Originally posted by Aldo Raine
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Aldo's Log.
Originally posted by rainman View PostMag ook hier hoor,dat vinden andere mensen ook wel interressant,waaronder ik.
Dag East,
Zoals beloofd even een toelichting. Ik train de laatste tijd in een fullbody vorm of een split Ub/Lb. Hiervoor trainde ik altijd in een 6 of 3 dagen push/pull/legs. Ik begon altijd met een van de grote drie die ik puur op powerlifting pakte. Hierna pakte ik twee andere oefeningen die ik meer op een bodybuilding manier pakte. Aangezien ik nu in fullbody train heb ik vaak met meerdere grote oefeningen te maken. Daarom pak ik vaak de grotere compounds op 2x8x85 om daarna over te gaan richting het kracht gedeelte van 3x3 of 3x5. Dit is eigenlijk een soort van zelf ontwikkelde manier van trainen wat goed aanslaat bij mij persoonlijk. Als je nog vragen heb hoor ik het wel!
Mike O'hearn legt het in de onderstaande video's goed uit misschien dat het hierdoor wat duidelijker voor je word.
Mike O'Hearn Power Lifting Program - Bodybuilding.com - YouTube
Mike O'Hearn Power Bodybuilding Back - Bodybuilding.com - YouTube
This back workout is centered on some crazy-ass, heavier-than-hell deadlifts and only two secondary lifts: one-arm rows and pulldowns. After you finish these deadlifts, that's all you're going to have left in the tank. Trust me.
This is one example of a Power Bodybuilding workout. Your weights and reps will change depending on where you are in the 12-week program.
Follow that program to the letter, and you too will end up with a big S stamped across your chest.
The deadlift is the best lift in weightlifting. It hits EVERYTHING. It's the superhero lift, the beast lift, the man lift. You can cheat a squat by not going deep, but with the deadlift, there's no cheating. You just grab hold of that bar and rip it from the ground like a freakin' caveman.
Take your time. Warm up slowly. Conserve energy. Don't rush through this. Save your energy for the heavy weights. Wait till you hit the working sets before you really work it.
I don't use straps. You can't use 'em in competition, why use 'em here? I switch grip every set. I don't listen to music. I don't need that to get psyched. I like the noise of the weight. I like feeling the heavy weight tear down my fibers. Go heavy enough, and the next day, you'll feel everything hurting - but in a good way.
It's not a slow pull for me. I rip it up. People ask, "Aren't you going to hurt your back?" but I don't know why people think that way. I don't get hurt. I don't worry. I just destroy the weight. It's not the other way around.
When I deadlift, I'm already putting density and thickness in the mid-back. The one-arm rows hit the lower and outer lat. Beautiful exercise to give you nice wingspan.
Take a wide-screen grip for pull-downs. You know how to do pull-downs, don't you? If you don't, I'm going to come through that screen and slap you silly. Do pull-downs to the chest instead of behind the neck. You get a longer pull down to the chest, more of a squeeze.
Ready? Go out and be great.
Mike O'Hearn Power Bodybuilding Legs - Bodybuilding.com - YouTube
Everybody asks me, "How do you, at 6-foot-3, 260 pounds, have such large legs?" That leg size comes from squatting. That's really the only exercise that's going to give you that thickness, that size, that density that you need.
Mind you, I don't use straps or belts. I just squat and I squat correctly.
This is one example of a Power Bodybuilding workout. Your weights and reps will change depending on where you are in the 12-week program.
Follow that program to the letter, and you too will end up with a big S stamped across your chest.
If you think this is too intense for you, remember Wolff's Law: The bones of a healthy person will remodel themselves over time to become stronger as they adapt to the increased resistance of blunt force trauma. Your body will adapt to become super human, the total package.
I don't stretch before squatting. I stretch out in the movements, in the hole, the bottom. I'll sit there for a second, wiggle around, get comfortable, and push some blood in there. If you start working out without blood in the muscle - well, that's how people injure themselves.
I put the bar between my traps and rear delts with a wider-than-shoulder-width grip. When I drop, I sit into the hole. I don't want half reps. You don't half bench. Why half squat?
I believe in full recovery between sets. I take as long as I want; I don't rush. This full-body exercise is a mass-builder-from-within. It makes you superhuman.
On the leg press, go deep in the hole. Take your time on this one too. Recover a bit, but every two minutes, get in there and do reps into the hole. Use proper form and full range of motion. That way, you don't get injured.
