Hypertrofie routine

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  • Originally posted by Falstyr View Post
    Ik niet snap. Waarom schouders anders aan moeten pakken? Sinds ik fatsoenlijk gewichten verplaats met bench press en overhead presses groeien me armen en schouders vanzelf.
    Niet mbt de groei, maar vanwege de Pl/strongman elementen/oefeningen. zoals pushpress, powercleans, snatches, clean and jerk enz. lijkt me dat als je die ook doet dat je de schouders dan weer anders benadert.
    1e Masters Superbody YBF 2011!
    Go M.U.D. Mart's Ultimate Diet ©


    • Originally posted by sf01 View Post
      misschien beetje nooberig...

      Maar waarom zou het tot meer groei in massa leiden als je minder lang rust neemt tussen de sets?
      De verrichte arbeid is identiek. Het verschil zit hem dan vooral in de hoeveelheid ATP die je inzet/ in kan zetten bij je set. En de mate van totale vermoeidheid en spiervermoeidheid die hoger zal liggen omdat er minder tijd is om te herstellen tussen door.
      De uitleg maakt het allemaal wat zwart-wit,....
      De rust heeft ook eigenlijk meer te maken met het kunnen verplaatsen van meer gewicht.

      Het wordt nog vervelender.
      Als je te kort rust dan groei je weer minder.....optimaal zou 60 tot 90 seconden zijn tot zelfs die 2 minuten voor groei.
      Minder, dus tot 30 seconden zou minder groei geven, maar meer vetverbranding en conditie. (vraag me niet waar ze het exact vandaan hebben, het is uit ondervinding door de BB'ers, weet niet of er echte onderzoeken naar zijn gedaan)

      Je kan bij alle manieren de spieren flink beschadigen, maar het stukje volume gaat ook meetellen. Meer herhalingen is meer schade of meer aanpassing door je lichaam.

      Als je exacten en feiten wil hebben dan moet het opgezocht worden.
      1e Masters Superbody YBF 2011!
      Go M.U.D. Mart's Ultimate Diet ©


      • ja het voordeel van korte pauzes voor conditie en vetverbranding snap ik.

        Als iemand er toevallig een goed artikel of ebook over heeft, dan hou ik me aanbevolen.
        Ik zal zelf ook ff zoeken wat ik kan vinden.

        Het lastige is dat mijn maat een stuk lager in gewicht zit met oefeningen. We doen oefeningen om en om. Zijn oefening + wisselen van gewichten loopt toch al snel op. 90 seconde is misschien net nog te halen. (hangt ook van de oefening af hoeveel gewicht het scheelt

        Verder zal het vooral van je algemene conditie afhangen en van hoeveel je op wil hogen per set hoeveel rust je nodig hebt voor je volgende set.
        Fear is the mind killer


        • Kleine update. Ben bezig met HST, zit nu in week 4. Heb de gewichten wat lager gehouden in vergelijking met m'n top en het ging me tot nu toe goed af. Training vandaag zag er zo uit:
          Bench 2x10@115
          Wide lat pulldown 2x10@95, nog 5kg en dan kan ik hier niet meer op verhogen, dus hierna maar over op chins
          MP 2x10@70
          Biceps curl 2x10@70
          Front squat 3x115; 3x135; 2x155; 1x165

          Gewicht is nu 93kg., wil toch op zo'n 95+ uitkomen over een maand of 2/3 en dan daarna weer cutten. Goals zijn op het moment vooral massa op de armen erbij en alles een slagje groter. Heb toch het idee dat kracht gainen zonder iets van massa gains erg moeilijk is, dus liever wat meer massa en wat meer kracht gains voor dit moment.
          In college, a guy from another country told me that he had been "juicing" for a few years. He was a very poor thrower and it made me wonder just how bad he would be if he were "clean."

          If I can drink water, sleep more, and eat normal and still defeat you while you're juicing hard, you probably don't have the aptitude. Sorry. Blame your genes. Dan John.


