industry.

    Anything that promotes muscle growth?:
    The proposed bill is very vague! It could re-categorize any product that has been promoted as a muscle builder to being a “Steroid”. It doesn’t matter if it has an effect on hormone levels or not! We’ve all seen ads promoting whey protein, creatine, meal replacements, even vitamins and minerals (just to name a few) as “muscle builders”. Consider them gone if this bill passes.

    Not just “muscle builders”:
    This proposed new law will begin to regulate ALL dietary supplements, including many products that are used as affordable alternative health care purposes. Believe it or not, this could skyrocket our national health care budget by forcing people to use Medicare and other “medical avenues” to get their needs met.

    Black market:
    If this new bill goes into action, it could inevitably create a black market for dietary supplements. Some people that have relied on supplements for years may be driven to purchase their supplements on an illegal black market.

    Playing favorites:
    This law includes the removal of all “Stimulants” except caffeine, the most abundant of them all! (Looks like Mr. Durbin drinks coffee in the morning. Is that fair?)

    Will raise Prices:
    For all the supplements that are directly effected by this new law, the cost to continue to make them will be ridiculous! In order to keep them on the market, manufacturers will have to go through a rigorous and expensive FDA approval procedure. Not only will this raise the price of these products to consumers, it will create a massive backlog of work for the FDA and inevitably force hundreds of supplement manufacturers out of business. Possibly thousands of jobs at stake!
    You were put on this world to achive a goal in live, so go for it and don't lose the faith.  At least I try.

  • #2
    Haha, laat het maar aan een Yank over om weer eens buitensporig door te draven en zijn doel voorbij te schieten...

    Als dit door gaat kan men trouwens ook hier het 'goedkoop' bestellen van spullen uit America wel vergeten.


    • #3
      Komt goed.
      Arnold is al bijna gouveneur en wordt vervolgens president.

      Growing is like sex you can never get enough...

      Pain is temporary...pride is forever...


      • #4
        Zal wel één van Arnold's hoogste prioriteiten worden dan, dit soort onzin uitbannen...


        • #5
          Precies, d-boll komt naast de paracetamol te liggen bij de drogist..

          Growing is like sex you can never get enough...

          Pain is temporary...pride is forever...


          • #6
            Ah man wat een kutzooi. Wat is dit toch alles word bijna verboden. Zal mij niet verbazen als scheetjes laten ook verboden word (denk aan ozonlaag). Dit zuigt gewoon zwaar.
            God doesn't create men the same, juice makes up for his mistakes.


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