Wie zei er ook alweer dat geen enkele pro meer dan 5 a 6 honderd gram proteine per dag naar binnen werkt???
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Eat like a pro: step into the kitchen with Phil Heath
by Phillip Heath on Wednesday, 24 August 2011 at 18:47
Eat like a pro: step into the kitchen with Phil Heath as he unveils his offseason nutritional blueprint for crafting a Sandow-worthy physique
by Sommer Robertson
WHEN PHIL HEATH ENTERS THE KITCHEN DURING THE DARK, GLOOMY MORNING HOURS ON THIS LATE FEBRUARY DAY, it is business as usual. Nothing too fancy--no whole-wheat pancakes, smoothies or the like--just a carton of egg whites, a slab of steak and a tub of plain oats. His day begins with a hefty helping of each, and by the time he finishes, the next meal is already close on the horizon.
At last year's Olympia, even seasoned veterans like Chris Cormier jumped out of their seats the moment Heath walked onstage and unveiled his physique. Coming as close as anyone in recent years to unseating defending champ Jay Cutler, Heath is far and away the number one contender. But if he is to become the 13th man to hold the Sandow, he will have to overcome a host of hungry challengers and, of course, the man who edged him out last year.
To make sure that will happen this September, every collision with chow from this point forward has been meticulously mapped out and is met with precision. "When you eat (and train) at exactly the same times every day--whether you're offseason or precontest--it's easy to see how certain foods affect your physique," Heath explains. "Then you can make minor adjustments as the day goes on." Even the most minor tweaks mean muscle, and thanks to nutritionist/trainer Hany Rambod, Heath's physique is riddled with fresh, sinewy pounds.
Currently weighing in at his leanest 270 pounds yet, Heath is looking larger than life. Here, Heath, Rambod and FLEX Senior Science Editor Jim Stoppani, PhD, dig into the offseason meal plan that is helping Heath tip the scales in his favor as he prepares for the 2011 Olympia.
7 AM
8 egg whites
8 oz top sirloin steak
Lawry's Steak Rub seasoning
1 1/2 cups oatmeal
1 serving Vitakic
300 mg Co[Q.sub.10]
500 mg vitamin C
500 mg fish oil
TOTALS: 745 calories, 101g protein, 38 carbs, 21g fat
"Because it's first thing in the morning, which is a key time for gaining mass, I use two protein sources: eggs and steak. Eggs are absorbed fairly quickly and they're easy for the body to assimilate. Combining them with a slower-digesting protein source, such as sirloin, gives a timed-release effect."
"Phil gets a good serving of slow-digesting carbs with oatmeal. Research shows that when athletes eat slow carbs for breakfast they have more energy and burn more fat throughout the day and during workouts. This helps build mass, while keeping bodyfat low."
9 AM
12 oz sirloin steak
Lawry's Steak Rub seasoning
1 1/2 cups white rice
1,500 mg glucosamine
TOTALS: 939 calories, 104 g protein, 80 g carbs, 22 g fat
"Beef can't be beat in terms of its strength-supporting creatine content. Creatine plays a vital role in the regeneration of ATP [adenosine triphosphate, i.e., energy], which fuels muscle contraction, so we load up on natural sources before training."
"Phil takes glucosamine to help with joint recovery. A lot of bodybuilders think this is an 'old man's' supplement. But the truth is, when you train hard and intensely, your body needs all the help it can get to keep your joints running smoothly."
11:30 AM
12 oz ground turkey, 93% lean
1 tbsp grape seed oil
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp basil
12 oz potato, baked
2 tbsp ketchup
TOTALS: 903 calories, 59 g protein, 82 g carbs, 38 g fat
"We change things up slightly, using protein sources like ground turkey instead of steak, and sometimes throw in one or two whole eggs. The additional calories and fat from the eggs can help trigger new growth. Plus, this type of occasional change keeps Phil sane while eating clean during the offseason."
"Getting your protein from a variety of sources--such as turkey, eggs, beef, chicken and dairy--is important because each type of protein has a different amino acid makeup, as well as different kinds of fats. These critical nutrients aid muscle growth."
