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  • #31
    Originally posted by Hermandad View Post
    Wat bedoel je hiermee?
    Dat er vaak als er iets nieuws is een ongeloof komt maar das normaal.
    Face your demons...........


    • #32
      Personen die er geen kaas van hebben gegeten komen vaak met de grootste onzin aan.
      Die gasten moet je gelijk links laten liggen, die kunnen je enkel maar het verkeerde pad opsturen met hun nutteloos advies.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Snuff-Sann View Post
        Personen die er geen kaas van hebben gegeten komen vaak met de grootste onzin aan.
        Die gasten moet je gelijk links laten liggen, die kunnen je enkel maar het verkeerde pad opsturen met hun nutteloos advies.
        Helemaal mee eens.

        De tijd zal het leren, geloof me dat hier genoeg research naar wordt gedaan door ontwikkelaars. En dat ook wij tegen die tijd dat het op de markt komt, met meer zekerheid kunnen gebruiken. (Ervan uitgaan dat ik op dat moment netjes 21 jaar ben)


        • #34
          Ze komen er vanzelf wel achter Snuff
          Face your demons...........


          • #35
            heb even wat verdere research gedaan. er zijn voor zover ik kan vinden twee bedrijven die veel bezig zijn op het gebied van SARMS.

            1. GTx. Hormone pathways to treat cancer, bone loss, muscle wasting
            2. Ligand - Home

            Er zijn voor zover ik het kan nagaan, twee Sarms die geschikt zouden zijn voor bodybuild doeleinden:

            1. ostarine
            2. LGD-3303

            Name: ostarine
            Family: Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator

            Half Life: About 4 hours

            Formula: C19 H18 F3 N3 O6

            Chemical Structure: S-3-(4-acetylamino-phenoxy)-2-hydroxy-2-methyl-N-(4-nitro-3-trifluoromethyl-phenyl)-propionamide

            Anabolic Rating: Similar to Testosterone Propionate

            Facts: Ostarine (*S-4) is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator produced by GTx Inc, which is currently in the investigational stages of development. A SARM is exactly what it sounds like: a compound (not an anabolic steroid) which has the ability to stimulate the androgen receptor (much the same way as anabolic steroids). Unfortunately, due to its status as a drug still in the developmental stage, most of the research on it has been done in rodents and trials only.

            S-4 is an orally active (and highly bioavailable) selective agonist for androgen receptors which was shown to have anabolic effects in muscle and bone tissue. It has been shown to have no measurable effect on lutenizing hormone (LH) or follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), but it has been shown to have some effect on prostate weight, with an androgenic potency around 1/3rd of its anabolic potency (1). Still, this is a good trade-off, because it’s anabolic effect has been measured to be roughly the same as testosterone. It has also been shown to produce dose-dependent increases in bone mineral density and mechanical strength in addition to being able decrease body fat and increase lean body mass (2).

            Unfortunately, it has a short half-life in humans of only 4 hours (3), and thus far has only gone through phase II clinical testing in humans (4).

            Practical Use: This compound has potential use for all aspects of male hormone replacement therapy, and could eventually replace testosterone for this purpose. Since there is currently no accepted test for SARMs, athletes who are subject to drug testing would find it to be a suitable replacement for anabolic steroid use. Since it doesn’t effect LH or FSH, it may also be a highly useful anabolic agent to be used while attempting post-cycle therapy.

            Side Effects: Prostate enlargement (1/3rd of what is seen with testosterone) and potential acne are potential side effects, although most users don’t report either of them; much more common are vision problems (floaters, yellow-tinged vision). Water retention, gynecomastia, and most other steroid-related side effects are probably not possible. In addition, inhibition of natural hormone levels is probably minimal or nonexistent at worst.

            Used By: I’ve successfully used S-4 and can attest to its potency and lack of side effects – but since it has only recently appeared on the black market (in very limited quantities), very few people have gotten the opportunity to try it. I suspect that some high-level athletes have gotten their hands on it, as have a small handful of bodybuilders. In the coming years we can expect it to become an accepted part of the underground pharmacopeia.