          • Bench 2x10@120
            Wide lat pulldown 2x10@100, ging gemakkelijker dan de vorige keer omdat ik mezelf vastgemaakt had aan de bank met een riem
            MP 2x10@75
            Biceps curl 2x10@75
            Front squat 3x115; 3x135; 3x155

            Had deze training weer moeite met MP het 2e setje, tijdens de 15 reppers had ik hier ook al last van.
            In college, a guy from another country told me that he had been "juicing" for a few years. He was a very poor thrower and it made me wonder just how bad he would be if he were "clean."

            If I can drink water, sleep more, and eat normal and still defeat you while you're juicing hard, you probably don't have the aptitude. Sorry. Blame your genes. Dan John.


            • Originally posted by adon1s View Post
              Kleine update. Ben bezig met HST, zit nu in week 4. Heb de gewichten wat lager gehouden in vergelijking met m'n top en het ging me tot nu toe goed af. Training vandaag zag er zo uit:
              Bench 2x10@115
              Wide lat pulldown 2x10@95, nog 5kg en dan kan ik hier niet meer op verhogen, dus hierna maar over op chins
              MP 2x10@70
              Biceps curl 2x10@70
              Front squat 3x115; 3x135; 2x155; 1x165

              Gewicht is nu 93kg., wil toch op zo'n 95+ uitkomen over een maand of 2/3 en dan daarna weer cutten. Goals zijn op het moment vooral massa op de armen erbij en alles een slagje groter. Heb toch het idee dat kracht gainen zonder iets van massa gains erg moeilijk is, dus liever wat meer massa en wat meer kracht gains voor dit moment.
              dit gevoel heb ik zelf ook. als je kracht hard vooruit gaat, pak je altijd wel wat massa. Ik vermoed dat de twee toch enigzins met elkaar correleren, al hoeft dat niet perse liniair te zijn.

              verder zien je trainingen er goed uit.
              More knowledge will just increase your potential. For this potential to be manifested, the knowledge must be applied!


              • Originally posted by sf01 View Post
                ja het voordeel van korte pauzes voor conditie en vetverbranding snap ik.

                Als iemand er toevallig een goed artikel of ebook over heeft, dan hou ik me aanbevolen.
                Ik zal zelf ook ff zoeken wat ik kan vinden.
                dit stukje komt uit:
                The Mechanisms of Muscle Hypertrophy and Their Application to Resistance Training. Schoenfeld, Brad J. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Issue: Volume 24(10), October 2010, pp 2857-2872

                Initiation Of Exercise-Induced Muscle Hypertrophy
                It is hypothesized that 3 primary factors are responsible for initiating the hypertrophic response to resistance exercise: mechanical tension, muscle damage, and metabolic stress (38,79,153,185). The following is an overview of each of these factors.

                Mechanical Tension
                Mechanically induced tension produced both by force generation and stretch is considered essential to muscle growth, and the combination of these stimuli appears to have a pronounced additive effect (48,72,185). More specifically, mechanical overload increases muscle mass while unloading results in atrophy (47). This process appears largely controlled by protein synthetic rate during the initiation of translation (11,87).

                It is believed that tension associated with resistance training disturbs the integrity of skeletal muscle, causing mechano-chemically transduced molecular and cellular responses in myofibers and satellite cells (182). Upstream signaling is thought to occur through a cascade of events that involve growth factors, cytokines, stretch-activated channels, and focal adhesion complexes (23,48,162). Evidence suggests that the downstream process is regulated via the AKT/mTOR pathway, either through direct interaction or by modulating production of phosphatidic acid (72,73). At this point, however, research has not provided a clear understanding of how these processes are carried out.

                During eccentric contractions, passive muscular tension develops because of lengthening of extramyofibrillar elements, especially collagen content in extracellular matrix and titin (182). This augments the active tension developed by the contractile elements, enhancing the hypertrophic response. Both the amplitude and duration of excitation coupling is determined by motor unit (MU) firing frequency, the extent of which are believed to encode signals to various downstream pathways including Ca2+ calmodulin phosphatase calcineurin, CaMKII, and CAMKIV, and PKC (26). These pathways help to determine gene expression, coupling muscle excitation with transcription (182).