12:40 PM
1-2 scoops naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series
1 serving naNOX9 Hardcore
1 scoop NQP-47
TOTALS: 275 calories, 33 g protein, 32 g carbs, 0 g fat
"I use all three, but I don't take the full dose of naNO Vapor. I'll use one or two scoops rather than the recommended three because I don't need the stimulants. I want to increase blood flow as much as possible before training, and the extra arginine really helps."
"Nitric oxide boosters are important before workouts, not just because the better pump makes you look bigger in the gym. That pump stretches the membranes of the muscles and that signals the muscles to grow bigger."
1 PM
2 scoops IntraVol (intraworkout)
TOTALS: 160 calories, 0 g protein, 40 g carbs, 0 g fat
"Branched-chain amino acids help give me energy to push out those last few reps, and they keep my muscles full."
"BCAAs grow muscle. A study we conducted with the Weider Research Group and presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that trained guys taking BCAAs during workouts added almost 10 pounds of muscle in eight weeks."
2 PM
Step Mill, three or four days per week, 30 minutes per session, moderate intensity
"When I first met Phil, he was doing cardio too often in the offseason, mostly out of boredom. If you're doing too much offseason, you're not going to grow. Now we do cardio three or four times a week, immediately after weights, and because it's short, it doesn't hinder his gains in anyway."
"The StepMill is a good choice for cardio due to its resistance component. Each step is essentially one rep of a one-leg squat. This means it can actually help to add muscle to the legs and glutes while burning off bodyfat."
2:30 PM
1 serving Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series
1 serving Nitro Isolate 65 Pro Series
500 mg vitamin C
500 mg fish oil
TOTALS: 620 calories, 65 g protein, 86 g carbs, 1 g fat
"I split these up--drinking the protein shake first, and then the creatine 15-20 minutes later. Splitting it up doesn't disturb digestion or my appetite, so I'm able to eat my next whole meal when I'm supposed to. If I drink them together, the last thing I want to do is eat the next meal."
"The postworkout meal is the most critical meal of the day. This is the one time of day when the muscles are like sponges. Creatine, sugars and amino acids are literally sucked up by the muscles, so get these nutrients into your body within 30 minutes after workouts."
3:30 PM
12 oz chicken, boneless, skinless
2 tbsp honey barbecue sauce
12 oz yam, baked
1 tsp cinnamon
1 serving Vitakic
TOTALS: 990 calories, 111 g protein, 102 g carbs, 12 g fat
"We don't limit seasonings and condiments, such as teriyaki and barbecue sauces, offseason--they help get the food down, which means more calories for growth."
"As important as the postworkout meal is, this one is also critical for maximizing muscle growth. It's important to eat this whole-food meal about an hour after your postworkout shake to keep muscle protein synthesis elevated longer. It means you are building up muscle for a longer time, which leads to more muscle growth."
6 PM
10 0z teriyaki chicken
1 1/2 cups white rice
3 12-oz diet Cokes
1 Philadelphia roll
1 cream salmon roll (tempura fried)
2 large pieces tempura-fried shrimp
2 pieces hamachi yellowtail sushi
6 pieces hamachi yellowtail sushi
6 pieces sake salmon sushi
Mixed salad
Note: This is a restaurant meal.
TOTALS: 2,407 calories, 130 g protein, 288 g carbs, 78 g fat
"Don't try this at home! Cheat meals like this are only used when trying to push through plateaus. We'll do this every few days, usually before an intense training day, to help spur new muscle growth."
"Remember, this is the offseason; it's time for growth, not fat loss. Fats from fried tempura and cream cheese will actually keep testosterone levels elevated, and that leads to more muscle growth."
8 PM
12 oz sirloin steak
1 tsp hit chili sauce
1 1/2 cups white rice
1,500 mg glucosamine
TOTALS: 942 calories, 104 g protein, 80 g carbs, 22 g fat
"This meal is one that I can easily find at most restaurants. I usually eat out more with my family in the offseason, and I'm not concerned if I end up taking in an extra ounce or two--I can get away with it right now."
"Most guys would be worried about the faster digestion of white rice, but it does have an anabolic effect due to the insulin boost. Insulin helps muscle grow. So in the offseason, Phil is more concerned with insulin's growing capabilities than its fat-storing capabilities."