            Typical Dose: I’ve tried several different dosing protocols with this drug, ranging from only pre-workout, to only post-workout, to every day and every other day. For me, 100 milligrams prior to workouts and 100 milligrams in the morning (on non-workout days) appears to work best.

            Stacks Well With: S-4 can be used in place of testosterone in virtually any cycle. In a very practical sense, because it causes no water retention, I suspect that it will be used very successfully in the final stages of pre-contest cycles for bodybuilders (or as a very potent stand-alone for athletes under doping controls).

            Producing/Developing Company:

            Ostarine by GTx Inc.

            [Currently this is the only form available, other than underground preparations]

            Availability: Low (Only available from one underground supplier)

            Counterfeited: Never (but I suspect we’ll be seeing them soon)


            Journal of Pharmacology And Experimental Therapeutics, Vol. 304, Issue 3, 1334-1340, March 2003
            Pharmaceutical Research. 2007 Feb;24(2):328-35.
            Pharmaceutical Research. 2006 Aug;23(8):1641-58.
            GTx Announces That Ostarine Achieved Primary Endpoint Of Lean Body Mass And A Secondary Endpoint Of Improved Functional Performance

            Name: LGD-3303
            Family: Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator

            Half Life: About 2.5 – 5 hours

            Formula: Unpublished

            Chemical Structure: Unpublished

            Anabolic Rating: Equal to Testosterone Propionate


            Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are a relatively new class of molecules that were developed to maintain the beneficial effects of androgens such as testosterone (increased muscle mass, bone density, etc…) with significantly reduced side effects. At this stage of development, the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic mechanisms and properties have not fully been elucidated.

            In a castrated (and therefore androgen deficient) rodent, LGD-3303 was shown to have potent activity on the levator ani muscle (a measure of the anabolic effect), with some slight stimulatory effects on the ventral prostate preputial gland. The stimulatory effect that it did have on the prostate did not increase weight or size to the level of the non-castrated (androgen intact) control group of rodents (1). Interestingly, there was a much greater muscular hypertrophic activity relative to prostate activity but local tissue concentrations were actually higher in the prostate than the muscle. It has been speculated that primary mechanism for tissue selective activity was as a result of altered molecular interactions at the level of the androgen receptor (1).

            Again, it is important to note that this compound is still in the very early stages of research and development and there are few published and peer-reviewed medical journal articles that address LGD-3303 in detail.

            In another LGD-3303 study, this one on female rodents (ovaries removed) and male rodents (testes removed), treated with LGD-3303, it was again shown to be a potent SARM with anabolic effects on muscle and cortical bone (2). Research indicates that it has the potential to be more effective than Fosamax (R) (an osteoporosis medication) at increasing bone mineral density in the femur and spine, by the deposition of new bone in those areas (3). It appears to me, at this early stage of development that it is going to be primarily marketed as a treatment for osteoporosis, as the company has primarily been touting its effects on bone mineral density.

            Still, at a 1mg/kg/day dose, LGD-3303 was able to combat androgen-deficiency related muscle wasting (1), without a commensurate increase in prostate size or noteworthy effect on luteinizing hormone.


            Practical Use: This SARM can be used effectively for osteoporosis or androgen replacement therapy, by both men and women. As a performance enhancing drug, it shows great potential, as increasing the dose above the therapeutic range has been shown in studies to greatly increase muscle size.

            Side Effects: Side effects with this compound would likely be unnoticeable except in cases of extremely high doses.

            Used By: This compound is still in the developmental stages, and I am unaware of any human trials as of yet.

            Typical Dose: I am speculating here, but 1mg/kg/day would be enough to constitute an acceptable level of hormone replacement (in studies it completely halted the effects of muscle wasting associated with lack of androgens in castrated rodents). Since LGD-3303 appears like it will have very few noticeable side effects, I am speculating that an increase in muscle size and strength will be realized with 1mg/kg/day, although a very strong anabolic effect would be probable with anything above that.
            Stacks Well With: This drug could replace testosterone in most cycles, and therefore would stack well with virtually anything.
            Producing/Developing Company:

            1. Ligand Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
            Availability: Not yet available

            Counterfeited: Not yet

            J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2008 Nov 18. [Epub ahead of print]
            J Bone Miner Res. 2008 Oct 10. [Epub ahead of print]
            Ligand Announces Positive Preclinical Data on Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator LGD-3303. SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sep 17, 2007

            Door op deze namen te zoeken, kun je veel research en artikelen vinden met betrekking tot deze stoffen.