                Passive tension produces a hypertrophic response that is fiber-type specific, with an effect seen in fast-twitch but not slow-twitch fibers. This was demonstrated by Prado et al. (139), who found that slow-twitch fibers in rabbits exhibited low passive tension in titin, but the tension was highly variable in fast-twitch fibers.

                Although mechanical tension alone can produce muscle hypertrophy, it is unlikely to be solely responsible for hypertrophic gains associated with exercise (79). In fact, certain resistance training routines employing high degrees of muscle tension have been shown to largely induce neural adaptations without resultant hypertrophy (28,188).

                Muscle Damage
                Exercise training can result in localized damage to muscle tissue which, under certain conditions, is theorized to generate a hypertrophic response (38,69). Damage can be specific to just a few macromolecules of tissue or result in large tears in the sarcolemma, basal lamina, and supportive connective tissue, and induces injury to contractile elements and the cytoskeleton (187). Because the weakest sarcomeres are located at different regions of each myofibril, the nonuniform lengthening causes a shearing of myofibrils. This deforms membranes, particularly T-tubules, leading to a disruption of calcium homeostasis and consequently damage because of tearing of membranes and/or opening of stretch-activated channels (4).

                The response to myotrauma has been likened to the acute inflammatory response to infection. Once damage is perceived by the body, neutrophils migrate to the area of microtrauma and agents are then released by damaged fibers that attract macrophages and lymphocytes. Macrophages remove cellular debris to help maintain the fiber's ultrastructure and produce cytokines that activate myoblasts, macrophages and lymphocytes. This is believed to lead to the release of various growth factors that regulate satellite cell proliferation and differentiation (182,187).

                Furthermore, the area under the myoneural junction contains a high concentration of satellite cells, which have been shown to mediate muscle growth (69,155). This gives credence to the possibility that nerves impinging on damaged fibers might stimulate satellite cell activity, thereby promoting hypertrophy (187).

                Metabolic Stress
                Numerous studies support an anabolic role of exercise-induced metabolic stress (145,149,161) and some have speculated that metabolite accumulation may be more important than high force development in optimizing the hypertrophic response to training (153). Although metabolic stress does not seem to be an essential component of muscular growth (40), a large body of evidence shows that it can have a significant hypertrophic effect, either in a primary or secondary manner. This can be noted empirically by examining the moderate intensity training regimes adopted by many bodybuilders, which are intended to heighten metabolic stress while maintaining significant muscular tension.

                Metabolic stress manifests as a result of exercise that relies on anaerobic glycolysis for ATP production, which results in the subsequent buildup of metabolites such as lactate, hydrogen ion, inorganic phosphate, creatine, and others (169,178). Muscle ischemia also has been shown to produce substantial metabolic stress, and potentially produces an additive hypertrophic effect when combined with glycolytic training (136,182). The stress-induced mechanisms theorized to mediate the hypertophic response include alterations in hormonal milieu, cell swelling, free-radical production, and increased activity of growth-oriented transcription factors (50,51,171). It also has been hypothesized that a greater acidic environment promoted by glycolytic training may lead to increased fiber degradation and greater stimulation of sympathetic nerve activity, thereby mediating an increased adaptive hypertrophic response (22).

                kortere rustpauze is meer metabolic stress. en via dit pad kan een bijdrage geleverd worden aan het winnen van meer spiermassa.

                verder staat er ook nog een specifiek stuk in over rusttijden:
                Rest Interval
                The time taken between sets is referred to as the rest interval. Rest intervals can be classified into 3 broad categories: short (30 seconds or less), moderate (60-90 seconds), and long (3 minutes or more). The use of each of these categories has distinct effects on strength capacity and metabolite buildup, thereby impacting the hypertrophic response (195).

                Short rest intervals tend to generate significant metabolic stress, thereby heightening anabolic processes associated with metabolite buildup (52). However, limiting rest to 30 seconds or less does not allow sufficient time for an athlete to regain muscular strength, significantly impairing muscular performance in subsequent sets (137,141). Thus, the hypertrophic benefits associated with greater metabolic stress are seemingly counterbalanced by a decreased strength capacity, making short rest intervals suboptimal for maximizing hypertrophic gains.