10:30 PM
12 oz tilapia
1 tbsp grape seed oil
Lawry's Lemon Pepper seasoning
Broccoll, Unlimited*
500 mg vitamin C
500 mg fish oil
* Nutrient values based on 2 cups
TOTALS: 617 calories, 95 g protein, 12 g carbs, 23 g fat
"This is a great alternative to beef--quick and easy to digest. It's a lighter protein source that won't cause bloat, so it's perfect before bedtime."
"No real need to calculate broccoli intake, especially in the 'growing' season. It provides so few carbs, with good fiber. Plus it contains a phytochemical that can help keep estrogen levels down, which can help to maximize testosterone levels."
1 AM
MEAL 8 (optional)
10 oz ground sirloin, 95% lean
Lawry's Steak Rub seasoning
Steamed mixed vegetables, unlimited*
* Nutrient values based on 2 cups
TOTALS: 796 calories, 108 g protein, 41 g carbs, 22 g fat
"If Phil is up late or he's still hungry, we add in another meal. The extra calories and protein aren't going to hurt--they're going to keep him anabolic. If he's out at night and misses a meal, we'll add more to this meal to make up for the lost calories."
"Even though Phil is in mass-gain mode, he still curbs carbs later at night. That's because insulin sensitivity is a bit lower at night, which means if you eat a high-carb meal at night, you may need more insulin released than earlier in the day. That could lead to more fat storage."
CARBS * 881
FAT * 239
* in grams
"These are some big numbers on all accounts. But remember, Phil is 270 pounds of pure muscle. It takes a lot of protein and carbs (over 3 g per pound for each), as well as calories (35 per pound) not only to maintain this kind of freaky mass but also to continue making gains in lean muscle mass."
"I drink about a gallon of water a day in the offseason. When you're eating a lot of carbs, you don't need to pound gallons and gallons of water."
"My offseason diet is more structured than in years past. Before, I would switch items in my meals at random; now, I only stick to the plan. Even if the change is simple, it can make a drastic difference in my physique."
"My highest offseason weight was 276 pounds. That was in 2008, and I wasn't as lean-looking as I am now at just six pounds lighter. Eating starchy carbs like potatoes instead of brown rice has helped me grow while staying lean, and I don't feel as bloated."
COPYRIGHT 2011 Weider Publications
COPYRIGHT 2011 Gale, Cengage Learning
Kijk eens naar dit voedingsschema en u gelooft uw ogen niet!
Eat like a pro: step into the kitchen with Phil Heath
by Phillip Heath on Wednesday, 24 August 2011 at 18:47
Eat like a pro: step into the kitchen with Phil Heath as he unveils his offseason nutritional blueprint for crafting a Sandow-worthy physique
by Sommer Robertson
WHEN PHIL HEATH ENTERS THE KITCHEN DURING THE DARK, GLOOMY MORNING HOURS ON THIS LATE FEBRUARY DAY, it is business as usual. Nothing too fancy--no whole-wheat pancakes, smoothies or the like--just a carton of egg whites, a slab of steak and a tub of plain oats. His day begins with a hefty helping of each, and by the time he finishes, the next meal is already close on the horizon.
At last year's Olympia, even seasoned veterans like Chris Cormier jumped out of their seats the moment Heath walked onstage and unveiled his physique. Coming as close as anyone in recent years to unseating defending champ Jay Cutler, Heath is far and away the number one contender. But if he is to become the 13th man to hold the Sandow, he will have to overcome a host of hungry challengers and, of course, the man who edged him out last year.
To make sure that will happen this September, every collision with chow from this point forward has been meticulously mapped out and is met with precision. "When you eat (and train) at exactly the same times every day--whether you're offseason or precontest--it's easy to see how certain foods affect your physique," Heath explains. "Then you can make minor adjustments as the day goes on." Even the most minor tweaks mean muscle, and thanks to nutritionist/trainer Hany Rambod, Heath's physique is riddled with fresh, sinewy pounds.
Currently weighing in at his leanest 270 pounds yet, Heath is looking larger than life. Here, Heath, Rambod and FLEX Senior Science Editor Jim Stoppani, PhD, dig into the offseason meal plan that is helping Heath tip the scales in his favor as he prepares for the 2011 Olympia.
