neck press vs powerlift style bench

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  • neck press vs powerlift style bench

    Naar aanleiding van dit artikeltje op T-nation, waarin kort samengevat wordt gezegd dat er weinig stress op de schouders komt te staan wanneer je de neck press uitvoert, dus hele brede greep en ellebogen direct onder de baar en vervolgens de baar laten zakken tot de overgang nek-borst.

    Dit lijkt me tegenstrijdig met de powerlift style bench press, waarbij je juist je ellebogen dicht langs je lichaam moet brengen.

    Hier overigens het artikel: T NATION | Training Lab

    Wat is waar, wat is beter etc...?
    A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do

  • #2
    Wees voorzichtig met dat soort uitspraken.

    Dit is wat de auteur van het artikel erover te zeggen heeft:

    One warning, though: for safety purposes, use this great variation only on incline bench presses. As a student of physiology, I know that getting a 300-pound weight stuck on your neck can impede breathing and make you hack like a woodchuck that just swallowed a golf ball.

    If you want to use it on a flat bench, use the Smith Machine so that you can easily flip the bar and catch it on the safeties.

    Oh, by the way,
    go wayyy lighter that what you might normally use on a bench press. It's a tremendous exercise, especially if you have trouble keeping your triceps and delts from taking over during a conventional bench press.
    En hier nog wat commentaar wat onderaan staat:

    Roygion: As someone who trained under Vince in his gym (1980) he taught me this press. If you were beyond beginner stage, it was performed on a 10-degree incline (always) and supersetted with his version of dips—back and forth between the two movements four times, with barely any rest—thus totaling 8 sets of 8. THAT was the entire chest sequence (unless you were Makkaway and added cable work) and was all that was needed! The supersets meant you could not use a lot of weight in this movement...

    ...That was a damned good thing as
    I would never recommend either movement today for rotator and overall shoulder health, but especially this one. Pump and "feel" were great—for a time—but this exercise is a longer-term problem, in my view. Vince preceded many trends and I learned tons from him and witnessed the best entertainment there imagined, when not training. But I can't agree with all his recommendations with what I know today.

    Roygion: @TC: That name is familiar; was he in VG c. 1980?
    The problem with the movement is two fold: one, a similar problem seen by wide benchers--the scapulae are pinned as the humerus grinds away. (Note guys like Wendler report the closer grip friendlier on shoulders.) Now, the MUCH lighter weight helps Vince's movement but the dynamics are the same as with wide-grip flat benching. The other problem is the to-neck positioning, which can exacerbate the prior postural condition, in my experience.
    I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
    - Dave Tate


    • #3
      Ik vind dit stukje wel erg leuk

      Bret Contreras: I will add that I got more pec activation with a 225 lb guillotine press than a 275 lb powerlifting style press. This style is certainly harder on the shoulders than the more commonly accepted technique. However, lifters need to learn how their bodies work. Some can't bench with any style without hurting themselves. Others can do guillotine presses their entire careers and be just fine.
      Bret Contreras: And if you go light for higher reps while keeping excellent form, you'll make the exercise much safer than if you were to try to go heavy for low reps while compromising technique. I think that's why some bodybuilders can get away with this...they don't engage in "ego" lifting to the same degree that most gym-goers do.
      1e Masters Superbody YBF 2011!
      Go M.U.D. Mart's Ultimate Diet ©


      • #4
        Neck press is imo ideaal en erg lekker voor bovenkant. Gebruik hem nu ook paar weke


        • #5
          Originally posted by talalelh15 View Post
          Neck press is imo ideaal en erg lekker voor bovenkant. Gebruik hem nu ook paar weke
          Nogal omslachtig vind ik. Daar heb je immers incline oefeningen voor.
          I know from teaching hundreds of seminars that the guys who say they have “awesome technique” are usually the biggest disasters—their ego just doesn’t let them see it.
          - Dave Tate


          • #6
            een overhead press vergelijken met een benchpress?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Revius View Post
              een overhead press vergelijken met een benchpress?
              Ik denk dat je hem verwart met de behind the neck-press..
              die is namelijk overhead.
              A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do


              • #8
                Originally posted by inferno_0666 View Post
                Nogal omslachtig vind ik. Daar heb je immers incline oefeningen voor.
                Afwisselen inferno, zeker nu ik met dit schema train en dan heb je gewoon niet zo veel gewicht nodig. Maar probeer het maar is hoor, je voelt hem goed werke


                • #9
                  oooh wacht het gaat over guillotine press?
                  ik ben te lui om artikels te lezen als het me niet direct interesseert, vandaar


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Revius View Post
                    oooh wacht het gaat over guillotine press?
                    ik ben te lui om artikels te lezen als het me niet direct interesseert, vandaar
                    ghehe zoiets vermoedde ik al
                    A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do


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