                Long rest intervals afford full recovery of strength between sets, facilitating the ability to train with maximum force capacity (121). de Salles et al.
                (32) displayed that rest intervals of 3-5 minutes allowed for greater repetitions over multiple sets when training with loads between 50 and 90% of 1RM. However, although mechanical tension is maximized by long rest periods, metabolic stress is compromised (92,94). This may blunt anabolic drive, attenuating a maximal hypertrophic response.

                Moderate rest intervals appear to provide a satisfactory compromise between long and short rest periods for maximizing the muscle hypertrophy. Research indicates that a majority of an athlete's strength capacity is recovered within the first minute after cessation of a set (168). Moreover, consistently training with shorter rest intervals leads to adaptations that ultimately allow a lifter to sustain a significantly higher mean percentage of 1RM during training (95). These adaptations include increased capillary and mitochondrial density and an improved capacity to buffer H+ and shuttle it out of muscle, thereby minimizing performance decrements.

                Moderate rest intervals also help to enhance the body's anabolic environment to a greater extent than longer rest intervals. For one, moderate rest induces greater hypoxia, heightening the potential for increased muscular growth (182). Moderate rest also is associated with a greater metabolic buildup, mediating a large spike in anabolic hormonal concentrations after exercise (94). However, there is some evidence that this hormonal advantage is not sustained over time. Buresh et al. (22) compared the anabolic hormonal response to routines with rest intervals of 1 vs. 2.5 minutes. Although the shorter rest intervals had a significantly greater impact on elevating GH levels in the early stages of the protocol, the difference in hormonal response was not significant between routines by end of the fifth week and was nonexistent by week 10. This suggests a postadaptive response by the muscles to reduced rest intervals, lending support to the need for periodization in a hypertrophy-oriented resistance training program.


                een leuk artikel wat aan dit thema gerelateerd is:
                Reps Per Set for Optimal Growth | BodyRecomposition - The Home of Lyle McDonald

                hoop dat je hiermee een antwoord op je vragen hebt.
                More knowledge will just increase your potential. For this potential to be manifested, the knowledge must be applied!


                • Originally posted by dynobet View Post
                  dit gevoel heb ik zelf ook. als je kracht hard vooruit gaat, pak je altijd wel wat massa. Ik vermoed dat de twee toch enigzins met elkaar correleren, al hoeft dat niet perse liniair te zijn.

                  verder zien je trainingen er goed uit.
                  Tnx man. Ik ben de laatste 3 jaar denk 5kg vvm aangekomen, vaak was het idd zo dat krachtgains massagains waren. M'n streven is nu om de beachboy plekken wat beter aan te pakken en vraagt dus ook om een andere tactiek.

                  Update van m'n training (week 6).
                  Bench 2x5@130, erg easy, had het gevoel dat de 10 reps vandaag hierop wel haalbaar was
                  T-rows 2x5@130
                  MP 2x5@75
                  BB curls 2x5@75
                  Wijde chins 6,5 @ bw
                  Fr squat 3x115, 1x155

                  Had vorige week de 175 gepakt op de frontsquat, denk m'n 1rm nu wel iets hoger licht als 180. Ik zit eraan te denken om er nog 2 weken aan vast te plakken. Het eerste setje 3 reps en het setje erna 15 reps, gewoon om te proberen.
                  In college, a guy from another country told me that he had been "juicing" for a few years. He was a very poor thrower and it made me wonder just how bad he would be if he were "clean."

                  If I can drink water, sleep more, and eat normal and still defeat you while you're juicing hard, you probably don't have the aptitude. Sorry. Blame your genes. Dan John.


                  • Bench 2x5@135, 1e setje easy, 2e setje begon iemand tegen me te praten en kon ik me niet goed concentreren maar ging alsnog redelijk gemakkelijk
                    T-rows 5x130, 5x135
                    MP 5x82,5, 5x80
                    BB curls 2x5@80
                    Fr squat 3x115, 3x135, 2x155
                    In college, a guy from another country told me that he had been "juicing" for a few years. He was a very poor thrower and it made me wonder just how bad he would be if he were "clean."