7 AM
8 egg whites
8 oz top sirloin steak
Lawry's Steak Rub seasoning
1 1/2 cups oatmeal
1 serving Vitakic
300 mg Co[Q.sub.10]
500 mg vitamin C
500 mg fish oil
TOTALS: 745 calories, 101g protein, 38 carbs, 21g fat
"Because it's first thing in the morning, which is a key time for gaining mass, I use two protein sources: eggs and steak. Eggs are absorbed fairly quickly and they're easy for the body to assimilate. Combining them with a slower-digesting protein source, such as sirloin, gives a timed-release effect."
"Phil gets a good serving of slow-digesting carbs with oatmeal. Research shows that when athletes eat slow carbs for breakfast they have more energy and burn more fat throughout the day and during workouts. This helps build mass, while keeping bodyfat low."
9 AM
12 oz sirloin steak
Lawry's Steak Rub seasoning
1 1/2 cups white rice
1,500 mg glucosamine
TOTALS: 939 calories, 104 g protein, 80 g carbs, 22 g fat
"Beef can't be beat in terms of its strength-supporting creatine content. Creatine plays a vital role in the regeneration of ATP [adenosine triphosphate, i.e., energy], which fuels muscle contraction, so we load up on natural sources before training."
"Phil takes glucosamine to help with joint recovery. A lot of bodybuilders think this is an 'old man's' supplement. But the truth is, when you train hard and intensely, your body needs all the help it can get to keep your joints running smoothly."
11:30 AM
12 oz ground turkey, 93% lean
1 tbsp grape seed oil
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp basil
12 oz potato, baked
2 tbsp ketchup
TOTALS: 903 calories, 59 g protein, 82 g carbs, 38 g fat
"We change things up slightly, using protein sources like ground turkey instead of steak, and sometimes throw in one or two whole eggs. The additional calories and fat from the eggs can help trigger new growth. Plus, this type of occasional change keeps Phil sane while eating clean during the offseason."
"Getting your protein from a variety of sources--such as turkey, eggs, beef, chicken and dairy--is important because each type of protein has a different amino acid makeup, as well as different kinds of fats. These critical nutrients aid muscle growth."
12:40 PM
1-2 scoops naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series
1 serving naNOX9 Hardcore
1 scoop NQP-47
TOTALS: 275 calories, 33 g protein, 32 g carbs, 0 g fat
"I use all three, but I don't take the full dose of naNO Vapor. I'll use one or two scoops rather than the recommended three because I don't need the stimulants. I want to increase blood flow as much as possible before training, and the extra arginine really helps."
"Nitric oxide boosters are important before workouts, not just because the better pump makes you look bigger in the gym. That pump stretches the membranes of the muscles and that signals the muscles to grow bigger."
1 PM
2 scoops IntraVol (intraworkout)
TOTALS: 160 calories, 0 g protein, 40 g carbs, 0 g fat
"Branched-chain amino acids help give me energy to push out those last few reps, and they keep my muscles full."
"BCAAs grow muscle. A study we conducted with the Weider Research Group and presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that trained guys taking BCAAs during workouts added almost 10 pounds of muscle in eight weeks."
2 PM
Step Mill, three or four days per week, 30 minutes per session, moderate intensity
"When I first met Phil, he was doing cardio too often in the offseason, mostly out of boredom. If you're doing too much offseason, you're not going to grow. Now we do cardio three or four times a week, immediately after weights, and because it's short, it doesn't hinder his gains in anyway."
"The StepMill is a good choice for cardio due to its resistance component. Each step is essentially one rep of a one-leg squat. This means it can actually help to add muscle to the legs and glutes while burning off bodyfat."
2:30 PM
1 serving Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series
1 serving Nitro Isolate 65 Pro Series
500 mg vitamin C
500 mg fish oil
TOTALS: 620 calories, 65 g protein, 86 g carbs, 1 g fat
"I split these up--drinking the protein shake first, and then the creatine 15-20 minutes later. Splitting it up doesn't disturb digestion or my appetite, so I'm able to eat my next whole meal when I'm supposed to. If I drink them together, the last thing I want to do is eat the next meal."
"The postworkout meal is the most critical meal of the day. This is the one time of day when the muscles are like sponges. Creatine, sugars and amino acids are literally sucked up by the muscles, so get these nutrients into your body within 30 minutes after workouts."
