lijnzaad en lijnzaadolie

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  • lijnzaad en lijnzaadolie

    ik heb meerdere sites gelezen over lijnzaad en lijnzaadolie.

    bijna overal word gezegd dat lijnzaadolie slecht is vanwege prostaatkanker.

    maar lijnzaad word vaker gezegd beschermt tegen prostaatkanker.

    wat kunnen jullie mij erover vertellen...

  • #2
    Ik citeer uit volgende metastudie (heb de belangrijkste zin onderlijnd): Dietary ?-Linolenic Acid Is Associated with Reduced Risk of Fatal Coronary Heart Disease, but Increased Prostate Cancer Risk: A Meta-Analysis

    The data reviewed here suggest that ALA protects against heart disease, but there are also indications for an increased risk of prostate cancer in men with a high intake of ALA compared with those with a low intake. It is quite uncertain at present whether the effect on prostate cancer is real. Even if it were real, the protective effect on fatal coronary heart disease would probably outweigh these possible negative effects, especially for men with an increased risk of heart disease. In the United Sates, 6 times more men are diagnosed with coronary heart disease than with prostate cancer, and almost 8 times more men die of coronary heart disease than of prostate cancer (CDC/NCHS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Furthermore, prostate cancer occurs at an older age: >40% of coronary heart disease patients are <65 y old when diagnosed, whereas >50% of prostate cancer patients are >75 y old when diagnosed.
    Ze vermoeden dat die link met prostaatkanker komt omdat de mannen met hoge ALA inname die halen uit dierlijke bron (rood vlees). Omdat het een meta-studie is, kunnen ze dat natuurlijk niet bewijzen.


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