For leg extensions, definitely bring it all the way to the top and squeeze, even hold it for a second. At this point, you're done. You're going to be able to wobble home ... I guess.
This is a big head game. You gotta be mentally ready for this. It's a tough workout, but I've got faith in you. If I can do this, anybody can do this. But, this is about you. It's not about the contest you're doing, the judges, your friends, your parents, your girlfriend or your boyfriend. It's about you. C'mon man, dig deep. Get into the gym. Make it happen. Try this out.
Who doesn't love leg day?
Mike O'Hearn Power Bodybuilding Chest - Bodybuilding.com - YouTube
I do powerlifting and bodybuilding together. It's a hybrid workout that builds shocking chest strength. These are heavy weights, so use good form - but don't be afraid to go big.
This is one example of a Power Bodybuilding workout. Your weights and reps will change depending on where you are in the 12-week program.
Follow that program to the letter, and you too will end up with a big S stamped across your chest.
I don't go 10-to-12 reps like a lot of people do. Here's my little trick: I do low reps but a lot of sets. I like the poundage. I'm partial to free weights, but even with machines, I'll just go heavy for 5-to-6 reps, even when I'm preparing for a bodybuilding show. I let diet do the rest.
When I go light, I fade away. Supermen don't fade away. I'm a natural bodybuilder, always have been. Keep the weights heavy if you're a natural bodybuilder and want to build that extra size.
I start my chest workouts with incline presses to target upper chest. I go heavy - of course - but don't arch much. I bring it down in a nice, controlled motion. But the upstroke is an explosion.
For flat bench dumbbell press, use a spotter to help save your back. Watch your form here. Don't swing or bounce it. Take it down nice and slow and then pump it up.
Next up, flyes. You want to take your arms far out to the sides, stretching your chest. Again, keep it heavy. And that's it. But your chest will be annihilated, trust me.
I rest 3-to-5 minutes between sets. This may seem like a lot but I want to recover completely when I'm training for power and strength. The body needs it. Despite such long breaks, the pump remains. Credit - or blame - the poundage. It's tearing down the chest; the fibers are just getting torn up right now, in a good way.
To sum up, go heavy, heavy, heavy. You're going to love having that extra strength.
Don't be me. Be better than me.
Groetjes Aldo.Skeggǫld, Skálmǫld, Skildir ro Klofnir.
Bench press
Dumbell Row
Cable Flyes
Latt pulldown
Shoulder press
Een iets rustigere training aangezien ik vandaag vrij futloos was. Verder de dumbell row gepakt vanwege een zure onderrug en de 3x3 bench ben ik ook tevreden over. Komt langzaam weer terug met deze oefening. Paar weken niet gedaan en wat kleine techniek veranderingen toegepast. Misschien morgen als ik tijd heb nog wat schouder, armen en buik werk in combinatie met cardio.Skeggǫld, Skálmǫld, Skildir ro Klofnir.
Mike o hearn wat een geile bruut sterke fucker is dat toch .
als je hem hoort praten dan wil je gewoon de gym ingaan .You gotta love yourself ! If you've been training for more then a year and your afraid to show your muscle then ... WHY are you doing it for ? Thats like being a millionaire and still homeless Kali Muscle
The upper back is the new chest Defranco
Originally posted by Aldo Raine View PostDankje fitte god. Goed te doen dat nummer met een biertje in de zon. Zei ik nou bier op dit forum!?Begeleiding nodig bij voeding en /of training?
Originally posted by akito View PostGaat lekker maatje, ga zo door
Originally posted by quibus View PostSlagroom rauw uit een pak is niks mis mee hoor, deed dat toen ik keto deed goede vetbron
Originally posted by pescatore View PostJij drinkt zomaar een biertje met dit weer? Ik zal het niet doorvertellen aan de echte, ambitieuze kampioenen op dit forum maar dit gaat wel ver hoor! Laat het niet weer gebeuren, je zit zeker ook met zakken chips op de bank he, zo ben jij wel en drinkt slagroom rauw uit het pak.Skeggǫld, Skálmǫld, Skildir ro Klofnir.
Bench press
Barbell Row
Pull ups
Shoulder press
Skullcrushers - Barbell curl superset
Aardig zware training vooral op de eerste 5 oefeningen. Rustig opgebouwd en daarna 3 sets proberen te toppen. Geen extreme max opgezocht aangezien het vrij rustig was vanochtend vroeg en de enige spotters waren een paar bejaarden. Dat gaat hem niet worden natuurlijk.Skeggǫld, Skálmǫld, Skildir ro Klofnir.
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