3:30 PM
12 oz chicken, boneless, skinless
2 tbsp honey barbecue sauce
12 oz yam, baked
1 tsp cinnamon
1 serving Vitakic
TOTALS: 990 calories, 111 g protein, 102 g carbs, 12 g fat
"We don't limit seasonings and condiments, such as teriyaki and barbecue sauces, offseason--they help get the food down, which means more calories for growth."
"As important as the postworkout meal is, this one is also critical for maximizing muscle growth. It's important to eat this whole-food meal about an hour after your postworkout shake to keep muscle protein synthesis elevated longer. It means you are building up muscle for a longer time, which leads to more muscle growth."
6 PM
10 0z teriyaki chicken
1 1/2 cups white rice
3 12-oz diet Cokes
1 Philadelphia roll
1 cream salmon roll (tempura fried)
2 large pieces tempura-fried shrimp
2 pieces hamachi yellowtail sushi
6 pieces hamachi yellowtail sushi
6 pieces sake salmon sushi
Mixed salad
Note: This is a restaurant meal.
TOTALS: 2,407 calories, 130 g protein, 288 g carbs, 78 g fat
"Don't try this at home! Cheat meals like this are only used when trying to push through plateaus. We'll do this every few days, usually before an intense training day, to help spur new muscle growth."
"Remember, this is the offseason; it's time for growth, not fat loss. Fats from fried tempura and cream cheese will actually keep testosterone levels elevated, and that leads to more muscle growth."
8 PM
12 oz sirloin steak
1 tsp hit chili sauce
1 1/2 cups white rice
1,500 mg glucosamine
TOTALS: 942 calories, 104 g protein, 80 g carbs, 22 g fat
"This meal is one that I can easily find at most restaurants. I usually eat out more with my family in the offseason, and I'm not concerned if I end up taking in an extra ounce or two--I can get away with it right now."
"Most guys would be worried about the faster digestion of white rice, but it does have an anabolic effect due to the insulin boost. Insulin helps muscle grow. So in the offseason, Phil is more concerned with insulin's growing capabilities than its fat-storing capabilities."
10:30 PM
12 oz tilapia
1 tbsp grape seed oil
Lawry's Lemon Pepper seasoning
Broccoll, Unlimited*
500 mg vitamin C
500 mg fish oil
* Nutrient values based on 2 cups
TOTALS: 617 calories, 95 g protein, 12 g carbs, 23 g fat
"This is a great alternative to beef--quick and easy to digest. It's a lighter protein source that won't cause bloat, so it's perfect before bedtime."
"No real need to calculate broccoli intake, especially in the 'growing' season. It provides so few carbs, with good fiber. Plus it contains a phytochemical that can help keep estrogen levels down, which can help to maximize testosterone levels."
1 AM
MEAL 8 (optional)
10 oz ground sirloin, 95% lean
Lawry's Steak Rub seasoning
Steamed mixed vegetables, unlimited*
* Nutrient values based on 2 cups
TOTALS: 796 calories, 108 g protein, 41 g carbs, 22 g fat
"If Phil is up late or he's still hungry, we add in another meal. The extra calories and protein aren't going to hurt--they're going to keep him anabolic. If he's out at night and misses a meal, we'll add more to this meal to make up for the lost calories."
"Even though Phil is in mass-gain mode, he still curbs carbs later at night. That's because insulin sensitivity is a bit lower at night, which means if you eat a high-carb meal at night, you may need more insulin released than earlier in the day. That could lead to more fat storage."
CARBS * 881
FAT * 239
* in grams
"These are some big numbers on all accounts. But remember, Phil is 270 pounds of pure muscle. It takes a lot of protein and carbs (over 3 g per pound for each), as well as calories (35 per pound) not only to maintain this kind of freaky mass but also to continue making gains in lean muscle mass."
"I drink about a gallon of water a day in the offseason. When you're eating a lot of carbs, you don't need to pound gallons and gallons of water."
"My offseason diet is more structured than in years past. Before, I would switch items in my meals at random; now, I only stick to the plan. Even if the change is simple, it can make a drastic difference in my physique."
"My highest offseason weight was 276 pounds. That was in 2008, and I wasn't as lean-looking as I am now at just six pounds lighter. Eating starchy carbs like potatoes instead of brown rice has helped me grow while staying lean, and I don't feel as bloated."
COPYRIGHT 2011 Weider Publications
COPYRIGHT 2011 Gale, Cengage Learning