@ fitnessboer . Jouw fysiek doet me steeds wat denken aan vince gironda in zn jonge jaren
Bodymania 2014 contest foto's!
This is a sticky topic.
You gotta love yourself ! If you've been training for more then a year and your afraid to show your muscle then ... WHY are you doing it for ? Thats like being a millionaire and still homeless Kali Muscle
The upper back is the new chest Defranco
Dat doet Protasius zeker goed. Kan me nog herinneren dat hij een tijdje terug minder bezig was met de sport en daardoor wat extra ballast aan zijn lijf had hangen. Dat is er nu weer af.I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
- Dave Tate
Originally posted by Wengstertje View Post[ATTACH=CONFIG]18576[/ATTACH]
hmm dan update ik ook nog even als zelfs protasius upload.1.68 -- 66-67KG -- 15-16% BF
Personal Records: Deadlift 5x160 / 1x175kg -- Full Squat: 3x90kg -- Benchpress: 5x90kg / 1x100kg -- Military Press 3x60kg
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Antwoord op Naruto's logdoor Naruto rulezzTraining A
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Deficit wide grip SL DL:
- 110kg 4x
- 61kg 25x
Kanaal: Trainingslogjes
2 dagen geleden -
Antwoord op Naruto's logdoor Naruto rulezzTraining D
Paused safety bar squat:
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Sumo safety bar goodmorning:
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door chark 37Hey .
Door medische redenen kan ik niet sporten maar wil wat afvallen iemand iets te koop ....-
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Antwoord op Naruto's logdoor henrycavilI genuinely enjoy reading your topics because they provide concise yet comprehensive information, packed with valuable insights. It's clear that you put...
Kanaal: Trainingslogjes
1 week geleden -
Antwoord op Naruto's logdoor Naruto rulezzTraining B
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Superset met
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Kanaal: Trainingslogjes
1 week geleden -
Antwoord op Naruto's logdoor Naruto rulezzTraining A
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Kanaal: Trainingslogjes
1 week geleden -
Antwoord op Naruto's logdoor Naruto rulezzTraining D
Paused safety bar squat:
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Sumo safety bar goodmorning:
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Wide grip...-
Kanaal: Trainingslogjes
1 week geleden -
Antwoord op Naruto's logdoor Naruto rulezzTraining C
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Safety bar back extension:
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Kanaal: Trainingslogjes
2 weken geleden -
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