            Het bemachtigen van beiden middelen lijkt echter vrijwel onmogelijk omdat ze nog niet in het legale circuit verkrijgbaar zijn (en wanneer dit wel gebeurt zullen deze op dezelfde manier gebruikt worden in de medsiche wereld als AS nu gebruikt worden. dus heel voorzichtig).

            In het illegale circuit gaat er voor 99,9% fake spul in omloop, en zijn er mensen die echte AS of andere stoffen onder de noemer SARMS verkopen.

            Gezien jouw verhaal heb ik zwaar het vermoeden dat:
            1. jij loopt te trollen
            2. het spul fake is (eventueel wel een echte AS).

            maargoed dat is mijn vermoeden. Ik zou best benieuwd zijn naar de uitslag van een labtest op wat die pillen die je nu hebt daadwerkelijk zijn.
            More knowledge will just increase your potential. For this potential to be manifested, the knowledge must be applied!


            • #36
              Ostarine wordt aangeboden voor Bodybuild doeleinden. en bepaald niet fake. Er moet snel iemand komen, die zo gek is om het spulletje te testen. en een super log bij te houden. Alleen dan zullen we erachter komen.


              • #37
                Eerst zien, dan geloven.
                "Een zoektocht naar kennis moet los staan van het moreel van goed of kwaad, anders is die toch gedoemd niet volledig te zijn." - Genjuro


                "Rock is overpowered. Paper is fine" -Scissors-


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Snuff-Sann View Post
                  Personen die er geen kaas van hebben gegeten komen vaak met de grootste onzin aan.
                  Die gasten moet je gelijk links laten liggen, die kunnen je enkel maar het verkeerde pad opsturen met hun nutteloos advies.
                  Niks mis met een beetje gezonde achterdocht. Zoals Gen al aangeeft: gewoon laten testen, dan weet je wat het is.

                  Jij laat altijd je bloedwaardes controleren. Ik neem aan dat je dat ook altijd doet met je gear, zodat je iig zeker weet wat je hebt?
                  Één bodybuilder kan meer eieren eten dan tien kippen kunnen leggen.


                  • #39
                    @ dynobet , goede post man !
                    Beest in opleiding


                    • #40
                      SARM-X from MHP | SARMX Steroid Receptor | Buy SARM-x


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by seanl94 View Post

                        Ik neem aan dat je dat ook altijd doet met je gear, zodat je iig zeker weet wat je hebt?
                        Laat ik de vraag even naar jou richting op reflecteren.
                        Doe jij het???


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Snuff-Sann View Post
                          Laat ik de vraag even naar jou richting op reflecteren.
                          Doe jij het???
                          Ja, ik test mijn eiwitten altijd op steroïden. jij?
                          Één bodybuilder kan meer eieren eten dan tien kippen kunnen leggen.


                          • #43
                            dat zijn geen "Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators"

                            maar zoals zij het zelf formuleren op hun website: "Selective Steroid Receptor Stimulator". ze hebben gewoon een leuke naam uitgekozen die doet vermoeden dat het gaat om SARMS, maar het is niets meer of minder dan een normaal supplement.
                            More knowledge will just increase your potential. For this potential to be manifested, the knowledge must be applied!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by dynobet View Post
                              dat zijn geen "Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators"

                              maar zoals zij het zelf formuleren op hun website: "Selective Steroid Receptor Stimulator". ze hebben gewoon een leuke naam uitgekozen die doet vermoeden dat het gaat om SARMS, maar het is niets meer of minder dan een normaal supplement.
                              Dit is inderdaad wel iets heel anders


                              • #45
                                welke stof hoord er in sarm te zitten??
                                Face your demons...........


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