                    If I can drink water, sleep more, and eat normal and still defeat you while you're juicing hard, you probably don't have the aptitude. Sorry. Blame your genes. Dan John.


                    • mooie cijfertjes


                      • Originally posted by ReaLKoYu View Post
                        mooie cijfertjes
                        Ja mooi he, hou niet van kwartjes

                        Bench 2x5@140
                        T-rows 2x5@140
                        MP 4x90
                        BB curls 2x5@85
                        Wijde chins en abs
                        In college, a guy from another country told me that he had been "juicing" for a few years. He was a very poor thrower and it made me wonder just how bad he would be if he were "clean."

                        If I can drink water, sleep more, and eat normal and still defeat you while you're juicing hard, you probably don't have the aptitude. Sorry. Blame your genes. Dan John.


                        • Je bent weer lekker aan het opbouwen tijger!
                          Mooie gewichten weer en dat gaat weer vlot omhoog?

                          Goed bezig weer met knallen. Super.
                          1e Masters Superbody YBF 2011!
                          Go M.U.D. Mart's Ultimate Diet ©


                          • -.- Mooi ? Dit is gewoon triest voor beginnende noobs zoals mij. kan 50 kilo 5 keer omhoogduwen ... de weg is nog lang roger... respect man wat zijn je stats als ik weten mag ?


                            • Originally posted by marnop View Post
                              Je bent weer lekker aan het opbouwen tijger!
                              Mooie gewichten weer en dat gaat weer vlot omhoog?

                              Goed bezig weer met knallen. Super.
                              Hey ja het gaat weer lekker Ik hoop dat ze weer vlug omhoog gaan. Deze laatste week stond ik eigenlijk wel een beetje van te kijken omdat ik voorheen pas 1 setje van 7x140 heb gepakt met een paar dagen rust ervoor. Had dan ook niet verwacht om 2x5@140 te pakken met een smallere grip en een wat vollere trainingsweek. Ik ben nog aan het twijfelen of ik HST nog even doortrek, of dat ik direct aan een split begin.

                              @straatvechter: ben nu 93kg bij 1,76
                              In college, a guy from another country told me that he had been "juicing" for a few years. He was a very poor thrower and it made me wonder just how bad he would be if he were "clean."

                              If I can drink water, sleep more, and eat normal and still defeat you while you're juicing hard, you probably don't have the aptitude. Sorry. Blame your genes. Dan John.


                              • Ga vandaag aan een nieuw schema beginnen. Ga er heel rustig inkomen. Dit schema is weer puur gebaseerd op het verbeteren van de beach muscles, borst en armen. Ik ga m'n armblaster weer gebruiken en neem m'n spanbanden voortaan weer mee met trainen. Bodyweight fly heb ik goeie ervaringen mee en is er daarom veel in verwerkt.

                                Day 1 Sets/Reps % max Rest
                                A Militairy press 3 x 3 75% 120 sec.

                                B Bodyweight flyes 5 x 6 bw 60 sec.

                                C Incline DB press 5 x 6 90 sec.

                                D Skull crushers 3 x 8 90 sec.

                                Day 2 Sets/Reps Rest
                                A Arnold bb curl 10 x 3 90 sec.

                                B Wide grip chins 10 x 3 bw 90 sec.

                                C T-bar row 3 x 8 90 sec.

                                D Good morning 3 x 8 90 sec.

                                Day 4 Sets/Reps Rest
                                A1 Flat Bench Press 3x (2,3,5) 30 sec.

                                A2 Bodyweight flyes 9 x 3 bw 60 sec.

                                B Incline DB press 3 x 8 90 sec.

                                C Pushdowns Tempo contrast 3 x 8 90 sec.

                                Day 5 Sets/Reps Rest
                                A Arnold bb curl 10x3 60 sec.

                                B Back Squats 5 x 1 180 sec.

                                C Wide grip chins 10x3 bw 90 sec.
                                In college, a guy from another country told me that he had been "juicing" for a few years. He was a very poor thrower and it made me wonder just how bad he would be if he were "clean."

                                If I can drink water, sleep more, and eat normal and still defeat you while you're juicing hard, you probably don't have the aptitude. Sorry. Blame your genes. Dan John.


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